


President Biden has a short temper and frequently lashes out at staff members with profanity-laden rants if they do not meet his expectations, according to a new Axios report.

One official in the administration told the outlet that ‘no one is safe’ from Biden’s wrath. Aides are reportedly known to meet with him in groups of two or more to diffuse potential tension.

Some of the president’s go-to attacks include, ‘How the f— don’t you know this?’ and ‘Don’t f—ing bulls— me!’

Aides have framed his outbursts as a desire for accuracy and competence, telling the outlet that many see getting shouted at by the president as a rite of passage.

‘If there is something that’s not in the brief, he’s going to find it,’ said Ted Kaufman, Biden’s chief of staff when he was in the Senate. ‘It’s not to embarrass people, it’s because he wants to get to the right decision. Most people who have worked for him like the fact that he challenges them and gets them to a better decision.’

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital.

It is not the first time reports from within Biden’s circle have undermined his carefully curated ‘Uncle Joe’ public persona. Biden last showed his darker side when a hot might caught him calling Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy a ‘stupid son of a b—-.’

Monday’s report comes as Biden is facing criticism from conservatives who say his latest gaffe revealed sensitive U.S. military information to global adversaries.

Biden defended his administration’s decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine in a Sunday interview, framing it as a ‘transition period’ until more munitions are produced.

‘This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it,’ Biden told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. ‘And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians.’

‘Joe Biden broadcasting to the world that the US is low on 155mm shells,’ conservative communicator Steve Guest tweeted. ‘Moron. Does Biden not care that our adversaries in China are listening?’

The White House responded to the criticism by saying the U.S. and its allies ‘will have much higher production levels soon.’

Fox News’ Matteo Cina contributed to this report.

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Former Tennessee lawmaker Roy B. Herron has died after suffering injuries related to a jet ski accident this month. He was 69. 

Herron had decades of public service, including terms in the state House of Representatives, Senate and as chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party. He was also a candidate for governor in 2010.

FOX 17 reports that Herron was hospitalized after a jet ski accident on Kentucky Lake on July 1.

Many of Herron’s family members and former colleagues have paid tribute in his honor.

‘Saddened by the death of former colleague in Tennessee General Assembly, Roy Herron,’ Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., tweeted. ‘Roy succumbed to injuries from jet ski accident last weekend apparently caused by negligence of another. He was bright, diligent, and honest. A politician destined for greatness.’

Tennessee Senate Minority Leader Raumesh Akbari called the late Herron a ‘dedicated and joyful warrior for the causes he held dear.’

‘Behind that warm smile, he was as tenacious as they come and never better than when he was fighting for public schools, affordable healthcare and working families.’

Tennessee House Republican Caucus Chairman Jeremy Faison said Herron was ‘the kind of guy that you couldn’t help but like.’

‘He came to my office on many occasions to lobby or debate and we would end up just sharing stories about life,’ Faison wrote, adding, ‘TN lost a true servant.’

Memphis mayoral candidate Van Turner extended his condolences to Herron’s family.

‘Senator Herron was truly a statesman and public servant and will be missed by us all,’ Turner wrote.

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President Biden sat down for a recent interview in which he said the United States is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds, sparking outrage and questions of competency from conservatives on social media.

During the interview, which aired Sunday morning, Biden defended his administration for sending cluster munitions to Ukraine as a ‘transition period’ until more munitions are produced.

‘This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it,’ Biden told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. ‘And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians.’

Reactions on social media ranged from confused to outrage as conservative pundits and experts alike wondered why Biden was announcing the U.S. shortage during a nationally televised interview that would be seen by adversaries.

‘Love when the president of America goes on CNN to tell everyone we’re low on ammo,’ remarked political operative Logan Dobson.

‘Joe Biden broadcasting to the world that the US is low on 155mm shells,’ conservative communicator Steve Guest tweeted. ‘Moron. Does Biden not care that our adversaries in China are listening?’

‘In CNN interview, President Biden is not particularly clear but seems to be saying US is sending cluster munitions to Ukraine because we are running out of 155mm artillery ammunition to send them,’ wrote Byron York of the Washington Examiner. ‘Seems obvious this is affecting US readiness to defend itself.’

A White House official appeared to walk back Biden’s comment that the United States is running out of ammunition when asked to comment on criticism in response to Biden’s interview on CNN.

‘The military has specific requirements for the numbers of weapons systems and ammunition we maintain in our reserves in case of contingencies or military conflict,’ a White House official said in an email to Fox News Digital. ‘Everything we send to Ukraine is in excess of that. So, the U.S. is not running out of ammunition ourselves.’

‘Joe Biden wasn’t supposed to say the quiet part out loud: ‘We’ve run out of ammunition.’ But now that the cat’s out of the bag, one must ask whether continued support of Ukraine’s military is even feasible as the conflict rages on,’ political commentator Ian Miles Cheong remarked.

‘The point of the proxy war was to weaken Russia,’ tech entrepreneur David Sacks tweeted. ‘But the U.S. ran out of ammo first. So who’s weakening whom?’

Biden’s opponent in the Democrat presidential race, Robert Kennedy Jr., slammed Biden on Twitter on Saturday after he gave his administration the green light to send cluster munitions to Ukraine.

‘Last year, WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki called the use of cluster bombs a ‘war crime.’ Now President Biden plans to send them to Ukraine. Stop the ceaseless escalation! It is time for peace,’ Kennedy wrote in a tweet.

‘Biden was opposed to cluster bombs in 1982 as well, when he opposed their sale to Israel,’ Kennedy, who entered the White House race in April, added in a separate tweet. ‘What happened to his conscience?’

The White House official also defended the administration green-lighting cluster munitions for Ukraine, saying they wanted to make sure Ukraine is not ‘left defenseless.’

‘We are authorizing cluster munitions to ensure that Ukraine is not left defenseless while we wait for our own domestic production of ammunition to ramp up substantially, which we are in the process of doing as are our allies and partners,’ the official added. ‘These cluster munitions are a bridge as we significantly increase production of ammunition over the coming months – and will have much higher production levels soon.’

Fox News’ Kyle Morris contributed to this report.

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Republican 2024 presidential hopeful Chris Christie slammed former President Donald Trump’s White House run as a way to ‘undo’ his 2020 defeat, and doubled down on his support of FBI Director Christopher Wray. 

‘This is not somebody who’s fighting for the American people and their future,’ Christie told Shannon Bream, host of ‘Fox News Sunday,’ regarding Trump’s 2024 run. ‘This is all about his ego. What he cares about the most is trying to undo the loss he had to Joe Biden in 2020.’

‘He’s a three time loser, having lost in 2018 – the House of Representatives – lost the White House and the Senate in 2020. And 2022, he wound up losing two more governorships, another seat in the Senate, and we barely won the House by five votes… So he’s in this for himself and himself only, and not in it for the American people,’ Christie claimed.

Bream questioned Christie on a recent poll finding the majority of Republican voters would not consider voting for the former New Jersey governor and asked if he threw his hat in the ring ‘simply as a spoiler for President Trump.’ who is the current front-runner among 2024 GOP candidates.

‘We’re in this to win. And, by the way, we’ll have some announcements this week… that there is a broad and wide demand for our candidacy,’ Christie responded. 

Bream also pressed Christie on his support of FBI Director Wray, who many Republicans have said needs to be fired or have vowed to oust him if they win the presidency. Christie said last month on CNN that he would keep Wray in his administration if elected president and had recommended Wray to Trump as FBI director in 2017.

Wray is slated to appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, and he is expected to face questions from Republican critics who say the FBI director politically weaponized the bureau against churches, parents and political opponents of the Biden administration. Whistleblowers have also accused the FBI of mishandling the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. 

‘Look, all those problems happened, Shannon, during the Jim Comey era, and Christopher Wray has come in and fired every person that was in the Comey leadership team in the FBI,’ Christie responded. Wray served as Christie’s attorney during the former governor’s ‘Bridgegate’ scandal in 2013. 

‘These whistleblowers have come out because the atmosphere has allowed it to happen now, not during the Comey era, not during the Loretta Lynch era when she was attorney general,’ Christie continued. ‘And they weren’t charging Hillary Clinton, which is what they should have done. You know, the fact is that these other folks in the race, they just are looking for a scapegoat. They want to blame anybody. Well, I will tell them who to blame. Blame Joe Biden, and Merrick Garland, who have not provided the type of leadership in the country or at the Justice Department that you need.’

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White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on Sunday defended President Biden’s controversial decision to send cluster munitions to Ukraine. 

‘This is about keeping Ukraine in the fight. You were just there. You talked to President Zelenskyy about the counteroffensive, and in some ways, it’s not going as fast as he would like,’ Kirby told host Martha Raddatz during an appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week.’ ‘They are using artillery at a very accelerating rate, Martha, many thousands of rounds per day. This is literally a gunfight in – all along, from the Donbas, all the way down toward Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. And so, they’re running out of inventory.’

‘We are trying to ramp up our production of the kind of artillery shells that they’re using most. But that production is still not where we wanted it to be,’ Kirby added. ‘So, we’re going to see these additional artillery shells that have cluster bomblets in them to help bridge the gap as we ramp up production of normal 155 artillery shells.’ 

The munitions – which detonate in the air and release scores of smaller bomblets – are seen by the U.S. as a way to get Kyiv critically needed ammunition to help bolster its offensive and push through Russian front lines. U.S. leaders debated the thorny issue for months, before Biden made the final decision last week. 

The decision comes on the eve of the NATO summit in Lithuania, where Biden is likely to face questions from allies on why the U.S. would send a weapon into Ukraine that more than two-thirds of alliance members have banned because it has a track record for causing many civilian casualties.

‘It took me a while to be convinced to do it,’ Biden told CNN  in an interview that aired Sunday morning. He added that he ultimately took the Defense Department’s recommendation to provide the munitions and discussed the matter with allies and lawmakers on the Hill. He said ‘the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition’ and the cluster bombs will provide a temporary fix to help stop Russian tanks.

On Sunday, Kirby further argued the U.S. is sending Ukraine ‘cluster munitions because we don’t have enough of the kind of munitions they need.’ 

‘I want to ask you why the U.S. has never banned them before. They’re obviously a threat to civilians if they don’t explode. Why is the U.S. not banning them, period?’ Raddatz asked. 

‘We are very mindful of the concerns about civilian casualties and unexploded ordnance being picked up by civilians or children and being hurt. Of course, we’re mindful of that,’ Kirby responded. ‘And we’re going to focus with Ukraine with demining efforts. In fact, we’re doing it right now, and we will when war conditions permit. But these munitions do provide a useful battlefield capability.’

Kirby added that Russia is also using cluster munitions, but ‘in an aggressive war on another country, and indiscriminately killing civilians,’ while Ukrainians will ‘be using them to defend their own territory, hitting Russian positions.’

‘And I think we can all agree that more civilians have been and will continue to be killed by Russian forces – with whether it’s cluster munitions, drones, missile attacks or just frontal assault – than will likely be hurt by the use of these cluster munitions fired at Russian positions inside Ukrainian territory,’ he added.

Kirby said Biden wants to focus now on Ukraine winning the war against Russia before the Kyiv government achieves NATO membership. Granting Ukraine membership now, Kirby warned, would mean ‘NATO is at war with Russia,’ noting that the U.S. and its allies are aiming to give Ukraine space to work on political and economic reforms, as well as good governance.

Looking ahead to Biden’s trip to Vilnius, Kirby anticipated, ‘You’re also going to see from all the allies a concerted, unified approach to making it clear that NATO is eventually going to be in Ukraine’s future, and that in between the time of the war ending and that happening, that the allies will continue to help Ukraine defend itself.’

Raddatz also pressed the National Security Council spokesman on reports that some former senior U.S. officials affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations apparently met with Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, in April. Kirby contended that national security adviser Jake Sullivan was not involved and did not participate in those meetings. 

‘The president is being clear that we will have no discussions with Russia about negotiating an end to this war without Ukraine at the table,’ Kirby said. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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Ukraine’s war with Russia must conclude before the country can join NATO, President Biden said in an interview that aired Sunday.

Biden made the statement during a taped conversation with CNN, saying there is no agreement within NATO on when to allow Ukraine to join the military alliance. Biden also noted certain issues with Ukraine’s eligibility, such as a lack of democratization.

‘I think we have to lay out a rational path for Ukraine to be able to qualify to be able to get into NATO,’ Biden told CNN.

‘I don’t think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war,’ Biden said. ‘For example, if you did that, then, you know – and I mean what I say – we’re determined to commit every inch of territory that is NATO territory. It’s a commitment that we’ve all made no matter what. If the war is going on, then we’re all in war. We’re at war with Russia, if that were the case.’

Biden nevertheless vowed to continue sending aid to Ukraine as it works to fend of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion. The U.S. has already contributed nearly $100 billion to the effort.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has lobbied to join NATO for months in the wake of Russia’s invasion. Such a move would oblige the U.S. and Western allies to join the conflict fully and declare war on Russia, a prospect Biden seeks to avoid.

The U.S. has delivered tens of thousands of artillery shells, extensive missile defense systems, and information to Ukrainian forces. Western allies have also provided modern tanks to assist in Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive. The U.S. will send 31 of its M1 Abrams tanks once Ukrainian crews have been trained to operate and maintain the vehicles.

Biden has also endorsed the idea of delivering F-16 fighter jets to Ukrainian forces. Such a move would require months of training for Ukrainian pilots, something that is already underway. While Biden had previously opposed the idea in January, he shifted his stance and called for training to begin in May.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has encouraged Ukraine’s membership in NATO more aggressively, though he has taken no action to accelerate Ukraine’s application.

‘Let me be clear, Ukraine’s rightful place is in the Euro-Atlantic family,’ Stoltenberg said in April. ‘Ukraine’s rightful place is in NATO.’

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New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, received a chorus of boos at a concert on his home turf Saturday night.

Brian Kirk, the lead singer of Brian Kirk & the Jirks, invited Murphy onstage, but the moment quickly soured at the Red Rock Tap + Grill in Monmouth County, just two miles from the governor’s waterfront mansion.

Video posted on Twitter by Matt Rooney, the founder and editor-in-chief of SaveJersey.com, showed Murphy hugging the band members while the crowd loudly booed.

Kirk broke his embrace of Murphy to scold fans.

‘Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what did I tell you guys?’ Kirk said, pointing his finger at the crowd.

‘Hey, listen to me,’ he continued. ‘Listen to me, he didn’t want to hear that. He’s a buddy of mine. This is not about politics. He’s a friend of mine. Don’t do that. Out of respect for my friend, don’t do that.’ 

Murphy’s administration imposed multiple restrictions on breweries last year, including the limitation of food distribution and the number of private events they can host on-site. A bipartisan bill that passed both the state Assembly and Senate last month to lift the restrictions has been sitting on Murphy’s desk, but he has yet to signal whether he will sign it.

The New Jersey Brewers Association has expressed fears that the continued regulations will force breweries out of business or across state lines.

The website for the Red Rock bar, where Murphy was booed, currently asks for customers’ patience due to being short-staffed.

‘Thank you for your patience,’ it reads. ‘Our kitchen is short-staffed due to an unprecedented labor shortage in the service industry.’

Murphy also came under fire last week after signing a bill to give a massive tax break to Danish offshore wind developer Orsted for the first of two energy projects that it’s planning for the waters off the Jersey Shore.

Neither the company nor Democrat lawmakers listed the value of the tax break, but a Republican state senator, Edward Durr, put it at nearly $1 billion.

The bill signing came one day after Orsted’s Ocean Wind I project received clearance from the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to begin construction on a wind farm 13 to 15 miles off the coast of Atlantic City and Ocean City.

Kirk and Murphy’s office did not respond to Fox News Digital’s requests for comment.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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President Biden’s administration doesn’t deserve any blame for the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said.

Lee made the statement during a Sunday appearance on CNN, telling host Jake Tapper that the blame largely rests with former President Donald Trump.

‘I know you supported the goal of leaving Afghanistan, but do you believe President Biden deserves some blame for the way that that withdrawal spiraled out of control?’ Tapper asked.

‘I don’t believe the administration deserves any blame for this,’ Lee responded. ‘We have to remember that Donald Trump made this agreement with the Taliban.’

‘Secondly, the Trump administration literally gutted our State Department and our diplomatic corps,’ Lee continued. ‘I believe that the State Department and those that were involved in this, you know, end of the Afghanistan war – which should have happened before then, I believe – did the best they could. Having said that, it wasn’t as smooth as we would have liked to have seen it.’

Lee’s comments come more than a week after the State Department published a formal evaluation of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

The report found that both Trump and Biden had ‘insufficient senior-level consideration’ of what could go wrong during a withdrawal. The State Department conducted more than 150 interviews over a 90-day period to compile the report, which it released to the public June 30.

‘The decisions of both President Trump and President Biden to end the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan had serious consequences for the viability of the Afghan government and its security,’ the report stated. ‘Those decisions are beyond the scope of this review, but the AAR team found that during both administrations there was insufficient senior-level consideration of worst-case scenarios and how quickly those might follow.’

The U.S. withdrawal saw Afghan government forces collapse almost immediately against the Taliban, and 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing while defending the evacuation at the Kabul airport.

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Americans weighed in on whether President Biden was living up to his demand for ‘honor and decency’ in the White House following the discovery of cocaine in the West Wing and after activists went topless on the South Lawn.

‘Nah, cocaine, cocaine in the White House, that never happens,’ one man told Fox News.

Biden tweeted during the 2020 presidential election that ‘we need to restore honor and decency to the White House.’ Meanwhile, over the weekend, cocaine was found in a part of the White House that visitors can’t access unless they’re receiving a tour from staff.

Jim said he thinks Biden is ‘making every attempt possible’ to bring decency to the White House.

‘As to the cocaine, it could’ve come out of any guests pocket going in,’ he said. ‘I haven’t seen any video that shows it came from an employee or any family members.’

In June, Biden faced criticism after transgender activists went topless at a White House Pride Month event. The administration later banned one, Rose Montoya, and called the incident ‘inappropriate and disrespectful.’


Dominique said he thinks Biden respects the White House but that he ‘lost a backbone’ in doing so.

‘I think he needs to, you know, make a little bit more noise,’ he added.

‘For my country, I do not like Biden as the president,’ said Huncho.

Ashli said she doesn’t think Biden is upholding decency.

‘He’s still not fighting for what’s right at the moment,’ she said.

Kenneth disagreed. He said the president is upholding decency by staying away from controversies like those involving his son, Hunter Biden.

‘He hasn’t gotten himself involved personally in the hearings for his kid,’ he said.

‘Compared to people that have been in the office before, passing by flying colors,’ said Sarah.

Mary said that even though Biden has room for improvement, he’s still a step up from former President Trump.

‘Compared to the previous president, he holds a level of professionalism when he addresses others,’ she said. ‘He’s mindful about his word choice and careful about how others can perceive his actions.’

Mark agreed, saying that it’s a challenging feat for the president.

‘I think that it can be tempting when members of Congress are insulting one another even on the floor of Congress,’ he said.

Ramiro Vargas contributed to the accompanying video.

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Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., has introduced a proposal that would require biological women who identify as men to register with Selective Service in case the U.S. ever has another military draft. 

‘If they want to be treated like men, then they need to do what other men do and register for the Selective Service and get called up like everybody else,’ Burchett told Military.com. ‘This group of people is more protected than any other group, and it’s not right.’

Burchett proposed an amendment to the annual bill that authorizes the Department of Defense’s spending and policy priorities for the next fiscal year that would change the requirements to register for Selective Service by defining ‘male person’ and ‘male citizen of the United States’ to include a ‘transgender person who identifies as male.”

Currently, males are required to register with Selective Service, regardless of how they choose to identify their gender.

‘Selective Service bases the registration requirement on gender assigned at birth and not on gender identity or on gender reassignment,’ the Selective Service website states. ‘Individuals who are born male and changed their gender to female are still required to register.’

However, females — even if they identify as or transitioned to male — are not required to register: ‘Individuals who are born female and changed their gender to male are not required to register,’ the site reads.

Unless lawmakers amend the Military Selective Service Act or pass a separate law addressing gender identity, Selective Service ‘must follow the intent of Congress when it required only males to register — the registration requirement is based on gender at birth,’ according to the website. ‘In the event of a resumption of the draft, individuals born male who have changed their gender to female can file a claim for an exemption from military service if they receive an order to report for examination or induction.’

It’s unclear if Burchett’s amendment will get a vote or receive majority support when the annual defense bill, called the National Defense Authorization Act, comes to the House floor next week.

Transgender people have been able to serve openly in the military under their self-identified gender since the start of the Biden administration, which reversed restrictions put in place by the former Trump administration.

The U.S. has not had a draft for military service since 1973.

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