


The 2024 Republican National Convention starts its celebratory programming Monday as Republicans officially nominate President Trump for the third time and will spend four nights in Milwaukee, Wisconsin rallying support ahead of November’s election.

The main action for the quadrennial event will be held from July 15-18 at the Fiserv Forum, an arena that is the home of the Milwaukee Bucks professional basketball team. More than 50,000 people, including hundreds of journalists from around the world, are expected to attend.

There will be the usual convention tasks throughout the four days. Delegates, almost 2,400 of them, must approve a platform and formally designate the presidential ticket: Trump and his yet-to-be-named running mate. They’ll hear from both national candidates and a slew of others rallying support for Trump and taking aim at Democrats.

The RNC has not yet released the full detailed schedule for the event, but several speakers have already been announced including Donald Trump Jr. who reportedly will occupy the speaking slot directly in front of his father.

Also speaking at the convention, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, former First Lady Melania Trump, Teamsters President Sean O’Brien, UFC President Dana White, model Amber Rose, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and Indiana Congressman Jim Banks.

There will also be several everyday Americans impacted by President Biden’s disastrous economic and border policies, in addition to skyrocketing crime, slated to speak. 

Michael Morin, the brother of Rachel Morin, the Maryland mother of 5 who was brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant, will be speaking. Fraternity brothers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who went viral for saving the American flag at an anti-Israel protest are also expected to speak, among others.

Trump is expected to accept the nomination with a speech on July 18, the final night of the convention, and his vice presidential pick is expected to be announced by July 15. Trump’s VP will then address the convention on July 17.

Fox News Media will present special live coverage of the 2024 Republican National Convention beginning Sunday, July 14th through Thursday, July 18th.

‘Originating from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the network’s convention coverage will be available across all of FOX News Media’s platforms, including FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Audio, FOX News Digital and FOX Nation,’ a press release said.

‘Make America Wealthy Again’ is the theme for Monday’s program, which will focus on how ‘President Trump’s America First economic policies slashed cumbersome regulations, cut tax rates, and reworked trade deals to create a fairer playing field for American industry and workers.’

Tuesday’s theme will be ‘Make America Safe Once Again’ where the focus will be on skyrocketing crime in many cities causing them to become what the campaign calls ‘hollowed out, dystopian nightmares thanks to Joe Biden and Democrats’ woke soft-on-crime and open border policies.

‘Make America Strong Once Again’ will highlight Trump’s foreign policy accomplishments and agenda as the theme for Wednesday.

On Thursday, the final day, the theme will be, ‘Make America Great Once Again.’

‘President Donald J. Trump will usher in a new golden age for America. At home and abroad, America’s standing will be restored,’ the campaign says.

‘American families will once again experience prosperity, safety, and strength. Our decaying and decrepit cities and communities will experience a resurgence. Americans will once again have reason to harbor hope and optimism for the future of our country. President Trump will Make America Great Once Again!’

The Republican Party’s platform, a formal statement of policy positions, was approved by its platform committee and released on Monday. It is expected to be approved on the first day of the national convention next week.

The 16-page platform embraces Trump’s position that the issue of abortion is to be determined by individual U.S. states. It makes no mention of a federal ban or protecting a fetus as a person under the U.S. Constitution – tenets that have been included in past platforms and were demanded by a cadre of influential evangelicals.

The platform, which is not binding, also pledges that Trump and Republicans will build a missile defense shield over the United States, carry out ‘the largest deportation in American history’ of people in the country illegally, make permanent Trump’s signature tax cuts and pass ‘large tax cuts for workers.’ It says they will demolish foreign drug cartels, protect Medicare and Social Security benefits, and support public funds being used for private school tuition.

Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report

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It is a talking point we’ve heard ad nauseam since the President Joe Biden debate debacle in Atlanta and one we can expect to hear even more should Democrat power brokers convince the ‘Big Guy’ to step aside for the good of the nation.

Paraphrasing: Joe Biden is a decent/good/honest man who has enjoyed a highly successful presidency and has served his country selflessly and honorably for decades. 

But let’s be clear. As one of the very few people in this business to write a book on the man going back to his days in law school, I can say without fear of contradiction that Joe Biden is most certainly NOT a good or decent or honest man. In fact, he’s quite the opposite.

Biden also has not enjoyed even a moderately successful presidency. The cost of living is up more than 20 percent since he took office. Gas prices are up 50 percent. Violent crime has driven law-abiding citizens out of major American cities (all run by Democrats with liberal district attorneys) to red states like Texas, Tennessee and Florida.

The president’s disastrous border policies have allowed more than 10 million people to enter this country illegally, including hundreds on the terror watch list. Education test scores are at their lowest levels in decades. The U.S. has provided Ukraine with a virtual blank check to fight a war against Russia that is in a hopeless stalemate. The U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan was one of the most tragic and humiliating moments in our country’s history. And China’s posture toward Taiwan has never been more aggressive.

Otherwise, wow… What a success!

But getting back to Biden’s character, does a good or decent or honest man so plagiarize his work and speeches, both in law school and as a presidential candidate, as he did in 1988? 

Does a good or decent or honest man blatantly play the race card to win votes, as he did in 2020 by insisting he was arrested while on the porch with a Black couple during the civil rights era? Because that never happened.

Does a good or decent or honest man tell families in Maui, some of whom lost family members and/or their homes, that he could relate to what they were going through by saying he and his family (and Corvette) also survived a raging fire in his home that nearly killed his wife and cat? Because the fire chief at the time said the blaze was a small kitchen fire that was quickly extinguished and endangered no one.

Does a good or decent or honest man pretend his 7th grandchild doesn’t exist simply because she was the product of his crack-addicted son’s fling?

Does a good or decent or honest man warn that then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney was going to put Blacks ‘back in chains’ if elected? 

Does a good or decent or honest man use his late son as a prop over and over when talking to Gold Star families by saying his son Beau also died while on active duty in Iraq? Because Beau died of cancer years after coming home. 

Joe Biden has failed upwards his entire life and has lied so many times along the way, it’s impossible to list them all without going over a 100,000-word limit. Here are just a few of the biggest whoppers with cheese. 

I once drove an 18-wheeler.
No soldiers died under my watch.
I inherited 9 percent inflation.
The Inflation Reduction Act’ is the strongest bill you can pass to lower inflation.
I inherited a God-awful mess at the border.
The Border Patrol endorsed me.
I taught a political theory class at Penn.
I’ve traveled 17,000 miles with Xi Jinping.
My uncle was eaten by cannibals.

I still can’t over that last one…

You get the point. Joe Biden is not, and has never been, a good, decent or honest man, despite what every panicked Democrat and many media members insist as they try to coax him into retirement. He’s been a lousy president since 2021, and a lousy guy for at least a half century.

And that’s no lie.

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The news media is finally doing real reporting and asking tough questions. Recently, White House correspondents repeatedly questioned Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about why a Parkinson’s expert has visited the White House so many times, leading to a heated exchange. After ignoring President Joe Biden’s clear signs of cognitive decline, these outlets now appear to be engaging in honest journalism. It all shows that the media is still capable of doing its job — holding the most powerful man in the world to account — when it wants to.

But the media’s overnight reversal on Biden also exposes its cover-up of Biden’s decline over the last four years. The media’s newfound interest in Biden’s health, and the skill with which they are examining it now, exposes its complicity in a massive deception. His decline was already visible in 2020. Anyone who has watched the compilations of videos from the last few years can see for themselves that Biden has been losing his ability to move, speak, and think.

And yet, as recently as June 21, The New York Times published an article suggesting that videos of Biden showing signs of confusion were simply ‘cheap fakes,’ clips that were edited or taken out of context. In an article headlined ‘How Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden as He Battles Age Doubts,’ a team of three reporters dismissed the videos through a naked appeal to the hyper-partisanship of their readers. ‘In the last two weeks,’ they wrote, ‘conservative news outlets, the Republican National Committee and the Trump team have circulated videos of Mr. Biden that lacked important context and twisted mundane moments to paint him in an unflattering light.’

This is not to deny that the media’s turn on Biden has produced valuable reporting. For example, a radio host told CNN that the Biden campaign gave her questions to ask him. Axios reported that Biden’s staffers ‘prepare a short document with large print and photos that include his precise path to a podium.’ And the media is now reporting that Biden may have Parkinson’s.

But the media’s aggressive coverage of Biden’s problems now further undermines public trust. The media’s war on Biden is its latest effort to keep former president Donald Trump out of the White House. The decision to conceal Biden’s impairment, and then to finally tell the truth, is part of the same strategy to manipulate voters.

It’s obvious for everyone to see that the media’s sudden criticism of Biden is not motivated by honesty, but rather a desire to, once again, prevent Trump from taking office. As former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson wrote in Semafor, ‘I worry that too many journalists didn’t try to get the story because they did not want to be accused of helping elect Trump. I get that.’

The media, the deep state establishment, and America’s globalized oligarchical elites in 2012 had two presidential candidates they approved of in Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Today, they actively disapprove of both candidates. We are thus in an extraordinary situation where Trump could win an electoral college landslide and the Republicans could win both houses of Congress or at least significantly increase their representation.

The media colluded with Democratic Party elites and the White House to conceal the signs of Biden’s aging, telling voters not to believe their own eyes.

The media had already lost the trust of Republicans with its war on Trump since 2016. Now, it may lose the trust of many Democrats, who constitute the mainstream media’s core audience. The media colluded with Democratic Party elites and the White House to conceal the signs of Biden’s aging, telling voters not to believe their own eyes. Only once the polls definitively showed that this tactic had failed, and Biden had his disastrous debate for all to see, did Democrats and their media allies confess that Biden may be unfit for the presidency.

Two of the most powerful political institutions in society, the Democratic Party and the news media, are imploding. What went wrong for America’s liberal Democratic and media establishment? And what are the implications for what happens next?

Party Elites Thought They Knew Best

The media’s treatment of Biden is part of a larger pattern. In 2020, government bureaucrats, intelligence officials, and the news media went to great lengths to ensure Biden’s victory over Trump. After years of undermining his presidency through the Russia collusion hoax, the political establishment and the media stoked unrest with Black Lives Matter riots, encouraged hysteria about Covid-19, and pressured social media companies to censor accurate information.

With the Hunter Biden laptop, the news media, former intelligence officials, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) all worked to ensure that the story would be dismissed as a Russian influence operation. Civil society also participated in this coordinated interference. The Twitter Files showed that in September 2020, the US government-funded Aspen Institute hosted a tabletop exercise with social media executives and national security journalists in order to manipulate their approach to the laptop story.

Democrats and Never Trumpers planned other ways to prevent Trump from being reelected. In June 2020, former Defense Department senior official Rosa Brooks organized a simulation exercise called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) for 100 political operatives, journalists, and academics. Attendees included Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, Democratic National Committee Acting Chair Donna Brazile, and journalists David Frum and Bill Kristol. The TIP exercise generated plans to prevent Trump from taking office if he won the electoral vote.

In February 2021, Time Magazine published ‘The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election,’ in which operatives celebrated how they interfered to secure a Biden victory in 2020. ‘The system didn’t work magically,’ Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy told Time. ‘Democracy is not self-executing.’

Participants, the Time article stated, ‘want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream – a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.’

Since 2015, the media, the Democratic Party, and the intelligence community have worked tirelessly to ‘control the flow of information’ to defeat Trump. The result was the installation of a president, Biden, who cannot truly act as president, allowing unelected bureaucrats to control the executive branch of government fully.

It’s the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and news media, not the Party’s primary voters, that in 2016, 2020, and 2024 determined who would be the party’s presidential candidate. Democratic Party elites have taken extraordinary measures to prevent a proper competition between its favored candidates. In 2016, party elites acted through the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to coordinate with Hillary Clinton. The Clinton team was able to control the party’s finances and strategy before she became the candidate in order to prevent a head-to-head competition with Senator Bernie Sanders.

In 2020, DNC elites chose Biden as the only candidate who could defeat Sanders and then successfully forced former mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar out of the race. These candidates then endorsed Biden at a pivotal moment, leading to Sanders’ defeat. And in 2024, DNC elites prevented significant competition between Biden and potential primary challengers, despite Biden’s clear signs of aging and cognitive decline.

In 2016 and 2020, the Democratic Party, its donors, and the media took extraordinary actions to prevent a populist and democratic socialist candidate, Bernie Sanders, from winning the nomination. In retrospect, given everything that’s happened since, it’s obvious that there was a financial and economic motivation to this, which is the same motivation behind the American globalized elites’ war on Trump. The DNC elites feared Sanders because, in 2016, he favored less migration, in order to protect working-class Americans from downward wage pressure, re-negotiating trade agreements so they benefited American manufacturing, and not getting involved in foreign wars.

The Democratic Party, unlike the Republican Party, ultimately sided with the elites. Where Trump stood up to Republican elites, Sanders eventually dropped his opposition. In 2016, Sanders actively helped Clinton including by urging the media to stop covering potential criminal activity by her in keeping a private email server while Secretary of State. Republican elites en masse opposed Trump but he never backed down and won the nomination as a result. While there are many reasons why Trump succeeded where Sanders failed, one of them may simply be that Trump was rich, confident, and powerful enough to be able to stand up to Republican oligarchs, whereas Sanders was simply unable to do so.

It’s now clear that this DNC strategy of overriding the demands of the Democratic base was catastrophic. President Joe Biden has actually never faced real competition and is therefore, like Hillary Clinton, a very weak candidate. He insists he will not step aside to allow another Democrat to become the party’s nominee. Democratic Party elites may still find a way to force him to step down. But doing so will only further undermine their credibility. And the Party will be left with either elites picking a candidate or a highly divisive contest between them. Either way, the damage to the Democratic brand is alarming Democratic members of Congress in swing districts who fear they won’t be re-elected.

What, in the end, went wrong for America’s liberal Democratic and media establishment? The elites that control the media and the DNC undermined democracy within the Democratic Party. They did so out of an arrogant belief in their own political judgment as superior to that of the party’s base. They were too entitled, narcissistic, and hypnotized by their own self-righteous hatred of Trump to consider the unintended consequences of sidelining Sanders in 2016 and 2020 and of shielding Biden from competition in 2024. In short, the media and Democratic Party were too elitist and too undemocratic to see the peril they had put their party and country in until it was too late.

Legitimation Crisis

None of this means that the US will necessarily turn to anti-establishment populism in response. There are still scenarios where either Biden or some other Democrat defeats Trump. There are scenarios where Democrats survive and maintain control over one or both houses of Congress. National populism was expected to sweep Europe, but instead, the Left won big in the UK and united in France to defeat the right-wing populist National Rally of Marine Le Pen. And if the last decade has taught us anything, it’s that we should expect the unexpected in politics.

But the backlash against the media, deep state, and corporate establishment is only growing stronger in the West. Even if Trump were to lose the November elections, his consolidation of the Republican Party around MAGA nationalist principles is complete. Trump loyalists control the Republican National Committee (RNC), the party platform is focused on nationalist issues like migration, not divisive ones like abortion, and the media has been softening its rage against MAGA Republicans like potential Trump running mate, Senator JD Vance. Until very recently, the media had, en masse, denounced Vance as a crass opportunist. Now, he’s being interviewed respectfully, if still aggressively, by Meet the Press’s Kristen Welker and given abundant space in the New York Times to make his case for nationalist populism.

This is not to say that America’s media and foreign policy establishment elites are in any way backing off their war on democracy, free speech, and liberalism. The media continue to misrepresent legitimate journalistic efforts, including by us, to expose government-funded censorship advocacy. The media continue to suggest that any investigation of crimes by the Biden family is somehow unjustified, despite a long record of influence-peddling exposed by Hunter Biden’s laptop. And the media and DNC elites continue to act as though they should decide who can and can’t be president.

But by undermining the democratic process for selecting candidates within the DNC, by protecting President Biden from scrutiny and competition, and by going to war against Biden now that the charade could no longer be maintained, the Democratic Party and media elites created a crisis of legitimacy for themselves that may take years and a change of leadership to recover from.

Prominent journalists and news networks did not just overlook Biden’s difficulties, they willfully misled the public about his fitness for office and gave Democrats a platform to blatantly lie about Biden being ‘sharp as a tack’ and ‘on top of his game.’ The media behaved arrogantly and delusionally, imagining that they could convince viewers not to believe their lying eyes.

It shouldn’t surprise us that the media, deep state agencies like the FBI, and the DNC are all facing a crisis of legitimacy at the same time. The numbers speak for themselves. Fifty-three percent of Americans surveyed say the FBI is doing a fair or poor job compared to the 46% who say it’s doing a good or excellent one. Just 32% of Americans say they trust the media, and the media’s cover-up and war on Biden may reduce from 58% the percentage of Democrats who say they trust it. Institutions with so little trust cannot last. They will either change or be replaced.

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Democrats and the GOP had wildly different perspectives on President Joe Biden’s highly anticipated NATO Summit news conference, with Republicans dubbing the event another campaign win in Trump’s back pocket and Democrats having mixed reactions.

Even so, there was a tone shift among some Democrats who thought Biden’s performance was ‘strong.’ One Democratic activist went so far as to say he believes there are ‘people who owe President Biden an apology’ after the president’s press conference. The comments come after Democrat lawmakers and pundits alike have either called on Biden to drop out of the race or expressed concerns about his aging.

Meanwhile, a Trump campaign official told Fox News Digital after Thursday night’s press conference, ‘It appears Biden did enough to convince his apologists that he should remain on the ballot, but he also reinforced what the American people know.’ 

‘Their lives are being hurt by his weakness and failure on a daily basis,’ the source said.

Donald Trump Jr., who is a top surrogate for this father, said on his Rumble livestream that Biden did ‘fine enough to be able to stay in it’ but later shared a social media post that blended the faces of Trump and Harris together and said ‘Vice President Trump.’

Veteran Republican consultant Dave Carney told Fox News the news conference ‘couldn’t have been better’ for Biden.

Biden started out earlier in the day stumbling when he introduced Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as ‘President Putin’ at the NATO summit in Washington, D.C. He immediately caught his gaffe and corrected himself. However, later during the evening press conference, he also referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘Vice President Trump’ and did not correct himself.

During and after the press conference, Biden’s immediate team and many of his allies were quick to tout the event as an overwhelming success. A source familiar with the workings of the Biden campaign also said that Biden had exceeded expectations with a thorough discussion of foreign policy.

The source added, however, that the press conference alone won’t ultimately convince voters but that continued campaigning and travel by Biden should.

Some Democrats claimed that the president’s answers regarding foreign policy issues showed him to have expertise in international affairs.

‘To answer the question on everyone’s minds: No, Joe Biden does not have a doctorate in foreign affairs. He’s just that f—ing good,’ White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates wrote in a post to X.

Joel Rubin, a former State Department official during the Obama administration, considered Biden’s performance to be ‘very strong.’

‘This is a very strong performance. Quite frankly. ⁦@POTUS⁩ is putting on a master class in how foreign policy and domestic policy intersect, explaining how crucial American global leadership is to our people here at home. Well done, Mr. President,’ Rubin wrote in a post on X.

Democrats remain largely divided on whether Biden should suspend his re-election campaign and allow another candidate to go head-to-head with Trump in November. On Friday, Fox News confirmed that another House Democrat, California Rep. Mike Levin, has joined the chorus of lawmakers calling on Biden to step aside.

At least 10 House Democrats and one in the Senate have publicly called on Biden to end his re-election bid, and a growing number of both House and Senate Democrats have publicly and privately warned that the president will lose to Trump in November.

Fox News Digital’s Timothy H.J. Nerozzi and Paul Steisenhauer contributed to this report.

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Democrats and the GOP had wildly different perspectives on President Joe Biden’s highly anticipated NATO Summit news conference, with Republicans dubbing the event another campaign win in Trump’s back pocket and Democrats having mixed reactions.

Even so, there was a tone shift among some Democrats who thought Biden’s performance was ‘strong.’ One Democratic activist went so far as to say he believes there are ‘people who owe President Biden an apology’ after the president’s press conference. The comments come after Democrat lawmakers and pundits alike have either called on Biden to drop out of the race or expressed concerns about his aging.

Meanwhile, a Trump campaign official told Fox News Digital after Thursday night’s press conference, ‘It appears Biden did enough to convince his apologists that he should remain on the ballot, but he also reinforced what the American people know.’ 

‘Their lives are being hurt by his weakness and failure on a daily basis,’ the source said.

Donald Trump Jr., who is a top surrogate for this father, said on his Rumble livestream that Biden did ‘fine enough to be able to stay in it’ but later shared a social media post that blended the faces of Trump and Harris together and said ‘Vice President Trump.’

Veteran Republican consultant Dave Carney told Fox News the news conference ‘couldn’t have been better’ for Biden.

Biden started out earlier in the day stumbling when he introduced Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as ‘President Putin’ at the NATO summit in Washington, D.C. He immediately caught his gaffe and corrected himself. However, later during the evening press conference, he also referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘Vice President Trump’ and did not correct himself.

During and after the press conference, Biden’s immediate team and many of his allies were quick to tout the event as an overwhelming success. A source familiar with the workings of the Biden campaign also said that Biden had exceeded expectations with a thorough discussion of foreign policy.

The source added, however, that the press conference alone won’t ultimately convince voters but that continued campaigning and travel by Biden should.

Some Democrats claimed that the president’s answers regarding foreign policy issues showed him to have expertise in international affairs.

‘To answer the question on everyone’s minds: No, Joe Biden does not have a doctorate in foreign affairs. He’s just that f—ing good,’ White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates wrote in a post to X.

Joel Rubin, a former State Department official during the Obama administration, considered Biden’s performance to be ‘very strong.’

‘This is a very strong performance. Quite frankly. ⁦@POTUS⁩ is putting on a master class in how foreign policy and domestic policy intersect, explaining how crucial American global leadership is to our people here at home. Well done, Mr. President,’ Rubin wrote in a post on X.

Democrats remain largely divided on whether Biden should suspend his re-election campaign and allow another candidate to go head-to-head with Trump in November. On Friday, Fox News confirmed that another House Democrat, California Rep. Mike Levin, has joined the chorus of lawmakers calling on Biden to step aside.

At least 10 House Democrats and one in the Senate have publicly called on Biden to end his re-election bid, and a growing number of both House and Senate Democrats have publicly and privately warned that the president will lose to Trump in November.

Fox News Digital’s Timothy H.J. Nerozzi and Paul Steisenhauer contributed to this report.

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Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, reiterated to reporters that she still supports former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley for president despite Haley no longer being in the race for the Republican nomination. 

The Maine Republican will write in Haley’s name on her ballot in November rather than former President Trump or President Biden, according to local CBS reporter Dan Lampariello. 

Collins’ office confirmed to Fox News Digital her plan to vote for Haley. 

A spokesperson for the Maine senator noted she has previously said she’d be supporting Haley and not Trump. 

‘I will not be voting for either candidate. I am going to write in Nikki Haley’s name,’ Collins said, according to another local outlet. 

The Republican senator previously endorsed Haley late in the Republican primary, calling the candidate ‘extremely well-qualified.’

‘She has the energy, intellect and temperament that we need to lead our country in these very tumultuous times,’ Collins said of Haley. 

However, Haley exited the primary race soon after the endorsement. 

The former South Carolina governor’s departure from the race didn’t change Collins’ position though. 

‘I cannot support former President Trump. I voted to convict him on the second impeachment charges, so I don’t think it should come as a surprise that I cannot support him,’ she said in March, weeks after Haley had already suspended her campaign. 

As Collins pointed out in the spring, she was one of seven Republican senators in 2021 who voted to convict Trump for allegedly inciting insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, when some of his supporters rioted at the U.S. Capitol. 

And while Trump has become the clear Republican nominee and is slated as of now to take on Biden in November, it’s apparent Collins’ mind has not changed on the situation. 

Trump’s campaign did not immediately provide comment to Fox News Digital. 

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The Biden campaign is taking a victory lap after President Biden’s highly anticipated NATO press conference on Thursday, claiming he not only met expectations but surpassed them.

A Biden campaign official told Fox News Digital that Biden’s performance was what the American people were looking for and praised the president’s insightful responses to questions that went into great detail on foreign policy, including the Russia-Ukraine War, China and other topics dealing with foreign affairs.

The campaign also believes that the performance proved Biden can handle Trump and believes that substance over style matters, and it matters to voters who will ultimately be swayed by the actual merits of what the two candidates are saying.

Biden, according to the campaign, articulately laid out the economic progress under his watch and discussed complex foreign policy issues in a way that Trump is unable to do.

Biden, during the press conference, was also peppered with questions from reporters who pressed him on whether he would step aside amid mounting pressure from members within his own party following his disastrous debate performance last month.

Despite the glowing review, the campaign source acknowledged that one night, be it a debate or a press conference, will not significantly move the needle in terms of votes and voters will instead be moved by robust campaigning, knocking on doors, phone calls, advertisements and campaign travel, which Biden plans to do more of in the coming weeks as part of a ‘full bore’ schedule.

Biden said he is ‘determined’ to stay in the race and maintained that he is fit to serve as president now and for the next four years. 

While some Democrats rushed to defend Biden’s NATO press conference, Republicans pointed to gaffes from the day, including a response from Biden where he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘Vice President Trump.’ Biden also introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as ‘President Putin’ shortly before the press conference before correcting himself seconds later.

‘President Putin? He’s going to beat President Putin. President Zelenskyy. I’m so focused on beating Putin,’ Biden said. ‘We got to worry about it. Anyway, Mr. President.’

The Trump campaign told Fox News Digital that it views the highly anticipated and much-scrutinized news conference as a win-win for the former president.

‘It appears Biden did enough to convince his apologists that he should remain on the ballot, but he also reinforced what the American people know. Their lives are being hurt by his weakness and failure on a daily basis,’ a Trump campaign official, who asked for anonymity to speak more freely, told Fox News Digital.

A large majority of Americans want Biden to drop out of the race, including a majority of his own supporters, according to a Thursday poll from ABC News and The Washington Post that was released ahead of his press conference.

 A full 67% of respondents said Biden should drop out of the race, and 85% say he is too old to serve out a second term. Meanwhile, 60% of respondents also said former President Trump is too old for a second term, up from 44% in the spring of 2023.

Biden has remained defiant in the face of calls for him to step down, and a campaign spokesperson aboard Air Force One on Friday said that donations on the night of the NATO press conference were significant.

‘Since last night we’ve seen a strong support across our coalition,’ the campaign said. ‘Most importantly, we see it with our grassroots base. We had close to 40,000 donations last night alone. Donations exploded during the president’s press conference. In fact, we’ve hit 7 times our average during the press conference.’

The campaign also pushed back against critics who highlight Biden’s long track record of gaffes by releasing a two-minute video highlighting Trump’s mishaps on the campaign trail in an attempt to paint him as ‘feeble.’

Fox News Digital’s Kyle Morris, Brooke Singman and Louis Casiano contributed to this report.

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President Biden has announced that Israel and Hamas have agreed to a ‘framework’ for a cease-fire deal using the plan he laid out in May.

‘Six weeks ago I laid out a comprehensive framework for how to achieve a ceasefire and bring the hostages home,’ Biden announced on social media platform X.

‘There is still work to do and these are complex issues, but that framework is now agreed to by both Israel and Hamas,’ Biden added. ‘My team is making progress, and I’m determined to get this done.’

A senior Israeli official involved in the negotiations later on Friday told Israeli news outlet Channel 12 that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was trying to hold up an agreement with demands for an enforcement mechanism that would prevent Hamas operatives from returning to northern Gaza.

‘This is the moment of truth for the hostages,’ the official said. ‘We can reach an agreement within two weeks and bring the hostages home.’

‘The prime minister’s insistence on building a mechanism to prevent the movement of armed operatives will stall the talks for weeks and then there may not be anyone to bring home,’ the official said.

‘It is a demand that was not part of the Israeli proposal from May 27,’ the official explained. ‘It’s not clear why Netanyahu is raising this demand now. The security services know how to deal with the return of the armed terrorists to northern Gaza.’ 

The Times of Israel reported that Netanyahu had insisted on the mechanism with the negotiating team on Thursday night but the team told him they opposed the new condition and it was not feasible. Channel 12 reported that some officials believe Netanyahu is trying to delay the deal as the right-wing parties have promised to exit his coalition if the deal is completed. 

A senior Biden administration source told Fox News earlier this week that this announcement was supposed to come out on Monday. The two sides had already agreed to the framework as of a few days ago and the U.S. sent a delegation out to the region to wrap it up and prep a formal ceasefire announcement. 

It remains unclear what caused a delay in the announcement, but Biden has faced increasing calls to step aside and let another Democrat run as the nominee for president in November’s election. 

Biden has repeatedly stressed that he believes he is the only candidate able to beat former President Trump in an election, and during his press conference at the NATO summit in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, he explained that he believes continuity in leadership is important to achieve many of the foreign policy goals still on the table.

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment by the time of publication. 

Fox News Senior White House Correspondent Jacqui Heinrich contributed to this report.

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First lady Jill Biden’s former press secretary blasted the White House communications team’s narrative on Thursday, saying they live in an ‘alternate universe’ after a senior official praised President Biden’s performance at a NATO press conference.

‘There are two different versions of reality in my party right now,’ Michael LaRosa, who served as first lady Jill Biden’s press secretary, wrote on X on Thursday night in response to a post from Republican communicator Sarah Matthews criticizing the White House’s senior deputy press secretary, Andrew Bates.

‘The below is an alternate universe that MOST of us Dems are NOT actually living in. Being coherent in his FIRST ‘big boy press conference’ of 2024 is not exactly the bar most of us are looking for…. but clearly it’s the bar for Biden set by his own staff … and that is pretty ‘f—ing’ terrifying.’

Matthews had criticized Bates for a post on X he made following President Biden’s highly anticipated NATO press conference on Thursday night where the senior staffer said, ‘To answer the question on everyone’s minds: No, Joe Biden does not have a doctorate in foreign affairs. He’s just that f—ing good.’

‘1) Literally no one is asking that question right now,’ Matthews wrote on X. ‘2) It’s beneath the office to say ‘f—ing’ from your official White House account. Do better.’

‘Everyone evaluated POTUS’s performance based on how they wanted to feel or how they already felt about the situation,’ LaRosa told Fox News Digital. 

‘Andrew’s exuberance, which is what Sarah was responding to, is an example of the division within the Democratic Party right now, unfortunately. But that’s Andrew’s job — and he’s very good at it. His whole purpose is to drink the kool-aid surrounding the boss and make sure everyone else is gulping down too. If I were Biden or any other lawmaker or candidate, there’s no one I’d rather have watching my back than Andrew Bates.’ 

 ‘But for those of us in the party and outside the White House now, it’s our responsibility to decipher the rhetoric from the reality. The reality is, and I said this to Jesse Watters before the debate, that no one has ever questioned or doubted Joe Biden’s command of complex and nuanced domestic or foreign policy,’ Larosa continued. ‘He can run circles around the media, his opponents, or members of Congress on substance or his record. That’s not what the noise or conversation is about. The bar the President hasn’t been able to clear and the reason why Democrats in Congress are anxious is because they feel he hasn’t met or cleared the bar for matters of presentation, agility, and sharpness.’

LaRosa said he fears ‘that sometimes people around him unintentionally lower the bar for the President.’

‘He’s a former Chair of Senate Foreign relations, a former Vice President, and current President who has met with leaders all over the globe,’ LaRosa said. ‘He’s been negotiating with the Russians since he was in his mid-thirties. We’re not giving him enough credit when we create standards that are frankly beneath him. It’s a distraction from the reality of the challenge in front of us, as Democrats, and in moments of political crisis, there need to be folks on the outside who can put the kool-aid aside for a bit and drink some water.’ 

The X post from Bates also sparked strong criticism from conservatives on social media.

‘Dude he confused Harris and Trump right after he mixed up Zelensky and Putin,’ Abigail Jackson, communications director for Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., posted on X, referencing a Biden gaffe shortly before the press conference.

‘Literally no one is asking that question right now,’ conservative communicator Steve Guest posted on X.

‘The question on my mind is what’s wrong with these people,’ journalist Josh Barro posted on X.

Fox News Digital reached out to the White House for comment.

Biden, who is facing increased calls from elected officials within his own party to drop out of the race due to concerns about his age, was widely criticized by Republicans over his NATO press conference performance. However, longtime GOP strategist Mike Biundo, a former Trump adviser, told Fox News Digital that he believed ‘it’s a 100% win-win’ for Republicans and the Trump campaign.

‘It appears Biden did enough to convince his apologists that he should remain on the ballot, but he also reinforced what the American people know. Their lives are being hurt by his weakness and failure on a daily basis,’ a Trump campaign official, who asked for anonymity to speak more freely, told Fox News Digital after Thursday night’s press conference.

Several Democrats and progressives defended Biden’s performance along with Bates.

‘Tonight Joe Biden offered a lengthy, detailed dive on the major national security issues he’s juggling combined with a comfortable but forceful defense of his view of where this race stands,’ Kate Bedingfield, a former communications director for Biden, posted on X. ’50 minutes of Qs. He needed to show up big tonight and he did.’

‘This is a very strong performance,’ Joel Rubin, a former State Department official during the Obama administration, posted on X. ‘Quite frankly. ⁦@POTUS⁩ is putting on a master class in how foreign policy and domestic policy intersect, explaining how crucial American global leadership is to our people here at home. Well done, Mr. President.’

Fox News Digital’s Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report.

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Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is touting unity within his party as the House GOP’s campaign arm celebrates breaking a record in election year fundraising.

‘This week, House Democrats voted to let illegal aliens vote in American elections, voted against protecting girls sports and fell further into disarray following their role in the greatest political cover-up in history when it comes to President Biden’s fitness for office,’ Johnson told Fox News Digital. ‘At the same time, House Republicans passed commonsense legislation and put up record-setting fundraising numbers to grow our majority.

‘As Republicans head to Milwaukee to nominate President Trump, our party has never been more united, energized and equipped with the resources needed to win up and down the ballot.’

It comes as the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the House GOP’s campaign arm, announced it raised $37 million in the second quarter of 2024, its highest-ever election year total for that time period.

The NRCC also said it had the best June on record, with $14.3 million of that total number coming in one month alone.

It’s served to further push back questions over whether Johnson can match the fundraising prowess of his predecessor, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. Johnson himself brought in $23.5 million in the second quarter of 2024.

His numbers, along with the NRCC’s total and the House GOP leadership-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund’s announced $46.4 million raised, mean House Republicans have added over $100 million to their war chest in this time period.

The haul also comes before the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Wisconsin, where former President Trump will be formally declared the party’s nominee for November.

Republicans’ confidence in keeping and possibly expanding their razor-thin House majority appears to have shot through the roof over the last two weeks as Democrats deal with the fallout of President Biden’s disastrous late June debate performance.

The 81-year-old leader’s poor showing against Trump has raised concerns among members of his own party over whether he can win again in November and serve another four years.

It prompted 17 House Democrats and one Democratic senator to call on Biden to withdraw from the race.

But the quarter ended June 30, and the debate took place June 27, so a fuller picture of its impact on GOP fundraising will likely be seen in the beginning of the second half of the year.

When asked about his advice for Republican candidates as they watch Democrats in turmoil, Johnson told Fox News Digital Thursday, ‘We need to be talking about the answers we have to all the great challenges that have been created by the policies of the Biden administration.

‘Our candidates have (done) very well in going out and presenting those answers in a very credible way. We feel very good about what we’re doing,’ Johnson said.

House Democrats’ campaign arm, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), responded to Johnson’s Friday statement: ‘The DCCC has consistently outraised the NRCC this cycle because we have authentic candidates with real records of results, while extreme Republicans simply sow chaos – pushing to ban abortion nationwide and raise taxes on the middle class. This reality is why polling consistently shows Democrats outrunning their Republican opponents across the battleground.’

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