


Vice President Harris hosted George Soros heir Alex Soros at her private residence, along with several other top Democratic donors earlier this year, White House visitor logs show.

The White House released Harris’ May 2023 visitor logs late last week, and a May 31 entry showed that Soros visited her private residence, listed in the documents as ‘1st Floor VPR.’ Joining Soros were supermodel Savannah Huitema and seven other prominent Democratic donors.

Soros posted a picture of himself with Harris on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, on June 6, and boasted about a meeting with the vice president. Details of where and when the meeting took place were not previously known, however.

The meeting was the 21st time Soros has met with a member of President Biden’s administration, according to analysis by the Washington Free Beacon.

‘Great to catch up with Madame Vice President, Kamala Harris!’ Soros wrote at the time.

The visitor logs say Soros and the other guests arrived at the residence at 4 p.m. and stayed until midnight.

When Soros first bragged of the meeting earlier this year, it caught the attention of many conservative media figures, as well as one U.S. senator.

‘It’s laughable that the Left wants you to believe that the Soros family has no influence in politics,’ said Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.

‘Is it still offensive to say the Soros family has an outsize influence on Democratic politics,’ added political operative Logan Dobson.

The younger Soros also maintains close contact with Democratic lawmakers, which he often brags about and posts about on social media. His Instagram shows dozens of pictures with top Democrats in the House and Senate between 2018 and 2022.

Soros’ visit came just days before he publicly announced that he was taking over control of Open Society Foundations, his father’s philanthropy group. The younger Soros is considered to be ‘even more radically leftist than his father.’

Fox News’ Joe Schoffstall contributed to this report.

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GOP presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hammered climate change alarmists in no uncertain terms during Hurricane Idalia’s aftermath.

DeSantis cited an 1896 storm that reportedly had 125 mph winds and Florida’s Labor Day hurricane in 1935, saying during a Sunday press conference that those storms resulted in massive destruction and deaths.

‘So, I think the notion that somehow hurricanes are something new, that’s just false. And we’ve got to stop politicizing the weather and stop politicizing natural disasters,’ DeSantis said. ‘We know from history there’s been times when it’s very busy in Florida, late ‘40s, early ‘50s, you had a lot of hits of significant hurricanes.’

‘So, I think sometimes people need to take a breath and get a little bit of perspective here,’ he said. ‘But the notion that somehow if we just adopt, you know, very left-wing policies at the federal level that somehow we will not have hurricanes, that is a lie. And that is people trying to take what happened with different types of storms and use that as a pretext to advance their agenda on the backs of people that are suffering. And that’s wrong, and we’re not going to do that in the state of Florida.’

DeSantis declined to meet with President Biden during his trip to Florida in the hurricane’s aftermath. Idalia made landfall early Wednesday morning along Florida’s sparsely populated Big Bend region as a Category 3 storm, causing widespread flooding and damage before moving north to drench Georgia and the Carolinas.

Earlier in the same press conference in Yankeetown, Florida, a reporter asked DeSantis if he trusted the federal government to help given what happened in Hawaii and East Palestine, Ohio.

‘I think that the state of Florida, we prepare for this stuff. We were prepared. We responded,’ he said. ‘And really what the federal government’s role is just turning on programs Congress has enacted over many, many years. So, it’s basically serving as a checkbook to get people reimbursed for debris clean up, to give people individual assistance. And so, in that sense, I think that has been turned on, I anticipate that that will go smoothly, but most of the nuts and bolts is done by our local communities and by the state of Florida. And that’s really how it should be. Disaster response is really bottom up.’

DeSantis said most people heeded local warnings of dangerous storm surge and chose to evacuate, noting there’s been no coastal fatalities reported.

The governor said there was one traffic fatality in Alachua County, Florida, related to the storm that has been confirmed so far. Categorizing local and state officials working together as the ‘bread and butter’ of hurricane response, DeSantis said ‘the checkbook from the feds is great, and whatever resources are available as the governor, I’m going to pull those levers to be able to help Floridians, but we’re certainly not relying on the federal government to do the day-to-day heavy lifting.’

Biden faced staunch criticism over his response to the Maui wildfires that obliterated the seaside tourist town of Lahaina last month.

The number of people listed as missing from the fires stood at 385 on Friday, according to state officials.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Former Vice President Mike Pence, competing for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, sidestepped Sunday on whether he would support Donald Trump if the former president is convicted in any criminal case, arguing that President Biden, too, ‘has trampled on the Constitution of the United States.’ 

‘I signed a pledge to be on that stage to say I would support the Republican nominee. I remain confident, more confident after Wednesday night, that the Republican nominee will not be the former president, and we’re going to give the American people a standard-bearer for the GOP that’s going to be able to lead us to victory against Joe Biden and the radical left. I raised my hand to say I’ll support the Republican nominee,’ Pence said during an appearance on CBS’s ‘Face The Nation.’

‘I could never support Joe Biden,’ Pence continued. ‘I mean, Joe Biden’s policies have been disastrous. He and his family are under an ethical cloud themselves, and frankly, Joe Biden has trampled on the Constitution of the United States, he’s failed to faithfully execute our laws – the southern border of the United States created the worst crisis in American history, and that student loan giveaway where he was going to ask truck drivers to pay their taxes to pay off the student loans of graduate students was essentially an unconstitutional power grab that I rejected. So, I’ll support the Republican nominee, and I’m going to continue to work my heart out that it’s me.’

Pence said it was heartening to hear from fellow GOP contenders, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, that they agreed he ‘did his duty’ or ‘did the right thing’ in certifying Biden’s election victory amid the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

During last week’s first GOP debate hosted by Fox News in Milwaukee, Pence argued that he believed Trump asked him to put him before the Constitution.

‘I’ve made it clear I had hoped that the issues surrounding the 2020 election and the controversies around Jan. 6 had not come to this, had not come to criminal proceedings. I would rather they had been resolved by the American people and the American people alone,’ Pence said on the debate stage Wednesday. ‘But no one’s above the law. And President Trump is entitled to the presumption of innocence that every American is entitled to. And we will make sure and extend that to him. But the American people deserve to know that the president asked me in his request that I reject or return votes unilaterally, power that no vice president in American history had ever exercised or taken. He asked me to put him over the Constitution, and I chose the Constitution, and I always will.’

Also, during the ‘Face The Nation’ segment Sunday, Pence condemned the recent mass shooting in Jacksonville, Florida, as ‘evil,’ vowing that if elected president he would expedite the death penalty for mass shooters. He also went after Biden for his record on inflation, record-high mortgage rates and the Afghanistan withdrawal, among other issues.

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Former Vice President Mike Pence’s campaign slammed Vivek Ramaswamy for supposedly flip-flopping on the issue of Jan. 6 on Sunday, highlighting the fellow Republican presidential candidate’s past comments that condemned the incident.

Pence’s campaign produced multiple instances in which Ramaswamy appeared to contradict his own past statements about the pro-Trump storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

‘On August 4, 2023, [Ramaswamy] refused to say he would have certified the results of the 2020 election on January 6, 2021,’ the Pence campaign wrote. ‘Yet at Wednesday’s GOP debate, he raised his hand in support of what Mike Pence did in following the Constitution.’

The campaign cited a Jan. 11, 2021, op-ed Ramaswamy wrote for the Wall Street Journal in which he referred to the ‘disgraceful Capitol riot’ as a ‘stain on American history.’

The following day on Jan. 12, 2021, Ramaswamy referred to his op-ed in a statement: ‘What Trump did last week was wrong. Downright abhorrent. Plain and simple. I’ve said it before and did so in my piece.’

A litany of other examples followed. The Pence campaign referred to Ramaswamy’s own book, ‘Nation of Victims,’ which was published in 2022.

‘It was a dark day for democracy. The loser of the last election refused to concede the race, claimed the election was stolen, raised hundreds of millions of dollars from loyal supporters, and is considering running for executive office again,’ Ramaswamy wrote. ‘I’m referring, of course, to Donald Trump.’

‘I was especially disappointed when I saw President Trump take a page from the Stacey Abrams playbook,’ Ramaswamy wrote. ‘His claims were just as weak as Abrams’.’

Ramaswamy’s tune on the Capitol riot seemed to change in June and July as he seemed to take a far more sympathetic view of the incident.

‘I will pardon *all* Americans who were targets of politicized federal prosecutions & those who were denied due process. This includes all peaceful Jan 6 protesters. It’s important that every candidate is clear about where we stand on the hard issues, not just the standard GOP talking points,’ he wrote June 8 on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The candidate emphasized that view again in mid-July, stating that ‘pervasive censorship’ caused Jan. 6.

‘You tell people in this country they cannot speak. That is when they scream. You tell people they cannot scream. That is when they tear things down,’ he said at the time.

Ramaswamy was asked about the issue again Sunday morning during an appearance on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’ He said he would have championed ‘reforms’ to the voting process and made the certification of the election result contingent on passing those reforms.

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Top Democratic committees are receiving far more cash from anonymous sources at this point in the 2024 elections than in previous cycles, filings reviewed by Fox News Digital show. 

The Sen. Chuck Schumer-affiliated Senate Majority PAC and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries-aligned House Majority PAC have raked in millions in mysterious cash this year from their related nonprofits that conceal their donors’ identities. The money ultimately trickles to Democrats in both chambers of Congress, including lawmakers who rail against the impact of secret political donors.

Federal Election Commission records show that during the first six months of the year, Majority Forward, an advocacy group linked to the Senate Majority PAC, directed $8.75 million into the Schumer-tied PAC. Meanwhile, House Majority Forward, a nonprofit with ties to the House Majority PAC, has pushed $5.5 million into the Jeffries-aligned PAC.

The more than $14 million in dark funds between the nonprofits and committees is far more than at an identical point in the 2022 and 2020 elections. In 2022, Majority Forward wired $4.3 million to the Senate Majority PAC during the same time frame, while House Majority Forward did not make any transfers to the House Majority PAC. In 2020, neither nonprofit moved donations to the PACs this early into the election, but did send money for salaries, records show.

The moves occurred as Schumer regularly criticized dark money, which he says ‘corrupted our politics.’ He has also pushed conservative judicial groups to disclose their funders, as he and other Democrats have benefited from several dark money judicial groups of their own. 

According to Majority Forward’s most recent tax forms obtained by Fox News Digital, the group received $75 million between mid-2021 and 2022. House Majority Forward’s tax forms show that the group collected $12 million in 2021, which likely will ramp up as the election draws closer.

Senate and House Democrats are not the only ones positioned to benefit from unknown donors. President Biden appears set to benefit from immense sums in undisclosed contributions from the primary outside super PAC backing his 2024 candidacy despite his claims that dark money ‘erodes public trust.’

Biden’s team elevated the Future Forward PAC as the leading outside group to collect cash in support of his candidacy. Future Forward told the New York Times in July that it had raised $50 million this year.

The money, however, is likely parked in its related dark money nonprofit, Future Forward USA Action. The PAC reported just $67,000 in contributions during the first six months of the year, which came from a vendor refund and in-kind donations from the nonprofit for staff time and overhead. 

Future Forward’s nonprofit has moved tens of millions to the PAC for electoral activity in recent years, signaling Biden will also obtain a significant boost from anonymous patrons throughout the 2024 elections.

The Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC did not respond to requests for comment.

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Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows will appear in court in Georgia for the first time Monday, making a bid to transfer the case against him to federal court.

Meadows, who faces charges of interfering in Georgia’s 2020 election, argues that he was acting in his capacity as a federal official at the time and is therefore immune to prosecution.

Meadows’ attorneys plan to request that U.S. District Judge Steve Jones move the case to the federal system, at which time they would then move to have the case dismissed, according to the Washington Post.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted 18 people in addition to former President Donald Trump earlier this month. Four of those have adopted Meadows’ strategy of attempting to push their case into federal court, including former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark and former Georgia Republican Party chairman David Shafer.

Prior to his surrender last week, Meadows had filed an emergency motion seeking to prevent his ‘imminent arrest,’ which was denied. Meadows had sought to stall his arrest pending the outcome of an evidentiary hearing over the possibility of his RICO charges being moved from state to federal court, FOX 5 Atlanta reported.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was also notified last week that he will be subpoenaed to testify during Monday’s court hearing.

Willis’ indictment against Meadows cited a Jan. 2, 2021 phone call in which Trump requested that Raffensperger ‘find votes’ to overturn the state’s election results. Meadows was on the phone call as well, and Willis argues that his participation constituted illegal solicitation of a state official to violate his oath.

Lawyers for Meadows have responded that the actions he took were ‘directly related’ to his role as White House chief of staff, and that the case constitutes ‘state interference in a federal official’s duties.’

Fox News’ Danielle Wallace contributed to this report.

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Vice President Kamala Harris said Sunday that many Black Americans live every day with the fear of becoming victims of ‘hate-fueled gun violence’ in response to a gunman in Florida opening fire in a Dollar General and killing three Black people.

Ryan Christopher Palmeter, 21, arrived at a Dollar General in a predominantly Black neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida, on Saturday with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, Glock handgun and tactical vest. Palmeter then shot and killed three victims in what Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters described as a ‘racially motivated’ attack.

On Sunday, Harris released a statement about the shooting in which she condemned hatred and violent extremism in America, and said that Black people are often concerned about racially motivated gun violence against them when they leave their homes.

The vice president pointed out that the shooting Saturday afternoon was happening as many Americans were celebrating the anniversary of the March on Washington, the 1963 march by activists demanding civil and economic rights for Black Americans.

‘Already, federal law enforcement has opened a civil rights investigation into this attack and is treating it as a possible hate crime and act of domestic violent extremism,’ Harris said.

‘As we allow that investigation to proceed, let us continue to speak truth about the moment we are in: America is experiencing an epidemic of hate,’ she continued. ‘Too many communities have been torn apart by hatred and violent extremism. Too many families have lost children, parents, and grandparents. Too many Black Americans live every day with the fear that they will be victims of hate-fueled gun violence—at school, at work, at their place of worship, at the grocery store.’

Harris also urged congressional lawmakers to ban assault weapons and pass ‘other commonsense gun safety’ measures.

‘Every person in every community in America should have the freedom to live safe from gun violence,’ she said.

The victims of the shooting on Saturday were 52-year-old Angela Michelle Carr, 19-year-old Anolt Joseph Laguerre Jr., and 29-year-old Jerrald De’Shawn Gallion.

According to officials, Palmeter was once involved in a 2016 domestic violence incident and was once involuntarily committed to a mental hospital for examination. Images of the shooting shared on the sheriff’s Facebook page also show white lettering and symbols painted on the gunman’s AR-15 rifle, including what appears to be a swastika.

Waters addressed calls for firearm bans in a news conference held Sunday afternoon.

‘The story’s always about guns. People are bad,’ he said. ‘This guy’s a bad guy. If I could take my gun off right now and lay it on this counter, nothing will happen. It’ll sit there. But as soon as a wicked person grabs ahold of that gun and starts shooting people with it, there’s the problem. The problem is the individual.’

President Biden also released a statement Sunday decrying White supremacy.

‘Even as we continue searching for answers, we must say clearly and forcefully that white(sic) supremacy has no place in America,’ Biden said. ‘We must refuse to live in a country where Black families going to the store or Black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. Hate must have no safe harbor. Silence is complicity and we must not remain silent.’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, also a Republican presidential candidate, called the shooter a ‘scumbag’ in remarks on Saturday.

‘This shooting, based on the manifesto they discovered from the scumbag that did this, was racially motivated,’ DeSantis said. ‘He was targeting people based on their race. That is totally unacceptable.’

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The third top ranking House Republican is reportedly planning to flood $100 million of campaign dollars into strategic districts in her home state of New York to hold off the Democratic there offensive next year.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, who’s made her northern New York district – which runs through the Adirondacks not far from the Canadian border – a lock for the GOP, revealed her plans in a recent interview with Politico. 

Stefanik said she recently brought House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to the Hamptons for a previously unreported fundraiser with wealthy Long Island donors and shared a vast digital database of contributors with the state GOP. Her strategy is to flood key New York swing districts with $100 million in campaign funding, as the Republican control of the House and her own political future depend on the Empire State holding ground. 

Last year, the GOP flipped three battleground U.S. House seats in the Hudson Valley and Long Island. After previously supporting Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., in 2022, she is not allowing Long Island Republicans decide his congressional fate as he battles federal indictment. 

‘It’s a guerilla warfare mentality,’ an unnamed Stefanik advisor told Politico of the congresswoman’s pledge to ensure her Republican New York colleagues have the resources to win. 

‘I’ve been underestimated from the beginning,’ Stefanik reportedly told Politico from a dairy farm in her district. ‘That’s been a trend my entire time in Congress.’

More than a year out from 2024 election day, Republican campaign offices are popping up in the Hudson Valley, central New York and Long Island seeding with GOP staffers. Stefanik, who has been a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, will lead the Republican charge in New York at the same time Democratic House Leader Hakeem Jeffries plans an offensive to regain lost seats from last cycle. 

New York GOP chairman Ed Cox told Politico that Stefanik’s involvement ‘is a tremendous asset to our party not just nationally, but here in New York state.’ 

The $100 million to be raised through a coordinated effort with the Republican National Committee will help bolster first-year Republican Reps. Mike Lawler and Marc Molinaro in the Hudson Valley; Long Island’s Anthony D’Esposito and Brandon Williams in Central New York. Stefanik vowed to raise at least $150,000 for each vulnerable new lawmaker, and Republicans also have their sights on taking on first-term Democratic Rep. Pat Ryan in the Hudson Valley, who won a special election a year ago. 

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Joe Lieberman, the founding chair of No Labels, on Sunday tried to ease doubts that the third-party group was going to act as a spoiler in the 2024 presidential race, saying it will only launch a bipartisan, third-party presidential ticket if there is a realistic chance of winning.

Lieberman, a former U.S. senator from Connecticut, appeared on ‘Fox News Sunday’ to discuss how the centrist group is challenging the political status quo of the two-party system and offering Americans an alternative to the likely rematch between President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

‘The American people are telling us on polling we’re doing and discussions we’re having that they’ve lost confidence in the two major parties, and by large numbers they don’t want to have to choose again between President Trump and President Biden,’ said Lieberman.

The American people want a ‘third choice,’ according to Lieberman, because the two parties, along with Biden and Trump, ‘are not giving them hope’ that the government will do something about important issues such as crime, the economy, Ukraine and China.

But Lieberman, who has turned Independent since he was the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president in the 2000 presidential election, said the group will only launch a third-party bipartisan ballot ‘if we think it has a realistic chance to win.’

‘We’re not going to be a spoiler,’ Lieberman said.

Democratic groups, however, have voiced fear that a potential third-party campaign will take Independent voters away from Biden and spoil the election in favor of Trump.

‘If we run it’s going to be a bipartisan ticket, so not only will we have concluded that it really can win, but because it’s bipartisan we’re confident it’s going to take equally from both parties so the idea that we’re going to spoil it and re-elect President Trump just isn’t realistic,’ Lieberman said.

The former senator said No Labels already has a bipartisan nominating convention scheduled for April 2024 in Dallas, Texas.

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Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley repeated her support for sending armed forces across the U.S.-Mexico border to target drug cartels. 

‘When it comes to the cartels, we should treat them like the terrorists that they are,’ Haley told Fox News Digital in a recent interview. ‘I would send special operations in there and eliminate them just like we eliminated ISIS and make sure that they know there’s no place for them.’

‘If Mexico won’t deal with it, I’ll make sure I deal with it,’ she added.

The former South Carolina governor, who is running for the Republican nomination for president, also stressed that to crack down on the fentanyl crisis in the U.S., the president has to ‘go to the true source.’

‘China knows exactly what they’re doing when they’re sending that fentanyl across the border. And we need to tell them we will stop all normal trade relations with you until you stop killing Americans,’ Haley said. 

She continued, ‘We lost 75,000 Americans last year, and we can’t continue to allow that to happen.’


During the first Republican presidential debate, several candidates were asked whether they would authorize lethal force against armed members of the drug cartel who were recently spotted crossing the U.S. border. 

‘There would be lethal force used by the Border Patrol law enforcement as needed to protect the border,’ former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said while stressing economic pressure on Mexico would be implemented by his administration.

When asked if he would allow special operations to take out fentanyl labs and the drug cartel, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis quickly replied, ‘Yes, and I will do it on day one.’

‘The president of the United States has got to use all available powers as commander in chief to protect our country and to protect the people. So when they’re coming across, yes, we are gonna use lethal force. Yes, we reserve the right to operate. How many more tens of thousands are we gonna let to die?’ DeSantis said.

‘So as president, wouls I use force? Would I treat them as foreign terrorist organizations? You are darn right I would,’ he added. 

Former Vice President Mike Pence touted the Trump administration’s record when it came to border crossings and echoed Hutchinson’s call for economic pressure but vowed ‘we will partner with the Mexican military and we will hunt down and destroy the cartels that are claiming lives in the United States of America.’

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