


Former FBI Director James Comey said in an interview that aired Sunday that he predicts prosecutors are facing ‘intense pressure’ to come up with a charging decision with regard to former President Donald Trump before he can possibly become the GOP nominee for president in 2024. 

Comey, who was abruptly fired by Trump in 2017 while leading the FBI investigation into whether Trump and his allies colluded with Russian in the 2016 election, recently sat down with President Joe Biden’s former White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, for an interview that aired Sunday on Psaki’s MSNBC show.

Of the legal battles Trump is facing, which include an indictment from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and an ongoing probe by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, Comey said the federal case involving the classified documents found during the FBI’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in August 2022 seems to be the strongest. Last week, it was reported that Special Counsel Jack Smith obtained a recording of Trump from July 2021 during a meeting at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, in which Trump discussed the documents taken from the White House.

‘Tapes are amazing for a prosecutor because you can’t cross-examine a tape, you can’t call a tape a liar, a deep-state operative,’ Comey told Psaki. ‘A tape is you saying what you think, which is why they’re so valuable in an organized-crime case, and they’ll be so valuable and important to Jack Smith in this documents case. I don’t know where this case will end up, but it makes it immeasurably stronger to have the subject of the investigation saying in a way that can’t be impeached – no pun intended with Trump – can’t be criticized and undermined because it’s coming from his own mouth. That’s why I once said, ‘Lordy, I hope there are tapes.’ And Lordy, it’s a good thing there are tapes.’

Comey added that it would be ‘concerning to a prosecutor leading an investigation and to the FBI’ that these probes are playing out so close to a presidential election.

‘Despite history, we desperately don’t want to be involved in election-time investigations and near them, so they are feeling something else that won’t be talked about publicly. I just know the system; they’re feeling intense pressure to move, to move, to move, so they’re not in the position of making a charging decision next year when Donald Trump may be the nominee,’ Comey said. ‘So, I think they are likely working very, very hard in trying to get ahead of even the normal pace of what an investigation might be.’ 

‘I mean it’s this crazy world that Donald Trump has dragged this country into, but he could be wearing an ankle bracelet while accepting the nomination at the Republican Convention,’ he continued. ‘And it seems even crazy to be coming out of my mouth, but that’s the situation we face. It looks like the Republicans will likely nominate someone who is under serious criminal investigation, he’s indicted, and who knows where that’s going to lead us.’

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EXCLUSIVE: The Biden administration is getting slammed as handing a ‘major coup’ to Chinese President Xi Jinping after two senior officials made a trip to China on Sunday in an attempt to ease tensions between the two countries.

Critics immediately pointed out that Sunday, June 4, marks the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, when the Chinese military slaughtered hundreds, possibly thousands, of pro-democracy protesters.

Daniel Kritenbrink, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, and Sarah Beran, the National Security Council’s senior director for China and Taiwan affairs, arrived in Beijing to discuss ‘key issues in the bilateral relationship,’ the State Department said in a press release.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., called attention to the timing of the trip on Twitter.

‘Is the Biden Administration sending senior officials to China as we remember the anniversary of the massacre in Tiananmen Square?’ he wrote.

Issa, who serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Fox News Digital that the trip only benefits China and Chinese President Xi Jinping while weakening the United States’ position on the world stage.

‘This is no ordinary foreign policy stumble,’ he said. ‘It’s a concession demanded by the Chinese and granted by a White House and State Department willing to bend. It’s a major coup for Xi, and America’s position in the world just got weaker – where it matters most.’ 

‘There’s no way the Congress can just look away and let this go,’ he added.

Nearly two hours after the first press release, the State Department issued another one honoring the Tiananmen Square anniversary.

‘Tomorrow, we observe the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre,’ the release said. ‘On June 4th, 1989, the Government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) sent tanks into Tiananmen Square to brutally repress peaceful Chinese pro-democracy protesters and bystanders alike.’ 

‘The victims’ bravery will not be forgotten and continues to inspire advocates for these principles around the world,’ it added. ‘The United States will continue advocating for people’s human rights and fundamental freedoms in China and around the world.’

Issa’s office said he plans to send a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken demanding answers about the China trip.

A State Department spokesperson told Reuters that Kritenbrink’s official meetings will begin Monday, and that he would raise the issue of human rights in the communist country.

Michael Sobolik, a fellow in Indo-Pacific Studies at the American Foreign Policy Council, responded to the press release about the China visit by asking, ‘Is this a joke?’

Isaac Stone Fish, the CEO of Strategic Risks, which ‘quantifies corporate exposure to China,’ and a visiting fellow at the Atlantic Council, offered a ‘pro-tip’ on Twitter, saying, ‘Don’t be a senior government official visiting China on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.’

Fox News Digital asked the State Department and the White House whether the Tiananmen Square massacre would be discussed, but neither responded.

Dialogue between the Biden administration and Beijing has been nearly dormant in recent months as attempts at interactions have been shuttered since the U.S. shot down a Chinese surveillance balloon that traversed the country earlier this year.

A previously scheduled trip by Blinken, where he was expected to meet with Xi, was canceled because of the China spy balloon incident.

The U.S.-China relationship has been further strained over China’s military activity in the South China Sea and the United States’ support of Taiwan.

Additionally, Beijing has taken umbrage after the U.S. warned China against arming Russia to help its war in Ukraine. 

CIA Director William Burns secretly visited China last month in an effort to restore relations, meeting with his Chinese counterparts to emphasize ‘the importance of maintaining open lines of communication in intelligence channels,’ according to the Financial Times, which first reported the visit. 

Fox News’ Louis Casiano contributed to this report.

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The New York Times is facing ridicule on Twitter after an article Sunday painted President Biden’s old age in a positive light, describing the 80-year-old president as ‘sharp,’ ‘fit’ and having ‘striking stamina.’

The Times article by White House reporters Peter Baker, Michael Shear, Katie Rogers and Zolan Kanno-Youngs, titled, ‘Inside the Complicated Reality of Being America’s Oldest President,’ claimed Biden’s aides have been purposely limiting his exposure to the media to avoid any potential gaffes.

‘The two Joe Bidens coexist in the same octogenarian president: Sharp and wise at critical moments, the product of decades of seasoning, able to rise to the occasion even in the dead of night to confront a dangerous world,’ the article said. ‘Yet a little slower, a little softer, a little harder of hearing, a little more tentative in his walk, a little more prone to occasional lapses of memory in ways that feel familiar to anyone who has reached their ninth decade or has a parent who has.’

‘Like many his age, Mr. Biden repeats phrases and retells the same story, often fact-challenged stories again and again,’ the article continued. ‘He can be quirky; when children visit, he may randomly pull a book of William Butler Yeats off his desk and start reading Irish poetry to them.’

‘At the same time, he is trim and fit, exercises five days a week and does not drink,’ it added. ‘He has at times exhibited striking stamina, such as when he flew to Poland then boarded a nine-hour train ride to make a secret visit to Kyiv, spent hours on the ground, then endured another nine-hour train ride and a flight to Warsaw. A study of his schedule by Mr. Biden’s aides shows that he has traveled slightly more in the first few months of his third year in office than Mr. Obama did in his.’

Steve Guest, a special adviser for communications for Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called the article ’embarrassing.’

News Cycle Media President Jon Nicosia called the article ‘slobbering.’

Former Obama speechwriter Jonathan Favreau, who now co-hosts ‘Pod Save America,’ said the article was ‘pretty positive.’

National Review contributor Pradheep Shanker said the article was ‘not totally objective’ but at least opened the door for questioning the president’s capabilities.

‘Good for the Times to actually write this… It’s still not totally objective, but it’s a solid effort at least,’ Shanker wrote. ‘I mean those is a positive spin at best. What’s more likely is that many, many of the presidential level decisions are not being made by Biden at all.’

Biden tripped and fell during a U.S. Air Force Academy commencement ceremony Thursday, prompting three Secret Service agents to rush to help the president up.

The White House said Thursday that Biden tripped over a sandbag and was not injured by the fall. 

The fall reignited concerns about Biden’s age, prompting a number of media outlets to pounce and seize on Republicans voicing concerns about Biden’s physical health.

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An abbey in rural Missouri has become the site of pilgrimage for many Catholics who view the body of a Benedictine nun as a modern American miracle.

Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster died in May 2019, but when her body was exhumed earlier this year she was discovered to be apparently uncorrupted – showing little decomposition – an indication of sanctity to Catholics if confirmed.

Thousands of devoted Catholics have flocked to the Gower, Missouri, abbey where they say a ‘modern-day miracle’ has taken place.

‘It is a modern-day miracle,’ Dale Bauermeister, a Catholic convert from Nebraska, told Fox News Digital at the abbey last weekend. The incorrupt body of Lancaster is a sign that ‘Christ is here, he is among us, he is not done working,’ said Bauermeister.

Catholic and local media outlets have captured the throngs of hundreds of visitors to the abbey of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles and local Catholic parishes have volunteered to assist with parking and crowd management. 

‘To see her, it just brings peace, and the hope of resurrection and the hope of all of us being one in Christ,’ Judy Brown of Missouri told Fox News Digital.

Lancaster founded the Benedictines of Mary in 1995. Long before that, she insisted on wearing the traditional black habit of nuns as a testament to her commitment to her life of faith.

The nuns and their pastor at the Gower Abbey conduct Masses and prayer services in Latin, using the Traditional Latin Mass – a rite within Catholicism that the FBI considered using as a reason to conduct anti-domestic terrorism activities.

To many visitors, Lancaster was a witness to the power of the traditional form of worship against modernity within society and the church.

‘I think about her fidelity to her vows as the bride of Christ and wanting to remain wearing the habit, which is the sign of her being a bride of Christ in this life,’ said Lisa Shea, who traveled with her family from Ohio. ‘That sign is such a gift to all the laity of the church, because in heaven we are all called to be one with Christ forever.’

Visitors often touched rosary beads and prayer cards to the nun’s body, which was placed in the basement of the chapel where pilgrims could walk up and touch her. 

The state of the nun’s body has bewildered experts who examined it. Her body was not embalmed before her burial and her casket was made of simple wood without an exterior layer.

David Hess, associate professor in the Salt Lake Community College mortuary science department, told Catholic News Agency that the deceased nun’s pristine condition is hard to explain. 

‘If the body was not embalmed, and it was still intact after four years, that one kind of throws me,’ he told CNA. ‘I would have expected the body to be decomposed, maybe not all the way down to bone, but at least severely decomposed.’ 

Lancaster’s body has been on open-air display for visitations by pilgrims until last week, when she was moved behind glass. However, she has not been declared a ‘saint’ by the Catholic Church.

‘If this proves to be true – it’s still being investigated – but if it proves to be true, to me it will be a significant sign for our time, especially in the American church, of the reality of the Catholic faith,’ said the Rev. Mark Goring, a Catholic priest, in a video posted to his popular You Tube channel last week.

Leaders in the Catholic Church contacted Rome and commissioned an investigation into the situation after the remains were exhumed.  

Bishop James V. Johnston of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph released a statement on the investigation into Lancaster’s condition, where he urged Catholics to avoid venerating the nun until the church process is complete.

‘The Church has an established process for determining if someone is a saint and worthy of veneration. No such process has yet been initiated on behalf of Sister Wilhelmina,’ the bishop said. ‘It is understandable that many would be driven by faith and devotion to see the mortal remains of Sister Wilhelmina given the remarkable condition of her body, but visitors should not touch or venerate her body, or treat them as relics.’

The nuns at Gower Abbey also released a statement clarifying that incorruptibility is not an official consideration for sainthood. 

‘While we can attest to Sister’s personal sanctity, we know that incorruptibility is not among the official signs taken by the Church as a miracle for sainthood, and that all things must be subjected to further scrutiny, especially by the competent authorities in the medical field. The life itself and favors received must be established as proof of holiness,’ the nuns’ statement said.

In order to be declared a saint, outside investigators must confirm multiple miraculous events surrounding the deceased when asked for intervention by living Christians. The Catholic Church defines these miracles as ‘a sign or wonder such as a healing, or control of nature, which can only be attributed to divine power.’

In many sects of Christianity, the bodies of those who are believed to be in heaven are called ‘relics’ and are used in worship. Relics can also be objects touched by a saint.

Catholics, Coptics, Orthodox, Anglicans and others practice the veneration of relics as a means of praising God – the practice is traced back to biblical anecdotes such as the bones of the prophet Elisha bringing a dead man back to life. 

In the Book of Acts, merely touching St. Paul’s handkerchief cured the sick and cast out evil spirits from the afflicted. And in the Old Testament, a story is recounted of a man rising from the dead after his body was placed in the tomb containing bones of Elijah the prophet.

Veneration of pious Christians’ bones has been documented since the earliest days of Christianity.

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Ex-FBI Director James Comey, a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump, was asked in a new interview that aired Sunday about his thoughts on the 2024 presidential election.

‘It has to be Joe Biden,’ Comey said in response to a question from Biden’s former White House press secretary, Jen Psaki, during an interview for her show on MSNBC. 

‘And I’m glad he’s willing to serve. It has to be somebody committed to the rule of law, committed to the values of this country,’ he continued. ‘And I’m not talking about policy. People can disagree about policy. There are things above those disagreements that all of us should think about the same way. The president must be someone who abides the law and our Constitution. And there’s no one else but Joe Biden.’ 

Noting that Comey was once a longtime Republican but voted for Biden in 2020, Psaki asked if he’d consider any of the Republican contenders entering the 2024 race. 

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., recently formally announced their presidential candidacies, while former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy were already in the race.

Comey, who was fired by Trump in 2017 while leading the FBI’s investigation of alleged Russian collusion with Trump’s campaign, claimed in the interview that if Trump returns to the White House there would be ‘four years of a retribution presidency.’ 

‘He could order the prosecution of individuals who he sees as enemies. I’m sure I’m on the enemies list,’ Comey alleged. ‘Because the president constitutionally does oversee the executive branch entirely, which includes the Department of Justice, prosecutors and investigators. And so he could commission, direct that individuals be pursued. He could also direct all types of other conduct that people would maybe take to court to try to stop – but who enforces court orders?’

‘Mostly the United States Marshals Service, which is part of the executive branch and reports to the president. And so President Trump could say, ‘I don’t care what the Supreme Court says or these district judges say, I’m telling the Marshals Service don’t enforce the court order.’ And so our Constitution really does give a rogue president, which is what this would be, tremendous power to destroy.’ 

‘People criticize CNN for their town hall. I want the American people to stare at the threat that we’re facing and understand that they cannot take the next election off,’ he said. 

Psaki noted that during the CNN town hall, Trump would not commit to seeing that Ukraine win the war against Russia. 

‘Should we expect Russia to interfere on his behalf in 2024?’ Psaki asked Comey. 

‘Yes, of course,’ Comey said. ‘Vladmir Putin does not want Joe Biden to be president of the United States for reasons that I hope the American people see because he acts in our national interests. He would very much like Donald Trump to be president again because Donald Trump – for reasons I still can’t explain – very, very fond of Vladmir Putin. And so they will find ways to interfere. I hope our intelligence community is equipped to respond maybe better than we did in 2016. But they’ll come for this election.’ 

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Video footage showing a South Carolina-based children’s choir being stopped by a Capitol Police officer from singing the national anthem in the U.S. Capitol has gone viral with millions of views.

Capitol Police said singers with the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir from Greenville were stopped because of a ‘miscommunication,’ which occurred May 26.

Capitol Police initially issued a statement that said they were under the impression the group didn’t have permission to perform in the building but clarified later that they ‘were not aware that the Speaker’s Office had approved this performance.’

Choir director David Rasbach and another choir leader said the visit was approved by the office of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., which the speaker’s office confirmed.

‘I was shocked, I was dismayed, I was stunned,’ Rasbach, who said he secured permission from three congressional offices to perform at the U.S. Capitol, told the Daily Signal. ‘I couldn’t believe that was happening, that they would stop the national anthem, of all songs.’

Video of the event showed the children singing as a Capitol Police officer spoke with two other men. One of the men, who appears to be a congressional staffer, then approached Rasbach. A few seconds later, Rasbach motioned to the choir and cut them off to stop singing.

Some Republicans accused Capitol Police of taking action against the kids due to political bias, but the force said that is untrue and accused the congressional staffer of lying ‘to the officers multiple times about having permission from various offices’ in one emailed statement to the Daily Signal.

‘Recently somebody posted a video of a children’s choir singing the Star-Spangled Banner in the U.S. Capitol Building and wrongfully claimed we stopped the performance because it ‘might offend someone,’’ the Capitol Police said. ‘Here is the truth. Demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol.’

‘Of course, because the singers in this situation were children, our officers were reasonable and allowed the children to finish their beautiful rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner,’ the statement added. ‘The Congressional staff member who was accompanying the group knew the rules, yet lied to the officers multiple times about having permission from various offices. The staffer put both the choir and our officers, who were simply doing their jobs, in an awkward and embarrassing position.’

McCarthy and three Republican members of Congress involved in inviting the group to the Capitol issued a joint statement, saying they were ‘very disappointed’ that the performance was cut short.

‘We recently learned that schoolchildren from South Carolina were interrupted while singing our National Anthem at the Capitol. These children were welcomed by the Speaker’s Office to joyfully express their love of this nation while visiting the Capitol, and we are all very disappointed to learn their celebration was cut short,’ McCarthy and three House Republicans said. ‘We are delighted that the People’s House has been reopened particularly for our children and we look forward to welcoming more Americans back to the halls of Congress.’

Capitol Police did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Attorney General Rob Bonta announced Saturday an investigation into the arrival of migrants at a church in Sacramento to determine if kidnapping or other crimes were committed.

In a statement, Newsom said more than a dozen migrants were transported from Texas to New Mexico before being flown to Sacramento and left on the doorstep of a local church ‘without any advance warning.’

‘We are working closely with the Mayor’s office, along with local and nonprofit partners to ensure the people who have arrived are treated with respect and dignity, and get to their intended destination as they pursue their immigration cases,’ Newsom said.

The governor said the migrant arrivals would be investigated to find out who is responsible for their transportation and to determine any criminal wrongdoing.

‘My Administration is also working with the California Department of Justice to investigate the circumstances around who paid for the group’s travel and whether the individuals orchestrating this trip misled anyone with false promises or have violated any criminal laws, including kidnapping,’ he said.

Bonta issued a separate statement in which he said the migrants possessed documentation allegedly showing they are from Florida.

‘We are investigating the circumstances by which these individuals were brought to California,’ he said. ‘We are also evaluating potential criminal or civil action against those who transported or arranged for the transport of these vulnerable immigrants. While this is still under investigation, we can confirm these individuals were in possession of documentation purporting to be from the government of the State of Florida.’

‘While we continue to collect evidence, I want to say this very clearly: State-sanctioned kidnapping is not a public policy choice, it is immoral and disgusting,’ Bonta said. ‘We are a nation built by immigrants and we must condemn the cruelty and hateful rhetoric of those, whether they are state leaders or private parties, who refuse to recognize humanity and who turn their backs on extending dignity and care to fellow human beings.’

It is unclear at this time who is responsible for the migrants’ move to California, but multiple states have relocated migrants to sanctuary cities like New York City, Chicago and Washington, D.C., amid an influx of migrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border. 

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has said he will not stop sending buses of migrants to these cities until the federal government fixes the problem at the border. The migrant relocations from Texas began last summer.

The immigration crisis at the southern border has also spilled into states that do not border Mexico. Florida Republican Gov. and presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis flew migrants from the Sunshine State to Martha’s Vineyard last fall and Colorado Democrat Gov. Jared Polis sent migrants to sanctuary cities earlier this year.

‘California and the Sacramento community will welcome these individuals with open arms and provide them with the respect, compassion, and care they will need after such a harrowing experience,’ Bonta said in his statement.

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President Biden has signed a debt ceiling increase, raising the government’s borrowing limit and averting a potential default on the national debt. 

The White House announced the bill signing in an emailed statement in which Biden thanked congressional leaders for their efforts. The Treasury Department had warned that failing to increase the government’s borrowing limit would leave the country without cash to pay its bills and more than likely cause an economic catastrophe. 

‘I just signed into law a bipartisan budget agreement that prevents a first-ever default while reducing the deficit, safeguarding Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and fulfilling our scared obligation to our veterans,’ Biden tweeted Saturday. ‘Now, we continue the work of building the strongest economy in the world.’

Republicans had passed legislation in April to raise the debt limit which also curtailed government spending, but Biden and Democratic lawmakers rejected their bill. The two sides went into a standoff that lasted for weeks as Biden refused to negotiate, demanding a clean debt limit increase before any discussion on spending. 

However, as the deadline to raise the borrowing limit or start missing debt payments approached, both sides entered into tense negotiations to work out a compromise. 

The final deal Biden struck with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., — called the Fiscal Responsibility Act — suspends the public debt limit through Jan. 1, 2025 and cuts non-defense spending to near fiscal 2022 levels, capping growth at 1% for the next two years and proposing non-mandatory caps for the four years after. It also claws back some money aimed at the Internal Revenue Service and some unspent COVID-19 pandemic funds. The law increases defense spending by 3% for the first year, below the level of inflation. 

The bill passed with bipartisan support in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, though more Democrats voted for it than Republicans. Lawmakers on the right and left kicked and screamed the whole way and called it a betrayal of their respective values.

Texas Republican Chip Roy, a deficit hawk, referred to the deal as a ‘turd sandwich.’ 

‘Passing this budget agreement was critical. The stakes could not have been higher,’ Biden said from the Oval Office on Friday evening. ‘Nothing would have been more catastrophic,’ he said, than defaulting on the country’s debt.

‘No one got everything they wanted, but the American people got what they needed,’ Biden said, highlighting the ‘compromise and consensus’ in the deal. ‘We averted an economic crisis and an economic collapse.’

Lawmakers have said the debt deal includes an automatic 1% cut to discretionary spending if Congress fails to pass each of 12 appropriations bills Congress traditionally is supposed to enact into law by Jan. 1. 

‘Leaders Schumer & McConnell committed to pass all 12 appropriations bills on time this year—for the 1st time since 2005—under pressure of an auto spending cut I included in the debt limit agreement,’ McCarthy tweeted Thursday. ‘Ending the era of the omnibus & getting Washington back to work!’ 

However, former Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., has called attention to legislative text that says the 1% cuts will happen if ‘there is in effect an Act making continuing appropriations for part of fiscal year 2024 for any discretionary budget account.’ 

‘To put this in more ordinary language, it’s saying that if a continuing resolution (CR) is in place, then there will be 1% cuts (i.e., sequester). A CR is when Congress can’t agree on new appropriations, so they simply extend old appropriations,’ Amash tweeted Thursday, criticizing the bill.

‘This is different from an omnibus. In other words, Congress can avoid the cuts simply by passing (and having the president sign) an omnibus before January 1. That means the 12 appropriations bills don’t have to be separate; they can be combined into one giant bill, along with (absolutely) anything else they want to include.’ 

The national debt stands at $31.4 trillion and growing. 

Fox News’ Elizabeth Elkind and the Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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Twitter owner Elon Musk on Saturday voiced support for a Vermont family that was punished by a local school for expressing concerns about a biological male using the daughter’s locker room.

Musk, the outspoken and eccentric billionaire, called the Orange Southwest School District Board’s decision to punish Travis Allen and Blake Allen ‘incredibly unjust.’ He was responding to a tweet from Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimmer and political activist who’s publicly opposed allowing biological males to compete against girls and women in sports.

‘So happy for volleyball player and friend, Blake Allen,’ wrote Gaines, who also posted a screenshot of a Daily Signal story on the Allens. ‘For feeling uneasy undressing next to a boy in her locker room, she was suspended from school and her dad lost his job. They told her she would only be let back in if she publicly apologized for her feelings of discomfort.’

Blake Allen was suspended from school for two days in October following an incident where a transgender student who was born male but identifies as female allegedly watched Blake and her teammates change in a locker room, causing them to feel uncomfortable. Several of Blake’s fellow female students told the Daily Signal that they asked the student to leave, but the student didn’t immediately do so.

Blake’s father, Travis Allen, was suspended from his middle school soccer coaching job without pay for publicly defending his daughter and calling the trans student a male, according to the Daily Signal.

After the punishments, the Allens filed a lawsuit against the school district that was recently settled. The settlement reportedly requires the Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust to pay $125,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees to the Allen family.

Under the arrangement, the district will also reinstate Travis Allen as middle school soccer coach and scrub any records of discipline against either him or his daughter from school records. The settlement additionally requires the Orange Southwest School District Board and school officials named in the Allens’ lawsuit to remove any content posted online by the school related to the locker room incident as well as from bulletin boards at Randolph Union Middle/High School displaying ‘love and support’ messages to the trans student.

‘The Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust made the decision concerning the payment in order to cap defense expenses in what would otherwise be years of litigation,’ Layne Millington, superintendent of the Orange Southwest Supervisory District, told the White River Valley Herald. ‘The district has made no admission of wrongdoing. Our policies are unchanged and we will continue to comply with our policies and the law.’

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represented the Allen family, described the outcome as a major win.

‘The settlement of Blake and Travis Allen’s case is a resounding victory for freedom of speech,’ Phil Sechler, senior counsel at the ADF, told the Daily Signal.

‘Calling a male a male shouldn’t have cost Travis his job and gotten Blake kicked out of school,’ he added. ‘We are very glad that the school agreed to do the right thing by giving Travis his coaching job back and dropping the discipline against Blake. Everyone has the right to speak freely, and we are grateful that this settlement further protects that right.’

According to the lawsuit filed in October, the Allens were punished ‘for expressing their view on a matter of profound public concern: whether a teenage male who ‘identifies’ as female should be permitted to change in a girls’ locker room, regardless of the discomfort experienced by the girls in that room.’

Blake Allen allegedly said that the transgender student who watched the female volleyball players change was ‘literally a dude’ when discussing the incident with fellow students. Her father referred to the same student as a biological male in an online discussion with the student’s mother, who reportedly said the incident was made up.

According to the ADF, Blake had to write a ‘reflective essay’ about the locker room incident and participate in a ‘restorative circle’ as part of her initial punishment, with the school determining whether she had been sincere and done enough.

‘We are grateful that the school recognized it was wrong to suspend Blake from school and Travis from his coaching position simply for exercising their freedom of speech,’ Sechler told the White River Valley Herald. ‘No one should lose their job or get suspended from school for voicing their opinion or calling a male a male and we are glad to see this case resolved favorably, not only for Blake and Travis, but for all students and coaches to be able to speak freely and without fear of retaliation.’

Saturday wasn’t the first time this week that Musk waded into a transgender debate. The Daily Wire on Thursday accused Twitter of canceling the company’s popular and controversial documentary ‘What Is a Woman?’ from premiering on the social media platform due to two instances of ‘misgendering,’ or calling a person by their biological sex instead of their preferred gender identity. Musk responded that Twitter made a mistake and encouraged people to watch the film.

‘This was a mistake by many people at Twitter. It is definitely allowed,’ Musk tweeted. ‘Whether or not you agree with using someone’s preferred pronouns, not doing so is at most rude and certainly breaks no laws.’

Musk later wrote that ‘every parent should watch this,’ referring to the Daily Wire film.

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Texas GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, is continuing to raise flags over President Biden’s health, concluding that he is ‘not fit mentally or physically’ after the president fell on stage Thursday during a commencement ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

‘I don’t wanna sound like a broken record, but I’m just going to say it again: This man’s not fit mentally or physically to be our president, and it’s a bad situation for us,’ Jackson said during a Friday evening appearance on Fox News Channel’s ‘Hannity.’ ‘Part of the job of the President of the United States is to inspire confidence and project power, and he’s not doing that. He can’t do that, he’s too old to do that, and I think it’s a shame.’

The many gaffes and the recent fall he endured show that Biden, according to Jackson, is offering a ‘package that doesn’t sell around the world.’

‘I think his lack of physical ability and his physical decline is now starting to highlight the cognitive decline that we’ve been watching for so long now,’ Jackson said. ‘It’s a package that just doesn’t sell around the world, and it’s becoming a national security issue for us. We have to do something about.’

‘To think that this man thinks he can be president at the age of 86 when he’s 80 right now [and] could be in office for another six years is just malpractice on part of the White House in the West Wing to allow this to be happening, for him to even be talking about running for another term,’ he continued. ‘Somebody needs to be held accountable. People like Jill Biden and people that surround him and are supposed to love him and care about him, they should be doing something about this, and they should be stopping this because it’s a shame.’

Jackson said it has reached a ‘point where our commander in chief needs a walker’ in order to maneuver around at events.

‘Could you imagine? It would be a better image than what we’re seeing right now — seeing him creep around in a walker,’ he said. ‘At least he wouldn’t be falling flat on his face in front of the entire world.… It’s embarrassing for him, and it’s embarrassing for our country.’

Jackson, who said he prays that Biden does not get re-elected next year, said he does not ‘honestly think he can finish the time he’s got left, built should he finish that time, there’s no way this man can be our president for another four years.’

Jackson previously served as the White House physician to former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and has repeatedly questioned whether Biden is cognitively fit for office.

In April, Jackson circulated a letter among House Republicans demanding that Biden take a cognitive test or drop out of the 2024 race. The latest letter, first obtained by Fox News, came shortly after Biden announced that he will seek re-election next year.

‘We call on you to either resign immediately and renounce your bid for reelection or submit to a clinically validated cognitive screening assessment and make those results available to the public,’ read Jackson’s letter, which was addressed to Biden.

The letter cited Biden’s age, public gaffes and polls showing many Americans doubt the president’s mental fitness.

‘When you first announced your bid to run in the 2020 presidential election, questions and concerns were raised surrounding your cognitive abilities. Those concerns have only increased because your mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent since you were elected,’ Jackson wrote in the letter.

Jackson led previous calls for Biden to take a cognitive test, including one in July 2022 that was signed by more than 50 House Republicans.

In February, Jackson called for an end to the ‘cover-up’ of Biden’s health after the president’s physical claimed that he is healthy and fit to serve as commander in chief.

‘The majority of Americans can see that Biden’s mental health is in total decline, yet there is no transparency from the White House on what’s going on, if anything, to address this issue and his inability to do his job,’ Jackson told Fox News Digital at the time. ‘Yesterday’s written physical exam report released by Biden’s physician, Kevin O’Connor, further confirms that this administration is still adamant about concealing the truth.’

The Biden administration has repeatedly brushed aside concerns about Biden’s acuity. Earlier this year when GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley proposed that politicians over 75 take mental competency tests, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said attacks on Biden over his fitness for office failed in the past.

‘You know, we’ve heard these types of attacks or remarks before. And, you know, if you go back to 2020, they said that the president couldn’t do it in 2020 and attacked him there, and he beat them,’ Jean-Pierre said. ‘Maybe they’re forgetting the wins that this president has had over the last couple of years. But I’m happy to remind them anytime.’

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS