


GOP leadership on a House committee said Sunday it uncovered new email evidence suggesting Dr. Anthony Fauci ‘prompted’ the drafting of ‘proximal origin’ publication meant to ‘disprove’ the COVID-19 lab leak theory. 

In a new memo released Sunday, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Majority Staff alerted the rest of the committee members to ‘New Evidence Resulting from the Select Subcommittee’s Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19 – ‘The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2’’

‘New evidence released by the Select Subcommittee today suggests that Dr. Fauci ‘prompted’ the drafting of a publication that would ‘disprove’ the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar went uncredited despite significant involvement,’ the memo says. 

On Feb. 1, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and at least eleven other scientists convened a conference call to discuss COVID-19. On the call, Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, and, further, may have been intentionally genetically manipulated, the memo says. 

Three days later, four participants of the conference call authored a paper entitled ‘The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2’ (Proximal Origin) and sent a draft to Fauci and Collins. Prior to final publication in Nature Medicine, the paper was sent to Fauci for editing and approval. 

‘On April 16, 2020, slightly more than two months after the original conference call, Dr. Collins emailed Dr. Fauci expressing dismay that Proximal Origin—which they saw prior to publication and were given the opportunity to edit—did not squash the lab leak hypothesis and asks if the NIH can do more to ‘put down’ the lab leak hypothesis,’ the memo says. ‘The next day—after Dr. Collins explicitly asked for more public pressure—Dr. Fauci cited Proximal Origin from the White House podium when asked if COVID-19 leaked from a lab.’ 

The committee, chaired by Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, cited several emails GOP leadership says, ‘suggests that Dr. Anthony Fauci ‘prompted’ Dr. Kristian Andersen, Professor, Scripps Research (Scripps), to write Proximal Origin and that the goal was to ‘disprove’ any lab leak theory.’ 

‘On August 18, 2021, Scripps responded to then-Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member, James Comer, and then-Committee on the Judiciary Ranking Member, Jim Jordan’s, July 29, 2021, letter to Dr. Andersen,’ the memo says. ‘In this letter, Scripps asserts that Dr. Andersen ‘objectively’ investigated the origins, and that Dr. Anthony Fauci did not attempt to influence his work. Both statements do not appear to be supported by the available evidence.’

In an excerpt from a Feb. 12, 2020, email included in the memo, for example, Anderson writes that he, Fauci, Farrah as well as colleagues Eddie Holmes, Andrew Rambaut, Bob Garry and Ian Lipkin ‘have been working through much of the (primarily) genetic data to provide agnostic and scientifically informed hypothesis around the origins of the virus.’ 

In a July 14, 2021, interview with The New York Times, Andersen was asked about how his view changed from possible lab leak to definitely zoonotic. Anderson claimed that he and other researchers ‘looked at data from coronaviruses found in other species, such as bats and pangolins, which demonstrated that the features that first appeared unique to SARS-CoV-2 were in fact found in other, related viruses.’ 

But as the committee majority notes, while Proximal Origin was going through peer review with Nature Medicine more than a year earlier, Andersen ‘actually did not find the pangolin data compelling.’

‘Privately, Dr. Andersen did not believe the pangolin data disproved a lab leak theory despite saying so publicly. It is still unclear what intervening event changed the minds of the authors of Proximal Origin in such a short period of time. Based on this new evidence, the pangolin data was not the compelling factor; to this day, the only known intervening event was the February 1 conference call with Dr. Fauci.’

In another email during the paper’s drafting process, Lipkin asserted, ‘It does not eliminate the possibility of inadvertent release following adaptation through selection in culture at the institute in Wuhan. Given the scale of the bat CoV research pursued there and the site of emergence of the first human cases we have a nightmare of circumstantial evidence to assess.’

In a Feb. 17, 2020, email, Lipkin thanked Farrar for ‘shepherding’ the paper, noting ‘Rumors of bioweaponeering are now circulating in China.’ Farrar agreed to push Nature to publish it. 

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The three House Democrats who have announced they are running for Senate in California are proponents of far-left actions to combat climate change and have endorsed the multi-trillion-dollar Green New Deal. 

The Democrats — Reps. Barbara Lee, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff — have supported aggressive policies to transition the U.S. grid from traditional fossil fuel sources to green energy like wind and solar power, argued for massive spending packages that would rapidly achieve such a transition and backed so-called environmental justice measures. The three have all recently entered the race to replace retiring Sen. Dianne Feinstein and are currently the highest-profile candidates.

According to the League of Conservation Voters, a left-wing Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group that tracks how lawmakers vote on environmental and climate issues, Schiff has a 98% lifetime score while Lee and Porter boast 97% lifetime scores. The high scores indicate the three have a long track record of supporting measures backed by the far-left organization.

‘From the devastating wildfires in my home state of California to the snowstorms in my birthplace of Texas, there’s no denying that the climate crisis is here, and the threat to the safety and economic security of our communities is growing by the day,’ Lee said after cosponsoring the Green New Deal alongside Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., in April 2021. 

‘In order to ensure a healthy and safe future for our children and grandchildren, the federal government must invest in bold policies that address the climate emergency head on, especially in communities of color and low-income communities that have experienced generations of environmental injustice,’ she added. ‘Our solutions must match the scale of the crisis—that’s why I’m proud to support the Green New Deal.’

Lee’s congressional website further states that fighting climate change is a top priority for her, noting that she has fought oil companies and is working to ensure ‘good-paying jobs created by the growing green energy sector are open to all, especially people of color, women and veterans.’

Lee also joined a congressional delegation to a United Nations climate conference in Egypt late last year where she reaffirmed her commitment to giving billions of taxpayer dollars to the international ‘Green Climate Fund’ and warned the ‘window is closing fast’ on saving the planet.

Porter has also been a vocal proponent of far-left climate proposals and signed on to the Green New Deal after she worked to strengthen ‘pro-worker provisions’ in the legislation.

‘Congresswoman Porter has fought to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for cleaning up after they drill, in addition to advocating for a future powered by clean energy,’ Porter’s website states. ‘Congresswoman Porter is taking action to accelerate our transition to clean energy and make the United States a leading green economy.’

‘She is a proud member of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, which advocates for policies that promote renewable energy, address climate change, and create good green jobs.’

Porter has also repeatedly attacked the fossil fuel industry for its supposed ‘misinformation campaigns.’ In August, she introduced legislation that would remove taxpayer-funded subsidies from oil companies that were used to help the industry market products, saying ‘it’s bad enough these corporations poison the planet.’

And Porter made headlines during an October 2021 hearing where she blasted oil executives over how much federal land their companies have leased. In a live demonstration, Porter used candy and rice to show how much land the companies controlled.

‘When you lobby and sue so that you can take more of our public land, you’re saying too much is never enough,’ Porter stated. ‘The American people are tired of this charade.’

Finally, Schiff is the only candidate of the three Democrats to list climate change as a key issue on his campaign website. He argues in favor of the Green New Deal which he was an original cosponsor of, major new green investments, developing a ‘green economy’ and leading the world in clean energy development.

‘Climate change is real, our planet is on fire, and we must act. Now,’ he states on his website. ‘That seems like common knowledge, but half of our country’s political structure still refutes that simple truth. And worse, refuses to act on it.’

‘The Green New Deal is not just a bold plan for addressing climate change and beginning to right the ship, it also is an urgent call to invest in growing a modern, green economy that is equitable and just for all,’ he adds.

On Wednesday, he introduced legislation that would create a sustainable investment fund for federal employees that avoids oil, pharmaceutical tobacco investments. He said the bill would help federal workers use investments to boost ‘sustainable practices that will help combat the climate crisis.’

He also slammed Republicans for passing legislation that would rescind a Biden administration rule allowing fiduciaries to factor environmental considerations into Americans’ retirement accounts, an action opponents have argued could significantly harm the interests of customers by placing social priorities over financial interests. 

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First Lady Jill Biden dismissed statements made by Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley who called for politicians over the age of 75 to undergo mental capacity tests, according to reports.

CNN reported that in an interview set to air on the network on Monday night, the first lady called the proposal ridiculous, and when asked if the president would consider taking a mental capacity test if elected, she said, ‘We would never even discuss something like that.’

Haley, 51, threw her name into the hat as a Republican presidential candidate last month and made headlines after calling for ‘mental competency tests.’

President Biden turned 80 in November and former President Trump, also a candidate for president this go-round, is 76.

A Fox News Poll conducted in late February found that, overall, 77% of Americans favor requiring such tests, with 83% of millennials, 84% of GenXers and 66% of Baby Boomers supporting the idea.

The study also found that 87% of Republicans, 74% of Independents and 67% of Democrats surveyed favor the mental capacity tests, as well.

Still, the First Lady rejected the idea of the tests when interviewed by CNN.

‘How many 30-year-olds could travel to Poland, get on the train? Go nine more hours, go to Ukraine, meet with President (Volodymyr) Zelensky?’ she asked the news network. ‘So, look at the man. Look at what he’s doing. Look at what he continues to do each and every day.’

The First Lady is not the first to reject Haley’s proposal, and likely will not be the last.

In fact, former Vice President Mike Pence disagreed with the presidential hopeful’s proposal in an interview with CBS last week.

‘I come from southern Indiana, where people think most politicians should have a competency test,’ Pence, 63, joked. ‘No, I think the American people can sort that out. I really do.’

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Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis ripped California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom during a speech Sunday in the Golden State, saying Californians are fleeing the state in droves to live in Florida where he said they can live freely.

‘I knew you guys got a lot of problems out here, but your governor is very concerned about what we’re doing in Florida, so I figured I had to come by,’ DeSantis joked at the start of his speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.

DeSantis said Reagan ‘understood the vital role that government had to play’ and how it could be a ‘negative force if not applied properly,’ and he governed Florida with that same understanding throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘And I think if you look over the last four or five years, and you look at the performances of individual states, and you compare Florida versus California, New York, Illinois, some of those other states, we have had a great experiment, a great test in governing philosophies,’ he said. ‘Because, of course, you know, we approach things much differently in Florida than you guys have out here, much differently in Florida than they’ve done in New York and in Illinois.’

‘And if you look over the last four years, we’ve witnessed a great American exodus from states governed by leftist politicians imposing leftist ideology and delivering poor results, and you’ve seen massive gains in states like Florida, who are governing according to the tried and true principles that President Reagan held dear,’ he continued. ‘From the beginning of this state’s history, all the way until the last four or five years, people beat a path to California. You didn’t beat a path away from California. And yet now, you see the state hemorrhaging population.’ 

DeSantis said Florida became a beacon of freedom when states like California became a ‘biomedical security state’ due to outside pressure based on political ideology instead of data.

‘And I can tell you, we had families move from the Pacific coast just for the fact that we had schools open in Florida, when you didn’t have them open in many other states,’ he said. ‘We did things like ban vaccine passports in the state of Florida. States said, ‘You want to go stay in a hotel, go to a restaurant, you got to cough up your vax papers on these mRNA shots.’ And we said that’s none of their business. Everyone has a right to participate in society. That’s a personal choice that you make whether to take that or not, and we’re not going to let you be excluded.’

‘Now, what ended up happening because we did that, one of the things that ended up happening was in 2021, Florida set a record for domestic tourism,’ he said. ‘If you compare the change in tourism in California from 2019 to 2021, California tourism declined by 22%.’

DeSantis spoke to a crowd of more than 1,300 attendees at the Reagan library, DeSantis’ team told Fox News Digital.

Simi Valley police said vandals targeted the library overnight ahead of the governor’s visit with graffiti reading, ‘Ron DeFascist,’ KTLA reported. Library employees were reportedly able to clean up the paint before the governor’s visit.

Sunday’s event was to kick off DeSantis’ new book, ‘The Courage to Be Free: Florida’s Blueprint for America’s Revival,’ which released Tuesday. The governor has not officially announced a 2024 presidential run but is widely considered a likely candidate.

DeSantis revealed his proposal to ‘Make America Florida’ in his book, saying it will require ‘successfully combating a lot of powerful, elite institutions’ in the pursuit of freedom.

The book detailed DeSantis’ approach to the COVID-19 pandemic, which often contradicted guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and was the frequent target of liberal backlash. The governor argued in the book that the attacks were a ‘price worth paying’ for exercising leadership.

‘A governor who leads by aggressively pursuing policies that defy the leftist ideology of the nation’s elites will face fire — not only by the legacy media but also from activist groups, Big Tech, and corporate America,’ he wrote. ‘When I took strong stands against the prevailing narrative on draconian coronavirus policies, I may have been vilified by the usual suspects, but I was able to save the livelihoods of millions of people throughout Florida.’

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