


Former President Obama has not yet endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president, though allies in the Obama orbit indicate the 44th president is squarely behind Harris’ campaign. 

President Biden dropped out of the 2024 race Sunday afternoon in a letter posted to his X account, which was shortly followed by him endorsing Harris for president. Democrats nationwide soon united in their calls for Harris to become the party’s nominee as they square up for another election battle against former President Trump. 

Though Democratic leaders such as Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., as well as the Clintons and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., have offered Harris their endorsements, Obama has remained mum. 

‘Michelle and I just want to express our love and gratitude to Joe and Jill for leading us so ably and courageously during these perilous times — and for their commitment to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on,’ Obama wrote in his statement following Biden bowing out, which did not including mentioning Harris. 

Since leaving the Oval Office, Obama has typically held his endorsement card close to his chest. He endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in June 2016, while his endorsement of Biden in 2020 was only made days ahead of the Democratic National Convention. 

Obama remained coy for a long while during the 2020 election about whom he would endorse, saying he would not back anyone during the primary. As Democratic contenders such as Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont dropped out of the primary race and cleared a path for Biden, however, Obama finally endorsed his former veep in August of that year. 

Harris was also a contender in the 2020 race, and had long had a friendship with Obama prior to her 2020 run, sparking media speculation that the 44th president could throw his support behind Harris instead of his VP. 

Harris was among the first elected Democrats in the nation to endorse Obama’s first run for president in the 2008 election, snubbing Hillary Clinton in favor of the then-Illinois senator. 

‘I’m told that I was the first elected person in California to endorse [Obama] when he decided to run for president,’ Harris said back in 2019 while she was campaigning for president. ‘I will remind you, and it is important to know, that early in those days Joe Biden was running against him.’

Harris was in attendance when Obama announced his candidacy for president in 2007, after first meeting him in 2004 when he was an Illinois state senator running for the U.S. Senate, the Washington Examiner previously reported. 

‘Barack Obama will be a president who finally ends the era of fear that has been used to divide and demoralize our country,’ Harris said during California’s Democratic convention in 2008. 

As Harris built her political career from San Francisco district attorney to California attorney general and then senator, Harris was even dubbed ‘the female Obama’ by some political analysts. 

Fast-forward to Harris’ 2020 campaign for the presidency — those in Obama’s orbit rallied around Harris’ campaign while the 44th president kept quiet. Public relations executive Michael Kempner and his wife held a fundraiser for Harris in the Hamptons that cycle, after they raised millions for Obama during his 2012 re-election campaign, Politico reported at the time. Eugene Duffy, who served as national finance committee member for Obama in 2008, helped fundraise for Harris that cycle, as did Obama donor and supporter Jeff Shell, the former CEO of NBCUniversal. 

Though Obama is again remaining coy with his endorsement in the 2024 cycle, powerful advisers and allies in his orbit have joined Harris’ campaign. Harris tapped Obama’s former attorney general Eric Holder to lead the vetting process of Harris’ potential running mates, while the campaign also reportedly contacted longtime Obama adviser David Plouffe for a leadership position on the team. Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, who worked as Obama’s 2012 deputy campaign manager and Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign chair, was announced as Harris’ campaign manager. 

Ahead of Biden dropping out of the race on Sunday afternoon, Obama allies notably helped lead the charge in calling for Biden to exit the race in favor of a candidate they believed was more suitable to take on Trump. 

Obama’s former chief campaign strategist David Axelrod declared earlier this month that Biden is ‘not winning this race.’ Actor George Clooney called on Biden to drop out of the race in a bombshell op-ed that was published just weeks after the Hollywood star co-hosted Biden, alongside Obama, for a ritzy campaign event in Los Angeles. Clooney has long had a personal friendship with Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama, including vacationing with the first couple in previous years.

Another ally in Obama’s orbit, Jon Favreau, who served as former director of speech writing for Obama, also called on Biden to drop out of the race this month, saying he attended the fundraiser in L.A. with Clooney and Obama and witnessed firsthand Biden’s state of mental acuity. Favreau, alongside former Obama advisers Jon Lovett and Tommy Vietor — known collectively as the ‘Obama Bros’ when they worked in the White House — also dedicated the majority of a podcast episode of ‘Pod Save America’ this month to trashing Biden. 

The ‘Obama Bros’ and other former advisers in Obama’s orbit have since taken to social media to celebrate Harris’ run. 

As momentum builds behind Harris’ candidacy, with the DNC anticipated to certify her as the nominee on Aug. 1, Obama’s statement Sunday follows his history of not expeditiously tipping the political scales in favor of one candidate over another. 

​​’We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,’ Obama said in his statement on Sunday. ‘I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August. And I expect that every single one of us are prepared to carry that message of hope and progress forward into November and beyond.’

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The fight to avoid a government shutdown is again bringing out the fault lines within the House GOP’s razor-thin majority.

House Republican leaders sought to avoid another messy, drawn-out battle over federal funding this year by rolling out an ambitious schedule to pass all 12 individual appropriations bills before the annual August recess.

That effort has been all but derailed. Rank-and-file Republicans are frustrated GOP rebels are pushing for politically unpopular votes on measures that would likely not be in the final bills after compromising with the Democratic-held Senate.

Some GOP lawmakers are accusing the rebels of ‘political masturbation,’ while the rebels blast the ‘terrible process’ lawmakers have followed for years.

‘Many of the appropriators are not excited about seeing some of these amendments being voted on. So, they vote against the amendments, and they get upset with those people when they don’t vote for the full appropriations bill. So, everybody’s mad,’ one House Republican granted anonymity to speak freely told Fox News Digital.

A second House Republican said, ‘Most of them I do philosophically agree with, so it’s not that it’s tough. It’s that they’re unnecessary. We know they’re not going anywhere.’

‘If you bring an amendment up that … makes me feel good … but it’s literally not going to pass a markup, or it’s not going to allow the bill to pass on the floor because the moderates are not going to like it, it’s just political masturbation at that point. So, what are we doing?’ the second GOP lawmaker said.

‘The rest of us can have that impact, too. We choose not to because we’re trying to get these bills passed. We’re actually trying to do our jobs here.’

GOP leaders had aimed to pass a bill funding the Justice and Commerce departments this week. But after it passed through committee absent an amendment defunding prosecutions against former President Trump — and was bashed by the ex-president — lawmakers have yet to see it get a House-wide vote.

On Tuesday evening, the Energy and Water appropriations bill was abruptly pulled from the House floor schedule amid worries about it passing.

‘What we’re sick of is not passing the most conservative bills that we can get to be able to even start the negotiation,’ Republican Study Committee Chair Kevin Hern, R-Okla., told Fox News Digital. ‘What a lot of people are upset about is trying to find a bill and vote on it on the House side that will pass the Senate. And … the conservative people in our party are wanting bills that represent the conservative principles of the Republican Party as a starting point.’

House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., said, ‘They should be bringing these things out to the floor. They should be openly debated, discussed — and amendments proposed out there on the floor in front of all 435 members and, in the end, the American people — and that’s not what’s being done, and that’s why we have this terrible process.’

It’s all but certain that Congress will have to pass a short-term extension of this year’s funding, known as a continuing resolution (CR), something that fiscal hawks who voted against last year’s funding packages will likely oppose.

Punting government funding into the new year or even into December will mean the next steps are largely dependent on who wins the presidential election.

‘I’m disappointed that we have not been able to find a consensus to pass all the appropriations bills before the August recess. I hope we can do that in September. I think members have to be realistic about what their goals and objectives are for a CR until after the election,’ said Rep. French Hill, R-Ark.

House Appropriations Chair Tom Cole, R-Okla., confirmed to reporters that a short-term bill would be necessary to avoid a partial government shutdown.

‘I’ve always said we’d have to do a CR,’ Cole said. ‘And then whoever wins the election will make the decision. Do you want a deal by the end of the year or do you want to kick them to the next Congress? I hope, my advice to whoever wins, would be do it by the end of the year.’ 

A spokesperson for Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., told Fox News Digital, ‘The House has made significant progress in advancing FY25 appropriations bills. The House Appropriations Committee has diligently moved all 12 bills out of committee, and the House has passed 75% of government funding for the upcoming fiscal year while the Senate has yet to even consider a single appropriations bill. The House will continue its successful effort to responsibly fund the government for FY25 when it returns from its district work period.’

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White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre held a press briefing for the first time since President Biden announced he would not be pursuing a second term and emphasized that his decision was not due to his health. 

After sharing their condolences to the family and friends of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who passed away over the weekend, as well as condemning the killing of Sonya Massey, who was fatally shot by an Illinois sheriff’s deputy in her home, Jean-Pierre addressed Biden’s decision to drop out of the presidential race.

Reading from a letter Biden issued on Sunday, Jean-Pierre said, ‘It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.’

Jean-Pierre defended the president and denied any notion of him resigning from his current post and proceeded to highlight his accomplishments during his term.  

‘We believe and any suggestion of that note is ridiculous. I just laid out what the president has been able to do in almost four years, and it’s been successful,’ Jean-Pierre stated. ‘He’s been able to do more again than any president has been able to do in two terms. He’s been able to do that more in one term, and he wants to finish the job that he started and delivering more historic results for the American people.’

When asked why Biden stepped down and if it was related to his health, Jean-Pierre dodged the question again and deferred to the president’s address on Wednesday evening.

‘Again, the president’s going to speak to this directly to the American people tonight in prime time. I know many of you all will be watching it. There are specials going on tonight. He will, I promise you, he will speak to this directly to all of you tonight,’ she said. ‘But in his letter, he talked about the country. He talked about the party. He talked about the moment that we’re in right now. It is not about his health. I can say no, that’s not the reason. But hear him out tonight.’

When asked if Biden felt bullied to leave the race, Jean-Pierre again deferred to Biden’s Wednesday evening speech and said that his decision to step down was not an easy one to make. 

‘It’s obviously a historic moment, but a decision like this is very personal. It’s not easy to make. And I think there are very rare politicians who could look at the situation and make a decision. And I think it speaks to how honorable this president is, how selfless this president is, that he was able to make this decision and say, it is not about me, it is about the American people,’ Jean-Pierre said. 

‘This is about the country and making, again, a personal, difficult decision. And so I think that speaks for itself, I really do.’

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The fight to avoid a government shutdown is again bringing out the fault lines within the House GOP’s razor-thin majority.

House Republican leaders sought to avoid another messy, drawn-out battle over federal funding this year by rolling out an ambitious schedule to pass all 12 individual appropriations bills before the annual August recess.

That effort has been all but derailed; rank-and-file Republicans are frustrated that GOP rebels are pushing for politically unpopular votes on measures that would likely not be in the final bills after compromising with the Democratic-held Senate. Fiscal conservatives and GOP rebels, however, accused the former of being unwilling to utilize their House majority.

Now some GOP lawmakers are accusing the latter of ‘political masturbation’ while the rebels blast the ‘terrible process’ that lawmakers have followed for years.

‘Many of the appropriators are not excited about seeing some of these amendments being voted on. So, they vote against the amendments, and they get upset with those people when they don’t vote for the full appropriations bill, so everybody’s mad,’ one House Republican granted anonymity to speak freely told Fox News Digital.

A second House Republican said, ‘Most of them I do philosophically agree with, so it’s not that it’s tough. It’s that they’re unnecessary. We know they’re not going anywhere.’

‘If you bring an amendment up that … makes me feel good … but it’s literally not going to pass a markup, or it’s not going to allow the bill to pass on the floor because the moderates are not going to like it, it’s just political masturbation at that point. So, what are we doing?’ the second GOP lawmaker said.

‘The rest of us can have that impact, too. We choose not to because we’re trying to get these bills passed. We’re actually trying to do our jobs here.’

GOP leaders had aimed to pass the bill funding the Justice and Commerce departments this week. But after it passed through committee absent an amendment defunding prosecutions against former President Trump and was bashed by the ex-president, lawmakers have yet to see it get a House-wide vote.

And on Tuesday evening, the Energy and Water appropriations bill was abruptly pulled from the House floor schedule amid worries about it passing.

‘What we’re sick of is not passing the most conservative bills that we can get to be able to even start the negotiation,’ Republican Study Committee Chair Kevin Hern, R-Okla., told Fox News Digital. ‘What a lot of people are upset about is trying to find a bill and vote on it on the House side that will pass the Senate. And … the conservative people in our party are wanting bills that represent the conservative principles of the Republican Party as a starting point.’

House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., said, ‘They should be bringing these things out to the floor. They should be openly debated, discussed – and amendments proposed out there on the floor in front of all 435 members and, in the end, the American people – and that’s not what’s being done, and that’s why we have this terrible process.’

It’s all but certain that Congress will have to pass a short-term extension of this year’s funding, known as a continuing resolution (CR), something that fiscal hawks who voted against last year’s funding packages will likely oppose.

Punting government funding into the new year or even into December will mean the next steps are largely dependent on who wins the presidential election.

‘I’m disappointed that we have not been able to find a consensus to pass all the appropriations bills before the August recess. I hope we can do that in September. I think members have to be realistic about what their goals and objectives are for a CR until after the election,’ said Rep. French Hill, R-Ark.

House Appropriations Chair Tom Cole, R-Okla., confirmed to reporters that a short-term bill would be necessary to avoid a partial government shutdown.

‘I’ve always said we’d have to do a CR,’ Cole said. ‘And then whoever wins the election will make the decision, do you want a deal by the end of the year or do you want to kick them to the next Congress? I hope, my advice to whoever wins, would be do it by the end of the year.’ 

Fox News Digital reached out to Speaker Mike Johnson’s office for comment but did not hear back by press time. 

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The White House communication team’s credibility surrounding knowledge of President Biden’s political future is in the national spotlight after telling the public for weeks that Biden would not drop out of the 2024 race while simultaneously battling questions from the press about mounting concerns over his health. 

‘All you can do is shake your head.  No one at the White House has any credibility when it comes to Joe Biden’s health. From Vice President Harris to the White House physician to everyone in the press office, they covered up the president’s frailties. They hid the truth. It’s a scandal,’ former George W. Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer told Fox News Digital. 

Voters and social media commenters across the nation have sounded off in recent days that the communications team was ‘out of the loop’ as concerns mounted surrounding Biden’s health and subsequent claims that the president would exit the 2024 presidential race. 

When Biden did announce his departure from the race, only a handful of White House and campaign officials – such as Vice President Kamala Harris, chief of staff Jeff Zients and campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon – were made aware ahead of the letter, while some senior officials learned of the decision in a Zoom call, and most others through Biden’s public announcement on X, media outlets reported. 

The White House communications shop, which is led by press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, had for weeks shut down claims Biden would drop out, while describing Biden’s health as above board and no reason for concern. 

‘Absolutely not,’ Jean-Pierre declared in a press briefing on July 3 when asked if Biden had any plans to exit the 2024 race. 

Jean-Pierre’s messaging had been backed up by White House spokesman Andrew Bates, who frequently issued statements to the media that Biden was in the race to win while brushing off questions about the president’s health. 

‘The president told both leaders he is the nominee of the party, he plans to win and looks forward to working with both of them to pass his 100-days agenda to help working families,’ Bates said last week in a comment to the New York Times. 

‘That is not happening, period,’ Bates said Friday when asked if members of the Biden family were discussing the president’s exit plan. ‘The individuals making those claims are not speaking for his family or his team – and they will be proven wrong. Keep the faith.’

Soon after the June 27 CNN debate, worried party leaders mounted a pressure campaign on Biden to exit the race, as dozens of elected Democrats commended the president for his service in the White House, but called on him to pass the torch to another candidate better suited to take on former President Trump. Media reports cited sources who described top Democrats such as former President Barack Obama, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., as working in the background on efforts encouraging Biden to drop out. 

Although the media reports mounted that Democratic leaders were working to galvanize the party without Biden ahead of the DNC, the White House communications team continued brushing off the reports as hogwash.

Bates, for example, went on a social media campaign shooting down media reports that Biden’s exit from the race was imminent. Meanwhile, Jean-Pierre continued touting the president’s record in office on her X account, including that Biden ‘will continue to defend reproductive freedom’ and that POTUS had ‘been hitting the road and meeting directly with the American people’ in the days following the debate. 

Despite the full-throated denial that there were even discussions that the president should bow out, Biden ultimately stepped aside in a tweet on Sunday afternoon. 

‘It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term,’ Biden said in his letter posted to X Sunday afternoon announcing his departure from the race. 

Media reports shortly following the announcement indicated White House staffers and members of the campaign were shocked by the news, learning of the decision via the X post and through a Zoom call on Sunday. 

Biden had been self-isolating at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, after a COVID-19 diagnosis last week. He returned to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday and will address the nation in more depth regarding his exit from the race on Wednesday evening from the Oval Office. 

Following his exit from the race, social media commenters sounded off that key White House communications team staffers were ‘out of the loop’ on Biden’s plans to leave the race or mocked staffers such as Bates. 

The calls for Biden to drop out of the race were born out of his poor debate performance last month against Trump, where he stumbled over his words, lost his train of thought and appeared more subdued than his typical public demeanor. The June 27 debate opened the floodgates to traditional allies and legacy media outlets to call on him to drop out, though conservatives and critics had for years said Biden’s mental fitness was concerning. 

As questions surrounding the president’s health mounted, the White House communications team juggled an onslaught of questions regarding whether the president was suffering with an illness such as Parkinson’s disease. 

The media’s interactions with Jean-Pierre and the communications team became more heated, as reporters pressed the spokeswoman for answers on the president’s health, and called into question the team’s credibility.

Jean-Pierre was pressed by the media during a fiery exchange earlier this month to speak to whether a Parkinson’s disease expert’s eight visits to the White House were related specifically to Biden’s health. Jean-Pierre, instead, refused to confirm the doctor by name. She did confirm a neurologist had examined Biden three times for his three yearly physicals since taking office.

​​’They’re in the White House visitor logs. It’s public. I looked it up before I came out here. It is right there for anyone to see,’ CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe said during a presser early this month when questioning the press secretary about Dr. Kevin Cannard being listed eight times on White House visitor logs. 

‘I cannot from here confirm any of that because we have to keep their privacy. I think they would appreciate that too,’ Jean-Pierre said. 

‘The patient or the doctor?’ O’Keefe asked. 

‘We have to keep their privacy,’ Jean-Pierre replied. 

‘It is public,’ NBC News correspondent Kelly O’Donnell jumped in to say, while O’Keefe added, ‘you’re going to allow this to fester longer, Karine, unless the White House just answers the question.’ 

Jean-Pierre was grilled yet again in another press conference about Cannard’s visits, where she erroneously said one of the meetings this year was not related to Biden’s health. 

‘Can you say whether that one meeting [between Cannard and O’Connor] was related to care for the president himself?’ the Associated Press asked.

‘I can say that it was not,’ Jean-Pierre responded. 

The press secretary backtracked later that day, saying Cannard’s Jan. 17 meeting at the White House was in fact related to Biden’s health, specifically to the president’s yearly physical. 

Reporters also called on the White House to allow Biden’s White House physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, to speak to them directly about the president’s health. The administration, however, argued that his written updates on Biden’s health and reports on his check-ups were sufficiently transparent. 

‘The thorough summaries Dr. O’Connor puts online for the public are far more extensive than the presidential medical documentation released during the previous administration,’ Bates told Fox News Digital earlier this month when asked if O’Connor would speak directly to the media. ‘In fact, the American people heard from Dr. O’Connor through his daily written reports on President Biden’s COVID case for over two weeks straight – a condition he had the honesty to disclose right away, unlike Trump’s physicians in office.’

O’Connor has released repeated statements and updates on the president’s health since Biden took office, including when he was diagnosed with COVID, as well as updates on Biden’s annual physicals. He has, however, not joined a press briefing to field journalists’ questions. 

‘Dr. O’Connor teaches at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science, completed U.S. Army flight surgeon training, and was among the first American service members in Afghanistan and Iraq. His unique expertise is sought across the medical community, in which he is respected for his candor, attention to detail, and work ethic,’ Bates continued.  

The White House has said that Biden does not suffer from a disease such as Parkinson’s or dementia, or other types of degenerative illnesses. 

Following Biden’s exit from the race, members of the GOP are calling on Biden to resign from the White House altogether. 

 ‘If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough,’ House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a statement Sunday. 

‘If the Democrat party has deemed Joe Biden unfit to run for re-election, he’s certainly unfit to control our nuclear codes,’ House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., said Sunday. ‘Biden must step down from office immediately.’

Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, had also called on Biden to resign in the lead-up to his bombshell announcement. 

‘If Joe Biden ends his reelection campaign, how can he justify remaining President?’ Vance posted on X hours before the announcement. ‘Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as Commander-in-Chief. There is no middle ground.’

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Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, considered one of the most vulnerable senators facing re-election, was hit with a new ad from his opponent tying him to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.

‘I love Sen. Kamala Harris for so many reasons,’ a clip of Brown says in the introduction to the new ad released Wednesday from Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno. 

‘Sherrod Brown has found a new friend,’ the ad’s narrator states. ‘And just like his old friend, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris doesn’t care about the border crisis.’

The ad then plays a clip of Harris saying, ‘We have a secure border.’

‘Sherrod Brown agrees,’ the ad narrator says before a clip shows Brown saying, ‘The border is not an emergency.’

The ad goes on to highlight Brown voting with Harris and Biden 99% of the time.

‘Sherrod Brown and Kamala Harris, new friends, same old radical agenda,’ the ad says in closing.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Moreno Communications Director Reagan McCarthy said, ‘Kamala Harris would be even more radical than Joe Biden, and Sherrod Brown supports her 100%.’

‘As ‘border czar,’ Harris has overseen the worst border invasion in history, and Brown helped her implement the most liberal agenda in American history. In November, Ohioans will reject Harris and retire Brown.’

In a statement to Fox News Digital, a Brown campaign spokesperson said, ‘While Bernie Moreno opposed the strongest border deal in decades, Sherrod voted for the deal and successfully worked with Republicans to pass legislation to stop fentanyl from coming over the Southern border by cracking down on the chemical suppliers in China and the drug cartels in Mexico.’

‘Bernie Moreno and his special interest allies are attacking Sherrod because they know he will always do what’s right for Ohio while Moreno only looks out for himself.’

The race between Moreno and Brown is expected to be a close one as Republicans view it as one of their strongest opportunities to take back control of the Senate in November in a state that Trump won by 8 points in 2020. 

The Cook Political report ranks the race as a ‘toss up.’

Brown endorsed Harris for president after he had called for President Biden to drop out of the presidential race and has joined the list of vulnerable Democratic senators who are facing ads from their opponents tying them to Harris’ policies.

On Tuesday, Pennsylvania GOP Sen. candidate Dave McCormick released an ad highlighting the praise that Democratic Sen. Bob Casey gave Harris before it outlines a variety of her policies that the ad says makes her the ‘most liberal nominee in U.S. history.’

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Kamala Harris wants America to know she is speaking, and we all might be seeing that message on T-shirts, buttons and signs sooner rather than later.

I drove from West Virginia to Wisconsin and back last week, coursing through 9 states, some blue, some red, some swing. In my 24 hours of driving, I saw Trump signs all over the place, but not a single Biden-Harris sign or bumper sticker. Not one.

In many cases, what I saw weren’t just yard signs, but giant ‘Trump 2024’ or ‘MAGA,’ flags, even huge, Clark Griswold-style front lawn displays to leave no doubt about the intensity of the residents’ support for Donald Trump.

This is an old and treasured way of reading political tea leaves. It is also deeply unscientific, but in this case the gap in visible support is so overwhelming that it stands out and now suddenly leads us to wonder if Kamala Harris can begin to close it.

Now, to be fair, there has never been a politician who moves merchandise like Donald Trump. In towns across America, there are Trump pop-up stores on the side of the road. I’ve talked to a lot of the people who run them, including one recently in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

Many of these entrepreneurs originally followed Trump rallies in 2016 and 2020 much the way merch peddlers used to follow the Grateful Dead.

‘Now I can do it just about anywhere,’ the seller in West Virginia told me.

It speaks to the very personal connection that many Trump supporters feel towards the man himself, something that even Americans who think Biden has been a good president just don’t display towards Joe. Could it be different with Kamala?

To get a sense, I did some snooping around Amazon. In just the last three days since her announcement, there are several Harris 2024 shirts that have sold over 1,000 units in the past month. The most popular Biden-Harris shirt maxed out at 300 for the whole month.

There are dozens of Trump shirts for any occasion on Amazon that run circles around these sales, but even a modest uptick in people who want to rep the Democratic nominee in their fit seems like a good thing for Harris and something her camp will want to grow.

The last Democrat to have an impressive merchandise footprint was Barack Obama. Trust me, I lived in Brooklyn during his presidency and the Shepard Fairey ‘Hope’ poster almost seemed mandatory, or like it just came pre-hung in every apartment.

And a slogan is emerging for Harris, as well. Many of the top-selling signs, posters and wearables feature the phrase, ‘I’m Speaking,’ a reference to Kamala clapping back at old, White man Mike Pence in the 2020 vice presidential debate.

This is starting to look like the beating heart of Kamala’s campaign, the strong Black woman speaking truth to the power of Donald Trump and alleged white supremacy. It’s blatant nonsense, but it looks a lot better on a T-shirt than ‘Not a joke,’ or ‘I mean it, Jack!’

And ultimately, this is exactly why Democrats wanted this change. They needed a new story to tell, and now they have their favorite story full of racism and sexism and white privilege. Oh my.

For many conservatives, this message seems to be, ‘Shut up, a Black woman is speaking!’ and comes off as insufferable. But they’d better get used to it, because Democrats will try to make it as ubiquitous as the red MAGA baseball cap. Or at least as close as they can.

We can only pray that things remain civil as now both sides prepare to wear their political passions quite literally on their sleeves.

And that brings me to the most powerful sign I saw on my journey to and fro halfway across the continent. Just outside Butler, Pa., I observed an electronic billboard on the highway with the image of Corey Comparatore, who was killed while attending a political rally.

It reads in part, ‘In loving memory, of a special man who gave everything for his family, beliefs and country!’

That is a sign I wish every American could drive past, one without snark or cynicism, a simple reminder that the nation remains in the people’s hands, and that no matter who wins, what really matters is that we live together with respect and in peace. 

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: As hundreds of protesters flood Washington D.C. objecting to the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one Republican lawmaker is pushing back with a bill that would bar student loan forgiveness for those convicted of hate crimes during anti-Israel student protests.

Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., is introducing the ‘Prohibiting Student Loan Forgiveness for Antisemites Act.’ That bill would block students who are convicted of hate crimes under state or federal law from being eligible for loan forgiveness. 

While the bill is not solely restricted to antisemitism, there has been a wave of protests in the last year targeting Israel since the Oct. 2023 terror attack on Israel by Hamas. President Biden has repeatedly attempted to cancel student loans for tens of millions of students, but this bill would make sure that doesn’t apply to those convicted of antisemitism. 

Dozens of anti-Israel protests broke out at colleges across America, with a variety of elite institutions being overwhelmed with antisemitic behavior. Protesters at Columbia University and other schools have chanted, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ a slogan condemned by critics as antisemitic that’s also used by Hamas. The phrase is widely interpreted as calling for the destruction of the state of Israel and removal of the Jewish people, although its proponents often deny that meaning.

‘We must not allow antisemites to benefit from their hate,’ Gimenez said in a statement. ‘With this bill, we ensure that those that are convicted of a state or federal hate crime will not receive loan forgiveness benefits. Hate has no place in our nation, therefore we must and will continue to stand with the U.S. and international Jewish community.’

The bill comes ahead of Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, which has led to a number of protests. The Capitol Police said about 200 people were arrested Tuesday on charges stemming from a sit-in protest at the Cannon House Office Building. 

Others protested outside Netanyahu’s hotel, focusing much of their anger on U.S. support of Israel in its fight against Hamas. The U.S. has supported Israel in its fight against Hamas despite some splintering support for the effort, particularly among Democrats. As part of a $95 billion foreign aid package in April, the U.S. passed about $15 billion in military aid for Israel. 

Prior to his departure for the U.S. Monday, Netanyahu said, ‘I’m leaving this morning on a very important trip to the United States at a time when Israel is fighting on seven fronts and when there’s great political uncertainty in Washington.

‘I will address, for the fourth time, both houses of Congress as prime minister of Israel. I will seek to anchor the bipartisan support that is so important to Israel and will tell my friends on both sides of the aisle that regardless who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains America’s indispensable and strong ally in the Middle East.’

Gimenez’s bill isn’t the only legislation pushing back against the protests. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., introduced legislation on Wednesday that would strip noncitizens of their immigration visas if they participated in demonstrations and were convicted of crimes.

Fox News’ Julia Johnson and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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President Biden’s son Hunter was spotted arriving at the Reagan National Airport right outside Washington, D.C.  on Tuesday night where he briefly answered questions about his father’s health.

‘Great,’ the president’s son said when asked to comment on his health just days after bowing out of the presidential race amid concerns from members of his own party about his ability to serve out another term.

‘How are you feeling now that he has stepped down,’ Biden is asked as he walks into the airport parking garage.

‘It’s all good, man,’ Hunter responds.

Hunter’s arrival in the nation’s capital from Santa Monica around 9 p.m. on Tuesday comes after Fox News Digital reported he was out and about in Los Angeles last week while his father remained hunkered down on the other side of the country, battling to save his legacy and fending off reports that he would soon step down.

Hunter Biden started sitting in on meetings between his father and close staff at the White House just a week after the debate, with one White House source telling NBC at the time that the sudden presence caused confusion and prompted many to ask, ‘What the hell is happening?’ 

Biden appeared to rely on his son not only in those meetings, but on phone calls as well, sources had reported. 

The White House told Fox News Digital on Tuesday that the president stands by his previous pledge not to pardon Hunter who was convicted last month on federal gun charges. 

Critics aren’t so sure and several Republicans have speculated the president will indeed pardon his son now that re-election is off the table. 

‘I’m going to place the odds that Joe Biden pardons Hunter Biden at 100%. Hunter Biden will get a pardon as a result of this decision,’ Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz said during his podcast, ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz,’ on Monday.

Fox News Digital’s Peter Aitken contributed to this report

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Vice President Kamala Harris has expressed mixed views on Israel over the last several years, an issue that is sure to be highlighted as she takes over at the top of the Democratic ticket at the same time as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington.

Harris has often been an advocate for Jewish causes and frequently supported the U.S. alliance with Israel since joining the Senate in 2017, but cracks in the now-vice president’s support for the Jewish state have started to show amid the country’s monthslong invasion of neighboring Gaza in response to the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks.

Shortly after taking office in 2017, Harris and husband Doug Emhoff, who is Jewish, traveled to Israel. The trip was the third for Harris, according to a report from the Times of Israel, but the first for her husband, highlighting the importance of the country to a senator who had spent much of her upbringing around the Jewish community.

That same year, Harris made one of her first speeches as a senator to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the report notes, where the freshman senator boasted that she had introduced a resolution condemning the United Nations Security Council’s resolution that condemned Israel.

‘I believe that a resolution to this conflict cannot be imposed. It must be agreed upon by the parties themselves. Peace can only come through a reconciliation of differences and that can only happen at the negotiating table,’ Harris said during the speech. ‘I believe that when any organization delegitimizes Israel, we must stand up and speak out for Israel to be treated equally.’

Harris’ friendly relationship with Israel and the Jewish community continued after the election of President Biden, with the vice president encouraging her husband to be the first to install mezuzahs, which are inscribed with verses from the Torah, at the vice presidential residence.

Emhoff has since gone on to chair the Biden administration’s task force to combat antisemitism, a cause those close to Harris say the vice president has been deeply involved in.

However, supporters of Israel worry that the now-Democratic nominee’s support for the Jewish state has started to wane, arguing that Harris has seemingly distanced herself slightly from Biden since the conflict in Gaza began.

In March, Harris became the first administration official to call for an ‘immediate ceasefire’ in the conflict. Later that month, during an interview with ABC News, Harris became the first administration official to warn that there could be ‘consequences’ if the country went ahead with a planned invasion of Rafah.

‘We have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake,’ she told the outlet.

That interview also highlighted a potentially fraying relationship between Harris and Netanyahu, with the vice president dodging questions about whether the Israeli prime minister was an ‘obstacle to peace.’

‘I believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening in Gaza,’ Harris said in response. ‘We’ve been very clear that far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. We have been very clear that Israel and the Israeli people and Palestinians are entitled to an equal amount of security and dignity.’

The ABC News interview came after the vice president raised eyebrows earlier in the month for meeting with Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s wartime cabinet and a longtime rival of Netanyahu. According to a White House readout of the meeting, Harris ‘expressed her deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in Gaza.’

According to a report from The Associated Press, Gantz made the trip despite objections from Netanyahu.

Harris has also seemingly showed sympathy for the anti-Israel student protests that broke out across the country earlier this year, despite many Jewish students complaining that the demonstrations were antisemitic.

‘They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza,’ Harris said in an interview with The Nation earlier this month. ‘There are things some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it.’

Critics have taken note of the subtle shift, arguing that Harris has staked out a stance less supportive of Israel than Biden.

‘Biden made many mistakes regarding Israel, but he is miles ahead of Harris in terms of support for Israel,’ former Trump administration Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said during an interview with the Jerusalem Post. ‘She is on the fringe of the progressive wing of the party, which sympathizes more with the Palestinian cause.’

The evolution of Harris’ position on Israel comes amid a backdrop of Netanyahu’s visit and the vice president’s sudden ascent to the Democratic nominee for president. On Tuesday, it was revealed that Harris would not preside over Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress on Wednesday, instead opting to honor a longstanding commitment to attend the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Grand Boule in Indianapolis.

The vice president would typically reside over a joint address, but Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin has been tapped to fill the role in the absence of Harris.

An aide to Harris stressed that the vice president’s decision not to preside over the address should not be taken as a change of her stance on Israel, according to a Fox News Digital report Tuesday, with the aide noting that the vice president plans to meet with Netanyahu at the White House this week in a separate meeting from Biden’s.

The aide added Harris is expected to reiterate her stance that Israel has a right to defend itself and once again condemn the Oct. 7, 2023 attack against Israeli civilians, but will also stress the need for Israel to help improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Nevertheless, Harris’ decision to skip the event elicited immediate backlash, with one Israeli official telling the Telegraph that the vice president is ‘unable to distinguish between good and evil’ and that declining to preside over the address is ‘not a way to treat an ally.’

The decision was also condemned by Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, according to a report in the New York Post, who accused the vice president of abandoning an American ally.

‘It is outrageous to me and inexcusable that Kamala Harris is boycotting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech,’ Johnson, who will preside over the address with Cardin, said. ‘The idea that Democrats are making political calculations when our ally is in such dire straits, fighting for its very survival… is unconscionable to us.’

The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment.

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