


Vice President Kamala Harris defended flip-flopping on key policies such as energy in a preview clip of her first sit-down interview with the media since ascending the Democratic presidential ticket. 

‘Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made?’ CNN host Dana Bash asked Harris in the preview clip released late Thursday afternoon. ‘… Is it because you have more experience now, and you’ve learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you’re saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?’

Harris responded that her ‘values have not changed’ throughout her political career. 

‘I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed, and I have worked on it, that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act,’ Harris responded. 

Harris has been accused by voters, political pundits and the Trump campaign of flip-flopping on key policies since emerging as the Democratic Party’s nominee since President Biden dropped out of the race last month. On fracking, for example, Harris’ campaign announced last month that the vice president did not support a ban on the oil extraction technique that enjoys broad support in battleground states like Pennsylvania.

That position, however, is the opposite of her remarks as a primary candidate during a 2019 CNN town hall event, when Harris said there is ‘no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.’

Harris has also distanced herself from ‘Medicare for All’ and semiautomatic rifle buyback programs, after publicly touting both programs during her failed primary campaign during the 2020 cycle. 

‘We have set goals for the United States of America, and by extension, the globe, around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,’ Harris continued in her comments to CNN on Thursday.

‘As an example, that value has not changed. My value around what we need to do to secure our border. That value has not changed. I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California prosecuting transnational criminal organization, violations of American laws regarding the passage, illegal passage, of guns, drugs and human beings across our border, my values have not changed,’ she said.

The network will release the full interview with Harris at 9 p.m. Thursday evening, with Bash telling her audience Thursday afternoon that the interview will dive into Harris’ policies on handling the economy, inflation, the environment and immigration. 

The interview was conducted in the battleground state of Georgia at Kim’s Cafe, a Black-owned restaurant in Savannah. Harris was joined by her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz for the interview.

Fox News Digital’s Mike Lee contributed to this report.  

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President Biden began his second straight week of vacation Monday, providing more fodder for critics who insist he is not finishing out his term with very much vigor.

Biden arrived at his Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, beach house Sunday, where he will remain until at least Saturday, according to The New York Post. The president arrived following a six-night vacation stay with his family the following week at Democratic Party donor Joe Kiani’s California ranch estate. Biden’s also reportedly has no public events scheduled while he is at the beach this week.

The lame duck president has been criticized for overusing vacation time when he is supposed to be the leader of the free world. During the third anniversary of the Kabul airport bombing that killed 13 American soldiers on Monday, White House national security communications adviser John Kirby was pressed by a reporter on whether Biden is simply a ‘ceremonial figure’ at this point.

‘My goodness, he talked to Prime Minister Modi today. He had calls with leaders in the region and in Europe, President Zelenskyy, last week.  He monitored in real time what was going on over the weekend. I mean, come on,’ Kirby said of Biden. ‘The president is on vacation, but you can never unplug from a job like that, nor does he try to… He’s very much in command of making sure we can continue to protect our national security interests here at home and certainly overseas.’


Meanwhile, shortly after bowing out of the race to win re-election in July, Biden told reporters he is ‘not going anywhere’ and intended to ‘work like hell’ until the end of his term in January 2025. ‘Over the next six months, I’ll be focused on doing my job as president,’ Biden added during a July 24 Oval Office address, which was only the third speech he had given from the Resolute desk since becoming commander in chief. 

Sources differ on the exact number of days that Biden has spent on vacation during his presidency. Data from the Republican National Committee claims that after serving roughly two years and seven months as president, Biden spent about 40% of his time on vacation.

House Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., alongside other congressional Republicans, have called on Biden’s Cabinet to consider invoking the 25th Amendment, which allows for the vice president to take over the president’s duties if he is unable to fulfill the responsibilities necessary to run the White House. Democrats similarly sought to invoke the 25th Amendment during the final days of former President Trump’s time in office.

‘Who is running the country?’ several social media users asked Thursday, including Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas. ‘An Armed Illegal Alien Street Gang from Venezuela Seizes an Apartment Complex in Aurora, Colorado—Residents Terrified! Meanwhile, Joe Biden is on his second vacation in two weeks and Kamala Harris is preparing for her first interview in 40 days.’

Fox News Digital reached out to the White House for comment but did not receive a response.

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A flurry of recent polls seem to indicate Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign is maintaining its post-Democratic National Convention momentum.

In the past two days, Fox News, Reuters and USA Today have published poll results indicating Harris is holding on to her lead against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The Reuters/Ipsos Poll released Thursday reported Harris leading Trump 45% to 41% among registered voters. 

The poll, conducted over eight days concluding Wednesday, reported that the source of this boost in support came from Hispanic and women voters. 

The Reuters/Ipsos poll maintained a plus or minus 2% margin of error.

A USA Today/Suffolk University Poll released Wednesday found Harris surging ahead of Trump by several points. 

The poll, which surveyed 1,000 likely voters via landline phones and cellphones from Aug. 25-28, found Harris was leading with 48% against Trump’s 43% nationwide. The USA Today poll reports a plus or minus 3.1% margin of error.

A Fox News Poll released Wednesday found Harris has improved on President Biden’s 2024 election numbers in four battleground states, driven by strong support among women, Black voters and young voters. 

In addition, while Trump leads on top issues, more voters see Harris as the candidate who can unite the country and who will ‘fight for people like you.’ That’s according to new Fox News statewide surveys in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina.  

Each survey includes about 1,000 registered voters and was conducted Aug. 23-26, after the Democratic National Convention and just after Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dropped out and endorsed Trump.

The surveys, released Wednesday, find a close, two-way Harris-Trump race. Harris is up by 1 percentage point in Arizona and by 2 points in Georgia and Nevada, while Trump is ahead by 1 point in North Carolina. All are within the margin of sampling error.

Fox News Digital’s Dana Blanton and Victoria Balara contributed to this report.

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Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has been a longtime vocal supporter of a medical research institute in his home state with a long track record of collaborating with a firm labeled by the Pentagon as a ‘Chinese military company’ and with Chinese officials with controversial ties to the CCP.

Walz, Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, has long been aligned with the Hormel Institute, a biomedical research center in Austin, Minnesota, within the University of Minnesota’s Research and Innovation Office. As recently as April, a press release from the institute highlighted how Walz went to ‘meet with local leaders and learn of the Institute’s recent progress in groundbreaking biomedical and agricultural research and its expanding education and outreach initiatives.’

‘[The Hormel Institute] is no longer a secret, and we don’t want it to be a secret — it’s very un-Minnesotan of us because we’re bragging all the time,’ Walz said in the press release. ‘I think it [the vision of MBiC] fits with where we see ourselves as a state [in the future]… a future around… green energy, sustainable agriculture, and the ability to feed a very hungry world… and the ability to be one of the nation’s designated biotech hubs.’

The Hormel Institute has done extensive work with the Beijing Genomics Institute, a group labeled by the Pentagon as a ‘Chinese military company,’ some of which involved research on BGI machines and studies conducted with BGI laboratories in Shenzhen, China, for analysis.

‘BGI may be serving, wittingly or unwittingly, as a global collection mechanism for Chinese government gene databases, providing China with greater raw numbers and diversity of human genome samples as well as access to sensitive personal information about key individuals around the world,’ The National Security Commission on AI said in 2022.

Concerns about BGI are so prevalent that Congress has weighed legislation to ban government contracts with the Chinese military subsidiary, Fox News Digital previously reported.

Beyond the extensive ties to BGI, the former executive director of the Hormel Institute, and the timing of his 2019 resignation, has drawn controversy in its own right.

Dr. Zigang Dong abruptly stepped down from his post leading the institute in 2019 after 18 years in the position. Around the same time, it was revealed Dong was involved in an FBI probe where the bureau was investigating his ‘possible failure to report foreign backing when applying for grants,’ Austin Daily Herald reported.

In addition to serving as the executive director of the Hormel Institute, Dong established the China-US (Henan) Hormel Cancer Institute (CUHCI), a multimillion-dollar international partnership with a research facility in China, during his time with Hormel, and Walz was present to celebrate the announcement. 

‘The collaboration brings more resources, it brings more collaboration in terms of what that scientific data is showing,’ Walz, then a congressman representing Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District, said about the partnership.

‘A sum of money is budgeted by the Henan Provincial Government to the institute annually to maintain its regular operation,’ the partnership explained.

In 2014, Walz welcomed a delegation from China to the institute that included Wang Yanling, the vice governor of Henan Province and a Communist Party doctor. Yanling is listed as holding several positions in the Chinese Communist Party over the course of many decades.

Several members of the Chinese Communist Party have sat on the board of directors at the Henan Cancer Institute, according to an archived version of the organization’s website.

Despite stepping down from the executive director role, Dong’s ties to the China‐US (Henan) Hormel Cancer Institute in Zhengzhou have continued since he stepped down in 2019. In 2022, the Henan institute published a study with Dong and several other individuals that involved genetic sequencing provided by BGI. 

In January of this year, Professor Ann M. Bode from the Hormel Institute in Minnesota collaborated with several scientists based in China to conduct research that included experiments carried out using BGI machines.

A review of the Minnesota Hormel Institute’s faculty list shows five professors who were educated in China, including genetics experts who specialize in ‘gene regulation.’

FEC filings show that Dong has been a longtime and almost exclusive donor to Walz’s political career, including five donations of over $200 to Walz’s congressional campaigns dating back to 2005.

As a member of Congress, Walz backed Hormel’s expansion and helped them secure ‘over $2M for technology acquisitions,’ according to a press release.

In 2008, when Walz was touring the Hormel Institute, the Rochester Post Bulletin reported he ‘will keep pushing for the institute to receive a $5 million federal earmark in 2009 to help pay for equipment and instruments in its new International Center of Research Technology. The center could cost as much as $10 million, with additional costs of staff, other instruments and possibly more space.’

Dong praised Walz’s efforts to secure funding for the group, including his push to send over $300,000 to the institute in 2009.

‘We are deeply indebted to Congressman Walz and the diligent, dedicated effort he makes to secure funding support for the Hormel Institute,’ Dong said, according to the Post Bulletin.

‘The growth we have achieved — and the future growth we will continue to strive for — depends on the important partnerships we share with our community and the support we receive from our leaders, such as Congressman Walz.’

In addition to Walz, two of his top congressional aides visited the Hormel Institute in 2016 to ‘discuss areas where congressional support could be helpful, such as increasing the National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget to increase cancer grant funding.’

Tim Bertocci, who served as Walz’s legislative director, among other roles, started working at the Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict earlier this year, according to his Linkedin profile. Sara Severs, who was Walz’s deputy chief of staff at the time, works for the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

‘They toured the expansion and learned about the CryoElectron microscope and lab newly added to the International Center of Research Technology,’ the Facebook post continued. ‘Rep. Walz’s efforts secured nearly $2 million in technology grants for items such as a supercomputer and mass spectrometry for cancer research.’

Michael Sobolik, a senior fellow in Indo-Pacific Studies at the American Foreign Policy Council, warned in his recent book ‘Countering China’s Great Game: A Strategy for American Dominance,’ that the CCP is actively involved in subverting U.S. foreign policy through cancer research centers.

‘America, by virtue of its power and ideology, stands athwart authoritarianism and imperialism, oftentimes without Americans realizing it,’ Sobolik wrote. 

‘Whether we know it or not, we are once again living in a cold war. I still remember the day this reality mugged me in 2018, when the president of an internationally recognized cancer research center visited the Senate and warned me that the CCP was stealing advanced radiology research from their institution. Beijing’s intent was not to cure cancer but to examine the possibility of immunizing their population against radiation poisoning in a nuclear war.’

Sobolik told Fox News Digital that while Americans ‘want to use science to cure cancer,’ the ‘Chinese Communist Party wants to leverage that research to win a nuclear war.’

‘That’s terrifying — and it’s been an open secret in medical research centers throughout America for over five years. Even if Tim Walz didn’t know that, he should have noted the FBI’s investigation into Dong. It has the hallmarks of the CCP’s Thousand Talents Program, which Beijing leverages to steal and repurpose dual-use research for military purposes. Walz’s continued support for the Hormel Institute raises questions about his judgment on critical national security issues.’

Dong appears to be linked with the CCP’s ‘Talents Plan’ or ‘Thousand Talents Plan,’ which it describes as an effort by China to ‘incentivize its members to steal foreign technologies needed to advance China’s national, military, and economic goals.’

In 2018, a company known as ThermoFisher, which Human Rights Watch accused of supplying the Chinese government with surveillance tech to crack down on the Uyghur population, sponsored a conference in Beijing titled ‘Transforming lives through pioneering Precision Medicine.’

One of the panels at that conference, called ‘Looking Toward a World Without Cancer,’ was hosted by Professor Liu Yuanli, who is openly associated with the ‘Thousand Talents’ program.

Also sitting on that panel was Dong.

Dong was selected by ‘100 Top Talents Projects’ in China, according to a 2014 press release.

‘Someday when they write the history of how humanity solved cancer, it will be written through Henan Province and through Austin, Minnesota,’ Walz is quoted as saying.

The ties to the Hormel Institute exist under the backdrop of increased scrutiny in recent weeks of Walz’s affinity toward China and past associations with its communist regime.

Walz worked briefly in China as a teacher, traveling to Guangdong in 1989 for a teach abroad program to teach English and American history. Walz has made dozens of trips to China and The Wall Street Journal, citing local media reports, reported that one trip to China doubled as his honeymoon in 1994, and he planned his wedding date to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown.

‘I’ve lived in China and, as I’ve said, I’ve been there about 30 times…. I don’t fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship. I totally disagree, and I think we need to stand firm on what they’re doing in the South China Sea, but there’s many areas of cooperation we can work on,’ Walz said in an interview with Agri-Pulse Communications.

He was also quoted by a local outlet in 1990 reflecting on his visits to China, saying, ‘No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again.’

‘They gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience,’ Walz said, adding that he was ‘treated exceptionally well.’

The remark came in the wake of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and amid continued and still ongoing mass human rights abuses in the communist regime.

‘Tim Walz owes the American people an explanation about his unusual, 35-year relationship with Communist China,’ Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., posted on X in early August.

Fox News Digital reported earlier this month that the House Oversight Committee was probing Walz’s ties to China, including his alleged ‘longstanding connections’ to China and CCP-linked entities.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, a spokesperson for the Hormel Institute in Minnesota said the Hormel Cancer institute in China and the Hormel Institute in Minnesota are no longer affiliated.

‘The University of Minnesota and the Hormel Institute in Minnesota have no affiliation with China-US (Henan) Hormel Cancer Institute in China,’ the statement said. ‘Cease and desist letters have been sent to the institute in China requesting it to stop using the Hormel name.’

‘The Hormel Institute and the University are committed to compliance with federal disclosure, security, export controls and sanctions rules.’

The spokesperson added, ‘Many of our elected leaders, Republicans and Democrats, have supported and continue to support the Hormel Institute and its mission. State and federal leaders from both parties visit Austin regularly to meet with our researchers and learn more about our life-saving biomedical and cancer research.’

After publication, the spokesperson said that ‘notification was sent as early as January 2020 to remove the Hormel trademark from the name of the China-US Hormel (Henan) Cancer Institute.’

The spokesperson did not respond to questions about Hormel’s connections to BGI.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris-Walz campaign for comment but did not receive a response.

Fox News Digital’s Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

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Then-Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris did not rule out potentially packing the Supreme Court in 2019 when she sought the party’s nod to face then-President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. 

The now-vice president and Democratic nominee for president in 2024 reiterated several times during her previous campaign that she wasn’t opposed to a Supreme Court expansion, which would theoretically allow liberal justices to take on a majority role through new appointments. 

‘I’m open to this conversation about increasing the number of people on the United States Supreme Court,’ Harris told voters in Nashua, New Hampshire, after a question was posed to her about adding up to four seats to the high court, Bloomberg reported at the time.

Her interest in court-packing was not limited to a one-off remark. Harris made it clear, reiterating during her primary campaign in 2019 to both the New York Times and Politico that she was open-minded when it came to adding more seats to the court. 

Harris claimed to Politico at the time that ‘everything is on the table’ to restore confidence in the Supreme Court, including court-packing. 

She was asked by The New York Times whether she wished to elaborate on being ‘open’ to court-packing, to which she declined. 

‘I’m just open to it,’ she said. 

Harris’ campaign did not provide comment to Fox News Digital in time for publication. It was asked whether Harris was still open to court-packing. 

Last month, Biden and Harris’ administration rolled out a slate of policies to overhaul the Supreme Court. In their proposal, they called for term limits for Supreme Court justices, who currently serve lifetime appointments, an enforceable ethics code for justices, and an amendment to the Constitution to overturn the high court’s ruling that former presidents have substantial immunity from prosecution for official acts while in office. 

The overhaul also included a form of packing the court, according to the analysis of former Trump administration lawyer Mark Paoletta. Stealthily included under the term limit proposal, Biden and Harris’ plan outlines a system in which the president appoints a new Supreme Court justice ‘every two years to spend eighteen years in active service on the Supreme Court.’

‘Even though Joe Biden caved to radicals and recently endorsed court packing, Harris is even further to the left of him on this thoroughly discredited idea,’ Paoletta said in a statement to Fox News Digital. He notably worked on the confirmation efforts for Justices Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch. 

The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment. 

Harris’ past statements and refusal to comment further on the subject suggest that her administration could undertake not only the Supreme Court expansion apparently outlined in the administration’s desired overhaul, but an even more drastic version. 

Paoletta pointed to a recent claim from Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who said Harris’ campaign told him his Supreme Court legislation is ‘precisely aligned with what we are talking about,’ the Dispatch reported.

‘According to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse—who is the single most malignant figure in America trying to undermine the independence of the Supreme Court—Harris supports his court-packing legislation that would disqualify the senior-most Justices from active service, which just so happen to be Justice Thomas, Chief Justice Roberts, and Justice Alito,’ Paoletta explained. 

He claimed Whitehouse’s plans, which Harris has purportedly expressed agreement with, are ‘far more nefarious’ than the ‘court packing scheme’ under former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 

As Paoletta noted, legislation authored by Whitehouse laid out a similar structure to Biden and Harris’ latest proposal, outlining appointments of justices every two years. Under the bill, only the most recently appointed nine justices would oversee appellate jurisdiction cases. It further states that ‘all’ justices are to preside over original jurisdiction cases, without specifying a number. 

Prior to the latest overhaul proposal, Biden had held off supporting packing the court, despite calls from other Democrats. He once warned that Democrats would ‘live to rue’ taking such action. 

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Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has been a longtime vocal supporter of a medical research institute in his home state with a long track record of collaborating with a firm labeled by the Pentagon as a ‘Chinese military company’ and with Chinese officials with controversial ties to the CCP.

Walz, Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, has long been aligned with the Hormel Institute, a biomedical research center in Austin, Minnesota, within the University of Minnesota’s Research and Innovation Office. As recently as April, a press release from the institute highlighted how Walz went to ‘meet with local leaders and learn of the Institute’s recent progress in groundbreaking biomedical and agricultural research and its expanding education and outreach initiatives.’

‘[The Hormel Institute] is no longer a secret, and we don’t want it to be a secret – it’s very un-Minnesotan of us because we’re bragging all the time,’ Walz said in the press release. ‘I think it [the vision of MBiC] fits with where we see ourselves as a state [in the future]… a future around… green energy, sustainable agriculture, and the ability to feed a very hungry world… and the ability to be one of the nation’s designated biotech hubs.’

The Hormel Institute has done extensive work with the Beijing Genomics Institute, a group labeled by the Pentagon as a ‘Chinese military company,’ some of which involved research on BGI machines and studies conducted with BGI laboratories in Shenzhen, China, for analysis.

‘BGI may be serving, wittingly or unwittingly, as a global collection mechanism for Chinese government gene databases, providing China with greater raw numbers and diversity of human genome samples as well as access to sensitive personal information about key individuals around the world,’ The National Security Commission on AI said in 2022.

Concerns about BGI are so prevalent that Congress has weighed legislation to ban government contracts with the Chinese military subsidiary, Fox News Digital previously reported.

Beyond the extensive ties to BGI, the former executive director of the Hormel Institute, and the timing of his 2019 resignation, has drawn controversy in its own right.

Dr. Zigang Dong abruptly stepped down from his post leading the institute in 2019 after 18 years in the position. Around the same time, it was revealed Dong was involved in an FBI probe where the bureau was investigating his ‘possible failure to report foreign backing when applying for grants,’ Austin Daily Herald reported.

In addition to serving as the executive director of the Hormel Institute, Dong established the China-US (Henan) Hormel Cancer Institute (CUHCI), a multimillion-dollar international partnership with a research facility in China, during his time with Hormel, and Walz was present to celebrate the announcement. 

‘The collaboration brings more resources, it brings more collaboration in terms of what that scientific data is showing,’ Walz, then a congressman representing Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District, said about the partnership.

‘A sum of money is budgeted by the Henan Provincial Government to the institute annually to maintain its regular operation,’ the partnership explained.

In 2014, Walz welcomed a delegation from China to the institute that included Wang Yanling, the vice governor of Henan Province and a Communist Party doctor. Yanling is listed as holding several positions in the Chinese Communist Party over the course of many decades.

Several members of the Chinese Communist Party have sat on the board of directors at the Henan Cancer Institute, according to an archived version of the organization’s website.

Despite stepping down from the executive director role, Dong’s ties to the China‐US (Henan) Hormel Cancer Institute in Zhengzhou have continued since he stepped down in 2019. In 2022, the Henan institute published a study with Dong and several other individuals that involved genetic sequencing provided by BGI. 

In January 2024, Professor Ann M. Bode from the Hormel Institute in Minnesota collaborated with several scientists based in China to conduct research that included experiments carried out using BGI machines.

A review of the Minnesota Hormel Institute’s faculty list shows five professors who were educated in China, including genetics experts who specialize in ‘gene regulation.’

FEC filings show that Dong has been a longtime and almost exclusive donor to Walz’s political career, including five donations of over $200 to Walz’s congressional campaigns dating back to 2005.

As a member of Congress, Walz backed Hormel’s expansion and helped them secure ‘over $2M for technology acquisitions,’ according to a press release.

In 2008, when Walz was touring the Hormel Institute, the Rochester Post Bulletin reported he ‘will keep pushing for the institute to receive a $5 million federal earmark in 2009 to help pay for equipment and instruments in its new International Center of Research Technology. The center could cost as much as $10 million, with additional costs of staff, other instruments and possibly more space.’

Dong praised Walz’s efforts to secure funding for the group, including his push to send over $300,000 to the institute in 2009.

‘We are deeply indebted to Congressman Walz and the diligent, dedicated effort he makes to secure funding support for the Hormel Institute,’ Dong said, according to the Post Bulletin.

‘The growth we have achieved – and the future growth we will continue to strive for – depends on the important partnerships we share with our community and the support we receive from our leaders, such as Congressman Walz.’

In addition to Walz, two of his top congressional aides visited the Hormel Institute in 2016 to ‘discuss areas where congressional support could be helpful, such as increasing the National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget to increase cancer grant funding.’

Tim Bertocci, who served as Walz’s legislative director, among other roles, started working at the Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict earlier this year, according to his Linkedin profile. Sara Severs, who was Walz’s deputy chief of staff at the time, works for the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

‘They toured the expansion and learned about the CryoElectron microscope and lab newly added to the International Center of Research Technology,’ the Facebook post continued. ‘Rep. Walz’s efforts secured nearly $2 million in technology grants for items such as a supercomputer and mass spectrometry for cancer research.’

Michael Sobolik, a senior fellow in Indo-Pacific Studies at the American Foreign Policy Council, warned in his recent book ‘Countering China’s Great Game: A Strategy for American Dominance,’ that the CCP is actively involved in subverting U.S. foreign policy through cancer research centers.

‘America, by virtue of its power and ideology, stands athwart authoritarianism and imperialism, oftentimes without Americans realizing it,’ Sobolik wrote. 

‘Whether we know it or not, we are once again living in a cold war. I still remember the day this reality mugged me in 2018, when the president of an internationally recognized cancer research center visited the Senate and warned me that the CCP was stealing advanced radiology research from their institution. Beijing’s intent was not to cure cancer but to examine the possibility of immunizing their population against radiation poisoning in a nuclear war.’

Sobolik told Fox News Digital that while Americans ‘want to use science to cure cancer,’ the ‘Chinese Community Party wants to leverage that research to win a nuclear war.’

‘That’s terrifying – and it’s been an open secret in medical research centers throughout America for over five years. Even if Tim Walz didn’t know that, he should have noted the FBI’s investigation into Dong. It has the hallmarks of the CCP’s Thousand Talents Program, which Beijing leverages to steal and repurpose dual-use research for military purposes. Walz’s continued support for the Hormel Institute raises questions about his judgment on critical national security issues.’

Dong appears to be linked with the CCP’s ‘Talents Plan’ or ‘Thousand Talents Plan,’ which it describes as an effort by China to ‘incentivize its members to steal foreign technologies needed to advance China’s national, military, and economic goals.’

In 2018, a company known as ThermoFisher, which Human Rights Watch accused of supplying the Chinese government with surveillance tech to crack down on the Uyghur population, sponsored a conference in Beijing titled ‘Transforming lives through pioneering Precision Medicine.’

One of the panels at that conference, called ‘Looking Toward a World Without Cancer,’ was hosted by Professor Liu Yuanli, who is openly associated with the ‘Thousand Talents’ program.

Also sitting on that panel was Dong.

Dong was selected by ‘100 Top Talents Projects’ in China, according to a 2014 press release.

‘Someday when they write the history of how humanity solved cancer, it will be written through Henan Province and through Austin, Minnesota,’ Walz is quoted as saying. 

The ties to the Hormel Institute exist under the backdrop of increased scrutiny in recent weeks of Walz’s affinity toward China and past associations with its communist regime.

Walz worked briefly in China as a teacher, traveling to Guangdong in 1989 for a teach abroad program to teach English and American history. Walz has made dozens of trips to China and The Wall Street Journal, citing local media reports, reported that one trip to China doubled as his honeymoon in 1994, and he planned his wedding date to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown.

‘I’ve lived in China and, as I’ve said, I’ve been there about 30 times…. I don’t fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship. I totally disagree, and I think we need to stand firm on what they’re doing in the South China Sea, but there’s many areas of cooperation we can work on,’ Walz said in an interview with Agri-Pulse Communications.

He was also quoted by a local outlet in 1990 reflecting on his visits to China, saying, ‘No matter how long I live, I will never be treated that well again.’

‘They gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience,’ Walz said, adding that he was ‘treated exceptionally well.’

The remark came in the wake of the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 and amid continued and still ongoing mass human rights abuses in the communist regime.

‘Tim Walz owes the American people an explanation about his unusual, 35-year relationship with Communist China,’ Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., posted on X in early August.

Fox News Digital reported earlier this month that the House Oversight Committee was probing Walz’s ties to China, including his alleged ‘longstanding connections’ to China and CCP-linked entities.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, a spokesperson for the Hormel Institute in Minnesota said the Hormel Cancer institute in China and the Hormel Institute in Minnesota are no longer affiliated.

‘The University of Minnesota and the Hormel Institute in Minnesota have no affiliation with China-US (Henan) Hormel Cancer Institute in China,’ the statement said. ‘Cease and desist letters have been sent to the institute in China requesting it to stop using the Hormel name.’

‘The Hormel Institute and the University are committed to compliance with federal disclosure, security, export controls and sanctions rules.’

The spokesperson added, ‘Many of our elected leaders, Republicans and Democrats, have supported and continue to support the Hormel Institute and its mission. State and federal leaders from both parties visit Austin regularly to meet with our researchers and learn more about our life-saving biomedical and cancer research.’

The spokesperson did not respond to questions about when the disassociation took place or about Hormel’s connections to BGI. 

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris-Walz campaign for comment but did not receive a response.

Fox News Digital’s Adam Shaw contributed to this report.

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Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign is reportedly riddled with ‘internal worries about cohesiveness,’ as those loyal to the vice president and former Obama staffers come together to form an ‘at times unwieldy’ team working on what not long ago had been President Biden’s re-election campaign. 

The main architect of Biden’s campaign messaging, Mike Donilon, has gone back to the White House, but Harris has kept most of Biden’s other campaign staffers, Axios reported, citing six people involved in the campaign. The vice president also has tapped her own staffers and prominent aides from former President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, resulting in a ‘Frankenstein’ team with competing power centers. 

It contrasts with Biden’s insular campaign team that had a few longtime aides calling the shots. The Harris team’s attempt to avoid making Biden staffers feel cast aside has resulted in confusion about who is in charge, according to the report. One person involved told Axios there isn’t ‘as much tension at the very, very top, where the question is more: ‘Who is the first among equals with the vice president?”

‘The entanglement of these different entities has led to many people feeling a real lack of role clarity,’ another person involved in the campaign told Axios, citing more confusion ‘two or three rungs down.’ 

Biden’s campaign had parted ways with prominent election lawyer Marc Elias over his strategy last year. Harris has brought Elias, who is close to former Obama administration Attorney General Eric Holder, back to work on her campaign to help vet vice presidential running mates and now focus on Democrats’ recount strategy. 

The short timetable of just 68 days until Election Day seems to have deterred major tension, the report says. 

‘It’s just a mad dash,’ one person involved told Axios. ‘Things are colliding occasionally, but it’s not malicious.’

Some of the Biden campaign aides told Axios they thought the former Obama staffers had been second-guessing their moves for months, as some were involved in pushing Biden to exit the race. 

Though some on Biden’s team believe Harris is more electable than the president after his June debate performance against former President Trump, and welcome the ‘burst of enthusiasm,’ some are disappointed they have to defend Harris for her past progressive stances on ‘Medicare-for-all’ and banning fracking. Her positions on those issues, along with those of other Democrats, in part contributed to Biden’s 2020 nomination win. 

Instead of changing the makeup of Biden’s campaign team, Axios noted, the vice president instead shifted her messaging from Biden’s focus on ‘democracy’ to Harris’ new push for ‘freedom’ and ‘future.’ 

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign for comment. 

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House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., is joining the wave of critics going after Vice President Kamala Harris for holding her first 2024 campaign interview alongside her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

‘It is absolutely unacceptable that the first and ONLY interview from Kamala Harris, the anointed Democrat nominee for President of the United States, is done jointly with Tim Walz,’ Stefanik said on Thursday.

‘It is offensive to ALL women that Kamala has refused to sit for a solo interview when she is running to be commander-in-chief.’

Harris and Walz are sitting down with CNN host Dana Bash for a pre-taped interview Thursday set to air at 9 p.m. ET. It will be both of their first interviews since becoming the Democrats’ presidential ticket. 

It will be Harris’ first formal interview since replacing President Biden at the top of the ticket 39 days ago. 

It comes after growing pressure on Harris to participate in an unscripted, on-the-record media event or press conference – something she has not done since becoming the nominee, save for a notable but brief gaggle with reporters earlier this month. 

Republicans have seized on her decision to have her first sit-down alongside Walz, arguing it shows Harris is not capable of defending her platform on her own.

Stefanik also accused the media of complicity, continuing her statement, ‘The Democrats’ stenographers in the mainstream media just blindly regurgitate the talking points provided to them directly by the Kamala Harris campaign.’

‘Kamala Harris and her entire campaign is an affront to the American people,’ she said.

Harris campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt responded to Stefanik’s statement, saying, ‘For at least 20 years, every ticket, Republican and Democrat, sat for a joint interview. The only exception was when Donald Trump walked out of his joint interview four years ago with 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl, because he couldn’t handle her holding him accountable on his extreme, unpopular record.’

Fox News Digital reached out to the Trump campaign for a response.

Meanwhile, some journalists are also skeptical of the campaign’s decision. 

Former CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller wrote on X, ‘Should CNN have insisted on a one-on-one interview with Harris and turned down a joint interview with Harris and Walz? Too tough to walk away from. But first question to Harris ought to be why [she] couldn’t appear solo.’

It’s not unusual for presidential candidates and their running mates to do joint interviews – a fact that Harris allies have repeatedly utilized in her defense.

Politico Playbook quoted a campaign official who responded to the uproar with a list of joint interviews by a presidential ticket going back two decades, telling the outlet, ‘Obviously she will do solo interviews, too.’

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Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is turning to his friend, Russian President Vladimir Putin, to help him put down opposition to the recent outcome of the presidential election which most outside observers say was rigged.

Maduro’s claim to victory sparked widespread protests that have led to the arrests of 2,200 people, including opposition figures and journalists. 

Amid the tension, Putin sent his Baltic Fleetto a port near Caracas as opposition politicians have called on members of the military and security forces to respect the will of the people. The security forces have remained fiercely loyal to Maduro and show no signs of backing down.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently posted on social media platform X, ‘Worrying reports of Russian Wagner mercenaries being spotted in Venezuela alongside government forces.’

Putin called Maduro to congratulate him on his win and invited him to the next BRICS summit to be held in Russia in October.

Analysts say Russia’s intervention in Venezuela’s crisis and the growing links between the two countries is a warning sign for the U.S. as Putin looks to shore up authoritarian allies and oppose U.S. policies in the Western Hemisphere.

‘Russia’s involvement in Venezuela is problematic for both the Venezuelan people and the United States,’ Jorge Jraissati, Venezuelan foreign policy expert and president of the Economic Inclusion Group, told Fox News Digital.

‘If Venezuela becomes a military hub for powers like Iran and Russia, the region will become more unstable and autocratic. This is bad for business, human rights, and security,’ Jraissati added.

Jraissati also notes that the growing presence of the Wagner Group in Venezuela highlights the involvement of Russian military contractors in activities ranging from the protection of Maduro to the gathering of corporate intelligence.

Ariel Gonzalez Levaggi, senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies Americas Program, told Fox News Digital that Wagner mercenaries made appearances in Venezuela during the last presidential crisis in 2019 and are on the ground to improve presidential security and train special military forces. 

In the 2019 crisis, when the opposition-controlled National Assembly refused to recognize Maduro’s victory and opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself acting president, Russia sent the same S-300 Air Defense Systems to back up Maduro that were provided to help keep Bashar al-Assad in power in Syria.

Levaggi notes that even following the death of Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin in 2023, the group still ‘represents a threat to the region, since not only is it used as a tool of military influence by Moscow, but it also allows for the extension of authoritarian governments in the region.’

Maduro, who has been in power since 2013 following the death of Hugo Chavez and was seeking a third six-year term, declared himself the winner on July 28 but has refused to provide the data to show that he won. The government-backed National Electoral Council said that Maduro won 6.4 million votes, and Gonzales won 5.3 million.

Venezuela’s main opposition, led by Edmundo González Urrutia released data from polling stations across the country that showed that González Urrutia received nearly 7 million votes compared to just over 3 million for Maduro.

The U.S. rejects Maduro’s claim that he won the election and recognizes González Urrutia as the official victor. 

‘Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo González Urrutia received the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election,’ a State Department spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in a statement, also sent congratulations to González Urrutia and called on all Venezuelan parties to begin an inclusive and peaceful negotiated transition for the Venezuelan people.

Along with the U.S. response, the European Union has not recognized Maduro’s claim to victory and says he has not shown the necessary evidence to prove that he won the election. Leaders of regional heavyweights Brazil, Mexico and Colombia have attempted to mediate the dispute. The three leftist presidents, led by Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Colombia’s Gustavo Petro and outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, maintain friendly relations with Venezuela and generally prefer to stay out of regional affairs. The trio called on Maduro to release the election data but stopped short of saying he should step down.

So far, mediation efforts have failed, and Maduro continues his crackdown on dissent with assistance from Putin.

Moscow uses its influence in Venezuela as leverage against the U.S. and to thwart American power in the Western Hemisphere as a response to U.S. support for countries in Russia’s historic backyard, including Georgia and Ukraine. Similar to Russia’s support for Assad in Syria, Putin wants to preserve his strongman ally, Maduro, from falling to popular protests or democratic elections.

Venezuela expert Jraissati said Russia has maintained a close military relationship with Venezuela and has deployed the S-300s, Mi-35M and Mi-26 helicopters, military trainers, and Wagner mercenaries to the country. Moscow has also sent nuclear-capable Tu-160 backfire bombers over the years, and Venezuela has purchased over $20 billion worth of military equipment since 2006.

Russia’s ties to Venezuela also include close links in the energy sector, as Russia’s energy firms began establishing relations with Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. and worked on joint projects starting in the early 2000s. Russia’s state-owned Gazprom won the rights to explore for gas offshore Venezuela in 2006.

Jraissati said the U.S. approach to Venezuela needs reassessment.

‘The foreign policy approach of the Biden administration has weakened America’s global standing, including in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Doing so is essential to guarantee America’s military, commercial, and energy interests,’ he said.

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There are 68 days until Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

But if Americans vote like they did in the last two election cycles, most of them will have already cast a ballot before the big day.

Early voting starts as soon as Sept. 6 for eligible voters, with seven battleground states sending out ballots to at least some voters the same month.

It makes the next few months less a countdown to Election Day, and more the beginning of ‘election season.’

States have long allowed at least some Americans to vote early, like members of the military or people with illnesses. 

In some states, almost every voter casts a ballot by mail.

Many states expanded eligibility in 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic made it riskier to vote in-person.

That year, the Fox News Voter Analysis found that 71% of voters cast their ballots before Election Day, with 30% voting early in-person and 41% voting by mail.

Early voting remained popular in the midterms, with 57% of voters casting a ballot before Election Day.

Elections officials stress that voting early is safe and secure. Recounts, investigations and lawsuits filed after the 2020 election did not reveal evidence of widespread fraud or corruption. 

The difference between ‘early in-person’ and ‘mail’ or ‘absentee’ voting.

There are a few ways to vote before Election Day.

The first is , where a voter casts a regular ballot in-person at a voting center before Election Day.

The second is , where the process and eligibility varies by state.

Eight states vote mostly by mail, including California, Colorado, Nevada and Utah. Registered voters receive ballots and send them back.

Most states allow any registered voter to request a mail ballot and send it back. This is also called mail voting, or sometimes absentee voting. Depending on the state, voters can return their ballot by mail, at a drop box, and/or at an office or facility that accepts mail ballots.

In 14 states, voters must have an excuse to vote by mail, ranging from illness, age, work hours or if a voter is out of their home county on Election Day.

States process and tabulate ballots at different times. Some states don’t begin counting ballots until election night, which delays the release of results.

Voting begins on Sept. 6 in North Carolina, with seven more battleground states starting that month

This list of early voting dates is for guidance only. For comprehensive and up-to-date information on voter eligibility, processes and deadlines, go to Vote.gov and your state’s elections website.

The first voters to be sent absentee ballots will be in North Carolina, which begins mailing out ballots for eligible voters on Sept. 6.

Seven more battleground states open up early voting the same month, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Nevada.

September deadlines

In-person early voting in bold.

Sept. 6

North Carolina – Absentee ballots sent to voters

Sept. 16

Pennsylvania – Mail-in ballots sent to voters

Sept. 17

Georgia – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas

Sept. 19

Wisconsin – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 20

Arkansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, Wyoming – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas
Minnesota, South Dakota – In-person absentee voting begins
Virginia – In-person early voting begins
Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 21

Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington – Absentee ballots sent to military & overseas
Indiana, New Mexico – Absentee ballots sent
Maryland, New Jersey – Mail-in ballots sent

Sept. 23

Mississippi – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent
Oregon, Vermont – Absentee ballots sent

Sept. 26

Illinois – In-person early voting begins 
Michigan – Absentee ballots sent
Florida, Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent
North Dakota – Absentee & mail-in ballots sent

Sept. 30

Nebraska – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 4

Connecticut – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 6

Michigan – In-person early voting begins 
Maine – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent
California – In-person absentee voting begins & mail ballots sent
Montana – In-person absentee voting begins
Nebraska – In-person early voting begins 
Georgia – Absentee ballots sent
Massachusetts – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 8

California – Ballot drop-offs open
New Mexico, Ohio – In-person absentee voting begins
Indiana – In-person early voting begins
Wyoming – In-person absentee voting begins & absentee ballots sent

Oct. 9

Arizona – In-person early voting begins & mail ballots sent

Oct. 11

Colorado – Mail-in ballots sent
Arkansas, Alaska – Absentee ballots sent

Oct. 15

Georgia – In-person early voting begins
Utah – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 16

Rhode Island, Kansas, Tennessee – In-person early voting begins
Iowa – In-person absentee voting begins
Oregon, Nevada – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 17

North Carolina – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 18

Washington, Louisiana – In-person early voting begins
Hawaii – Mail-in ballots sent

Oct. 19

Nevada, Massachusetts – In-person early voting begins 
Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas – In-person early voting begins 
Colorado – Ballot drop-offs open

Oct. 22

Hawaii, Utah – In-person early voting begins 
Missouri, Wisconsin – In-person absentee voting begins

Oct. 23

West Virginia – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 24

Maryland – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 25

Delaware – In-person early voting begins

Oct. 26

Michigan, Florida, New Jersey, New York – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 30

Oklahoma – In-person early voting begins 

Oct. 31

Kentucky – In-person absentee voting begins

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