


A group of House Republicans are pushing for new legislation to force colleges to be transparent about their policies regarding campus protests and whether that guidance is being followed correctly.

Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., and House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., introduced a bill called the No Tax Dollars For College Encampments Act, backed by six of their fellow House Republicans and several conservative groups like Parents Defending Education Action.

It’s part of House Republicans’ continued response to the wave of anti-Israel protests that wracked college campuses across the country this past spring. 

Students and other activists set up tent encampments at top universities like Columbia, the University of Southern California (USC), the University of Michigan and others in protest of Israel’s invasion of Gaza in response to the October 7 Hamas terror attacks.

‘Last school year, makeshift encampments were allowed to flourish on campuses across the country, disrupting classes and intimidating Jewish students. This is unacceptable. My legislation holds these woke universities accountable and ensures they enforce protest rules fairly and equally, not only when it fits their political agenda,’ Banks told Fox News Digital in a statement.

Stefanik told Fox News Digital, ‘This legislation would prevent the disgraceful mob riots we saw overtake campuses across the country, including Columbia University, and make sure school leaders are enforcing policies against hostile campus takeovers. Any university leaders that fail to stand up for our Jewish community will be held accountable.’

The bill would amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require universities that receive federal funds to disclose what kind of policies they have to deal with civil disturbances on campus, and how they enforce those rules.

It would also mandate close monitoring of campus crime statistics at those schools.

Police arrested roughly 300 people in New York City earlier this year over protests on two campuses, including Columbia, where students briefly took over control of one school building. In Los Angeles, videos of activists clashing with police went viral online. 

It’s not clear whether anyone was charged, however. Thirty people charged with criminal trespassing for taking over Columbia’s Hamilton Hall, for example, had their cases dismissed.

All the while, Jewish students have reported feeling unsafe on campus and have claimed to witness and experience a troubling uptick in antisemitism. It’s inspired House GOP investigators to launch a high-profile probe into how universities are handling those issues.

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Medicare benefits have emerged as an election hot topic, putting President Biden in a likely precarious situation with senior voters after slashing the popular Medicare Advantage program’s benefits ahead of the election. 

‘I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, which Joe Biden is destroying by letting millions of people come into our country. He’s destroying Medicare and Social Security,’ Trump said during his rally on Temple University’s campus in Philadelphia last weekend, setting the stage for ongoing attacks against his 2024 competitor. 

‘Joe Biden has cut Medicare Advantage for the last two years. Did you know that? He’s cut your Medicare Advantage, which is a total betrayal of seniors. And just check, you’ll see it. He has cut you down for two years straight.’

Medicare was cited again during the first presidential debate of the election cycle on Thursday, where Biden’s disastrous performance included him saying, ‘We finally beat Medicare’ as he stumbled over his words. 

‘He’s right, he did beat Medicare, beat it to death,’ Trump fired back. ‘And he’s destroying Medicare because of all these people are coming in, they’re putting them on Medicare, they’re putting them on Social Security.’

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, specifically, are private health insurance plans that contract with Medicare, and are used by more than 33 million Americans. The program mostly enrolls adults over the age of 65, but also offers benefits to people of all ages with disabilities. Traditional Medicare, conversely, is a federal health insurance program for adults over the age of 65, as well as younger individuals with disabilities. 

The Biden administration in April finalized plans to cut MA benefits, which experts said could lead to an additional $33 a month for out-of-pocket costs, or $396 a year, for enrollees. Critics of the cuts said they would be especially devastating to seniors living on fixed incomes who are already coping with ongoing inflation issues. 

Fox News Digital spoke to a former nurse, Republican New York congresswoman, and Consumer Product Safety Commission Chairwoman Ann Marie Buerkle, who said the cuts could prove devastating for the Biden administration, as the 46th president hits this election cycle’s fever pitch. 

‘By letting far-left socialists control his policy agenda, Biden made a huge blunder that will jeopardize his support from the 33 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans who will see their premiums go up, co-pays increase, and benefits decline before November,’ said Buerkle.

The cuts come as the left-wing faction of Congress continues promoting ‘Medicare-for-all’ legislation, which would establish a universal single-payer national health insurance system. Buerkle said the Biden administration’s cuts this year ‘actively sabotage MA,’ likely in a backdoor attempt to promote a government-focused system, such as ‘Medicare-for-all.’ 

‘Far left ideologues like Elizabeth Warren hate Medicare Advantage’s success as a public-private partnership because it undermines their argument for government-run health care, aka ‘Medicare-for-all.’ Biden has let these far left ideologues in his administration actively sabotage MA so they can prop up a government-run model and achieve their socialist agenda,’ she said. 

The sentiment was echoed in an op-ed published by Fox News Digital in May, by Heritage Action executive vice president Ryan Walker.  

‘Biden and his allies want to cut MA in favor of more government-run, fee-for-service  ‘Medicare-for-all’ – which would mean fewer options for physicians and coverage, like vision and hearing. Recently, progressive ringleader Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and a coalition of 59 far-left House Democrats sent a letter to Biden arguing for ‘strengthening Traditional Medicare’ and redirecting funds ‘incorrectly going to MA,” Walker wrote. 

The Biden administration pushed back that ‘any claim that this Administration is cutting Medicare is categorically false’ and ‘disinformation,’ adding that ‘protecting Medicare is a key priority for President Biden and one of our highest priorities at HHS.’

‘This is cherry picking numbers. Under the rate announcement, payments to Medicare Advantage plans are expected to increase by 3.7% next year, equivalent to over $16 billion. A $16 billion increase is not a cut,’ the White House told Fox News Digital. 

‘Leave it to deep-pocketed insurance companies and industry front groups to characterize this year’s increase in Medicare Advantage payments as a cut. Disinformation being pushed out by high-paid industry hacks and their allies hurt Medicare beneficiaries and the Medicare Trust Fund.’

The administration added that it proposed a 1% increase in payments to insurance companies that provide Medicare Advantage order to ‘ensure they are accurately and appropriately compensated for covering the services their enrollees receive.’ 

‘Like the 1% percent increase in payments that we are proposing for 2024, recovering overpayments from insurance companies is not a cut in payments – any such claim is categorically false.’

Buerkle previously wrote in an op-ed this year that Medicare benefits could be a ‘winning issue for Republicans,’ citing that the states that voted for Trump in 2016, but switched to Biden in 2020 – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – are home to a majority of seniors who get their health care through MA. 

‘51% of Medicare-eligible Americans choose MA, and that number grows each year. Nearly all of them self-report satisfaction with the program. So, for 51% of seniors, Medicare Advantage is Medicare, so cuts to the program equate to cuts to Medicare. Trump understands that increasing health care costs for society’s most vulnerable population before an election is a stupendously dumb idea. Other Republicans should follow his lead,’ Buerkle told Fox News Digital. 

The MA plans are overwhelmingly supported by those enrolled, with a 2021 analysis finding 90% of enrollees reporting they are satisfied with the plan. Biden had also vowed during his State of the Union address in March that he would protect Social Security and Medicare from any cuts. 

‘Tonight, let’s all agree once again to stand up for seniors. Many of my friends on the other side of the aisle want to put Social Security on the chopping block. If anyone here tries to cut Social Security or Medicare or raise the retirement age, I will stop you,’ Biden said during the State of the Union. 

Not only will these cuts increase out-of-pocket costs for seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans by an average of $396 next year, cutting Medicare Advantage hurts Medicare solvency, too, since it’s less costly to the federal government compared to original Medicare and studies have shown that Medicare Advantage could help extend Medicare solvency by 17 years. MA delivers the same benefits as original Medicare for just 83 cents on the dollar,’ Buerkle added. 

The cuts have faced no shortage of condemnation from Republicans and conservatives, who sounded off in April that seniors on fixed incomes would suffer further financial strains. 

‘America’s seniors are among the most vulnerable people in our society. Most live on a fixed income – Biden’s inflation has been a baked-in tax to everything they purchase. Now, he’s raising the price of the advantage plan – a plan that millions of seniors rely on,’ Texas Sen. Ted Cruz posted on X. ‘This is unacceptable.’

‘President Trump delivered on his promise to protect Social Security and Medicare in his first term, and President Trump will continue to strongly protect Social Security and Medicare in his second term,’ Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Fox News Digital. 

‘The only candidate who poses a threat to Social Security and Medicare is Joe Biden–whose mass invasion of countless millions of illegal aliens will, if they are allowed to stay, cause Social Security and Medicare to buckle and collapse. By unleashing American energy, slashing job-killing regulations, and adopting pro-growth America First tax and trade policies, President Trump will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in history and put Social Security and Medicare on a stronger footing for generations to come.’

Axios reported earlier this year that Biden administration officials believed benefits for enrollees would remain stable through next year. Researchers, however, said the Biden campaign was taking a gamble with the cuts ahead of the election. 

‘President Biden’s team is gambling that MA beneficiaries won’t realize before the election the benefits Biden’s team is causing them to lose come January 2025,’ Raymond James analyst Chris Meekins told the outlet. 

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Former Trump administration communications director Anthony Scaramucci argued President Biden will have to do more to prove he’s up to being president for another four years.

‘I went to President Biden‘s fundraiser in East Hampton and I thought he did quite well reading the teleprompter today and meeting with people,’ Scaramucci said. ‘However, that is not going to be enough to prove to the American people that he’s up for another four years.’ 

The comments come after the first presidential debate last week between Biden and former President Trump, with many observers and commentators criticizing the president’s performance and calling into question his ability to continue the campaign.

The performance even led to some Democrats calling on the president to drop out of the race, arguing that Biden demonstrated he is unfit to go toe-to-toe with Trump in November.

The Biden campaign has so far pushed back against the critics, acknowledging the weak debate performance but vowing the president would stay in the race.

But Scaramucci, who briefly served in Trump’s administration before stepping down and becoming a frequent critic of the former president, suggested that Biden would have to do more to demonstrate his fitness to continue.

‘President Biden needs to appear in unscripted settings and handle fair but tough questioning (further demonstrations of his ability to read from a teleprompter will not assuage my concerns). Four ideas come to mind,’ Scaramucci said, citing ideas from his friend Whitney Tilson.

Among the ideas were for Biden to hold an hour-long press conference at the White House every week before the election, do an interview with ’60 Minutes,’ meet with the editorial board of the New York Times to demonstrate why the paper was wrong to call for his resignation, and appear on a late-night T.V. show.

‘This can all be done in the next week – there is no time to waste,’ Scaramucci said.

The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment.

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Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., cited his own ‘difficult’ debate performance in 2022 against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz while arguing Sunday that President Biden can still win in November and ‘deserves’ a second term. 

In an appearance on ‘Fox News Sunday,’ Fetterman dismissed the New York Times, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and a number of left-leaning pundits calling on Biden to drop out of the race. 

‘There’s no value in, in any of those things. I mean, there was that same kind of a freak out after my debate. And in fact, I might even say that I had a more difficult evening than the president did,’ Fetterman told host Shannon Bream. ‘And here I am right now, having this conversation. And I really like to remind to everybody watching that right now, Biden is one and Trump is still zero, and he’s the only person that’s ever beaten Trump. And I really believe that Joe Biden will do that again, despite all of the Democrats wetting the bed over that kind of thing.’ 

Bream noted that Fetterman was recovering from a stroke at the time of his debate, and has improved over time, while voters are more concerned about 81-year-old Biden because of his advanced age.

‘We had a difficult debate, and yet we still managed to go on to win,’ Fetterman said. ‘Now everybody was calling that… the end of my career. That was the end of this race. And everyone was predicting that I was going to lose actually by two points or more. And I smoked Oz by five points. And that’s why I’m saying it’s like one debate. It’s not a career any more than Donald Trump’s… convictions for felonies aren’t really going to define, you know, his reputation and his presidency. And that’s why they’re both here again.’

Trump was convicted of 34 counts in the Manhattan hush money trial and is awaiting sentencing just days before the Republican National Convention. 

In a post on X following the CNN Presidential Debate on Thursday, Fetterman urged panicked Democrats to ‘chill the f— out’ about Biden’s widely panned performance because he is living proof ‘a rough debate’ doesn’t disqualify a political candidate. 

Fetterman suffered a stroke in May 2022, causing clear auditory processing issues that impacted his speaking abilities in the months leading up to Election Day that November. Despite a jarring debate performance that left many Americans questioning his fitness for office, Fetterman still defeated the former daytime TV host known as Dr. Oz, the Republican in the Pennsylvania Senate race.

On Sunday, Fetterman further argued that Biden ‘deserves’ a second term, citing his economic record and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

‘I’ve watched him for the last four years and he’s done incredibly good things. I mean, he got us through that pandemic, that pandemic, that over a million Americans lost their lives through that. And look at our economy. Ours is the world’s envy,’ he said. ‘And look at the stock market. Look at all these other kinds of metrics. People were calling that it was going to be a recession. And here we are now, booming and all of those kinds of things. So the president has done a really good job and he deserves a second term. But I really do want to be clear, it’s going to be very close.’

According to a Fox News poll conducted April 11-16, registered voters in Pennsylvania gave Trump wide margins over Biden regarding who they trusted to best handle the economy, foreign policy and the border.   

‘The only poll that’s really going to matter is Election Day,’ Fetterman said. ‘And the polls changed and they inverted in my race as well. And here I am as a United States senator. And I just got back from Israel just a couple days ago. And that’s why I want to remind everybody that one debate does not define a person’s record or the kind of person or the situation.’ 

Fox News’ Brian Flood contributed to this report.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday spoke about President Biden’s age following the president’s much-criticized debate performance against former President Trump.

Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared on ABC’s ‘This Week’ and was asked about whether Biden, who is 81 years old, should be running for re-election.

‘You know, I think it’s just an individual choice, and you really can’t generalize,’ Fauci said. 

Fauci, who helped lead the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, said one must look at each person as an individual and evaluate ‘how they feel, what they feel they can do.’

‘You know, what their passion is, what their energy is,’ Fauci said. ‘Those are the kind of things.’

When asked if he was surprised by anything he saw during Thursday’s presidential debate, Fauci said he did not want to comment on anything that ‘would have political implications.’ 

He added that what he felt comfortable speaking about were his ‘very positive’ dealings with Biden during their time working together.

‘He asks probing questions. He’s right on point on things,’ Fauci said of Biden, without going into detail on specific instances. ‘So my personal experience has been quite positive with him.’

With a raspy voice and delivering rambling answers, Biden struggled during portions of Thursday night’s debate. He also lost his train of thought several times, raising concerns among some Democrats and in the media. 

In the wake of the debate, both The New York Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial boards have called on Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee.

The Democratic National Committee, however, has said it will continue to support Biden as the nominee.

Fox News’ Sarah Rumpf-Whitten contributed to this report.

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A top Polish official recently appeared to draw an unflattering comparison between President Biden’s Thursday debate performance and the decline of ancient Rome.

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski made the comment in an X post Friday. The statement was posted in English, which hinted it was intended for English-speaking audiences because Sikorski usually posts in Polish. 

In the X post, Sikorski took aim at Marcus Aurelius’s son, Commodus, whose reign marked the end of Pax Romana, an era of peace and prosperity in ancient Rome.

‘Marcus Aurelius was a great emperor but he screwed up his succession by passing the baton to his feckless son Commodus (He, from the Gladiator),’ Sikorski wrote. ‘Whose disastrous rule started Rome’s decline.

‘It’s important to manage one’s ride into the sunset.’

Biden’s recent debate performance has sparked commentary across the world, prompting increased concern about his advanced age and declining cognitive abilities.

Media publications in Russia, China, Iran and other countries all covered the debate and used it as an opportunity to criticize the U.S.

Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of ‘Putin’s Playbook,’ told Fox News Digital most foreign publications ‘are derogatory of both candidates and mocking America.’

‘Bottom line, Moscow feels confident that the societal crisis that has engulfed the U.S. is good for Russia,’ Koffler said.

Fox News Digital reached out to Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for additional comment but did not immediately hear back.

Fox News Digital’s Peter Aitken contributed to this report.

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The first lady’s steadfast support of President Biden after his heavily criticized debate performance Thursday may seem admirable to some Americans, but not all of them.

Bill Stevenson, who was married to Jill Biden from 1970 to 1975, candidly discussed his ex-wife in an interview with the New York Post Saturday.

‘The Dr. Jill Biden who I’ve seen on TV in the last five years is not the same person I married or that I recognize in any way,’ Stevenson lamented. ‘She’s matriculated into a completely different woman.’

On Thursday, the first lady gushed about her husband’s debate performance despite immediate calls for Biden to drop out of the race.

‘Joe, you did such a great job,’ she told him at a debate after-party. ‘You answered every question. You knew all the facts.’

According to Stevenson, Jill Biden’s support of her husband is far from helpful.

‘I just don’t understand why she is so adamant about defending him and keeping him in the race since it appears that he’s struggling,’ Stevenson said. ‘It appears that he’s struggling with everybody these days.

‘I’ve been proud of her at certain moments. I have no hard feelings. … I’m just surprised to see her front and center in the middle of this battle after flying under the radar for so many years. She’s always been very driven. People say she’s the one who wants to be president now.’

Stevenson, a staunch supporter of former President Trump, also accused the sitting president of lying habitually.

‘It makes me cringe every time he calls Trump a liar because I’m telling you right now, there is no better liar than President Biden,’ Stevenson said.

‘He’s just a bad person. I’m probably one of the few people outside his family who has known him for 50 years.’

Biden is facing increased public scrutiny after his appearance at the presidential debate Thursday, where he appeared frail and stumbled numerous times. On Friday, The New York Times editorial board called for the 81-year-old politician to drop out of the race.

‘Biden is not the man he was four years ago,’ the editorial board wrote. ‘The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. … [T]he greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.’

The first lady’s office did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

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President Biden is reportedly meeting with Democratic Party leaders in the aftermath of his disastrous first debate appearance.

Dougie Kass, fund manager of Seabreeze Capital Partners LP and a Democratic National Committee insider, said a meeting is being arranged between the president and two Democratic heavyweights.

‘What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs,’ Kass claimed via social media  Friday. ‘Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are).’

Kass added, ‘Interestingly, my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is canceled.’

The hedge fund manager’s claim of Democratic leadership meetings comes after Biden’s universally panned debate against former President Trump Thursday night.

With a raspy voice and delivering rambling answers, Biden struggled during portions of Thursday night’s debate. He also lost his train of thought several times, raising concerns among his closest allies in politics and in the media. 

Some strategists have suggested the Democratic Party must act quickly to replace Biden before his nomination is made official in August.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been largely ruled out as a potential replacement due to her unpopularity with voters. California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer have previously been floated as potential last-minute replacements.

During an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Trump was asked if he believes Biden will be the Democratic nominee. 

‘Yes, I think he will be the nominee,’ Trump said.

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Democrats under threat of losing their seats to Republicans appear to be leaving President Biden high and dry after what’s been widely viewed as a ‘disastrous’ performance in Thursday’s presidential debate.

Fox News Digital asked multiple Democratic senators, House members and candidates facing tough races for their reaction to the debate and whether they agreed with the assessment by others in their party that Biden should step aside as a presidential candidate. 

Not one stepped up to defend him.

The names most notably absent from jumping to Biden’s defense were senators Jacky Rosen, D-Nev.; Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; Jon Tester, D-Mont., Bob Casey, D-Pa., and Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, all of whom have been quick to praise the president in the more recent past.

Tester, for example, previously described Biden as ‘absolutely 100% with it,’ and said, ‘He’s fine. He’s doing a good job. I think folks are making a bigger deal out of it than it is.’ Republicans have been going after him by running those very words in ads across the state.

Baldwin’s campaign distanced itself from Biden following the debate, telling one news outlet Friday, ‘Tammy Baldwin is running her own race for the people of Wisconsin.’

‘Senate Democrats have been telling Americans Joe Biden is still sharp. Jon Tester even went so far as to say Biden is ‘absolutely 100% with it.’ It is clear they were lying, and voters will remember that in November,’ National Republican Senatorial Committee communications director Mike Berg told Fox News Digital.

Reps. Ruben Gallego, the likely Democratic nominee for Senate in Arizona; Colin Allred, the Democratic nominee for Senate in Texas; Elissa Slotkin, the likely Democratic nominee for Senate in Michigan; and Angela Alsobrooks, the Democratic nominee for Senate in Maryland, also failed to defend Biden when asked about the debate.

Some House Democrats facing tough races, such as Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, have taken a similar approach. The National Republican Congressional Committee on Friday posted a video on social media of Kaptur being trailed in the airport by a GOP operative asking if Biden was ‘fit to be president.’

‘Joe Biden is president,’ Kaptur said, refusing to give a direct answer. When pressed by the operative, Kaptur simply said, ‘Are you fit to be president?’

Kaptur’s campaign did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

Democratic Rep. Emilia Sykes won a tight race in Ohio’s 13th Congressional District in 2022, and Cook Political Report ranks her race in 2024 as a ‘Democrat Toss Up.’ Fox News Digital reached out to her office and did not receive a response.

In Washington state, Dem. Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez is facing a tough reelection campaign that the Cook Political Report ranks as a ‘Democrat Toss Up.’ Her office did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital.

Ohio Rep. Greg Landsman, who also could be facing a tough re-election fight this year, did, however, admit what the others wouldn’t.

‘Biden struggled, but he’s an honest person who cares deeply about the country, and Trump, on the other hand, is a con man and only cares about himself,’ Landsman told Fox News Digital. 

‘I’m not sure what happens next. I’m clear about my job, which is to serve the 700,000 people we represent, working to make life better for children and families by getting costs down, strengthening our democracy, restoring freedoms and helping to solve the big problems we face so families don’t have to worry as much as they do now.’

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President Biden’s inner circle is nowhere to be found following what has been described as an ’embarrassing’ and ‘disastrous’ performance by the incumbent Democrat during Thursday’s presidential debate.

Biden was widely panned by media figures and politicians immediately after the debate for his ‘weak’ sounding voice and ‘old’ appearance, as well as for ‘failing’ to convince Americans he has the stamina and ability to serve another four years in the White House.

Fox News Digital reached out to some of Biden’s closest confidants for their response to calls for him to be replaced as the party’s presidential candidate, but none stepped up to defend the president or offer any reaction to the debate. 

The list of Biden’s inner circle that has so far also not made any public comment following the debate includes, former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, who led debate preparations, his successor, Jeff Zients, senior campaign advisor Anita Dunn, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Counselor to the President Steven Richetti, and a number of others.

Each were part of the group of at least 16 current and former aides assisting with Biden’s debate preparations, which took place over a period of a week at Camp David in Maryland.

Vulnerable Democrats running in tight Senate and House races across the country also stayed silent concerning the debate, and largely didn’t respond to Fox News Digital’s questions surrounding calls for Biden to step aside.

Biden did, however, get some support from former President Obama, who still admitted he had a ‘bad’ debate.

In a message on X, Obama conceded that his former vice president failed to deliver a strong showing for the Democratic Party and the American people.

‘Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,’ Obama wrote.

He continued to deride former President Trump and prop up Biden, writing, ‘Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.’

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