


Vice President Kamala Harris held a brief conference with the Democratic Party’s top donors yesterday in a show of support for her running mate.

Harris spoke with approximately 300 major Democratic Party donors on Friday, telling them there was nothing to worry about within President Biden’s campaign, despite the media kerfuffle.

‘I will start by sharing something with all of you, something I believe in my heart of hearts. It is something I feel strongly you should all hear and should take with you when you leave, and tell your friends too,’ Harris told the donors, according to multiple reports. ‘We are going to win this election. We are going to win.’

‘We know which candidate in this election puts the American people first: our President, Joe Biden,’ Harris said in support of her running mate.

Harris spoke to donors via video for approximately five minutes, championing the Biden administration and sharply criticizing former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric at the Republican National Convention.

‘Let me be clear: Trump’s convention this week was one big attempt to distract people,’ Harris reportedly told donors. ‘He wants to distract attention away from his record and his Project 2025 plan. Can you believe they put it in writing? It is further empirical evidence that the stakes of this election couldn’t be higher.’

The call was intended to quell fears among party donors that backlash against Biden from within his party could prove disastrous for his campaign.

However, Harris did not take questions from the donors following her short address, causing some to wonder what the point of the communication was.

Additionally, the call came on the same day that nearly a dozen Democratic lawmakers voiced preference for Biden to drop out of the race.

Biden has been consistent and clear that he intends to stay in the race and run against Trump in November as the Democratic Party nominee.

While critics of the administration within the Democratic Party have treated Biden’s re-election bid as a decision yet to be made, the White House has been consistent and firm in its statements that he is indeed running.

‘The president’s in this race,’ Campaign Chair Jen O’Malley Dillon told the hosts of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ on Friday morning. ‘You’ve heard him say that time and time again.’

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned on Friday that Iran could produce fissile nuclear material in ‘one or two weeks’ as the State Department renews a sanctions waiver for Iraq to buy Iranian energy.

Critics were quick to blame the Biden administration for enabling Iran to pursue nuclear weapons by allowing the rogue nation to sell its oil. Biden reversed many of former President Trump’s tough sanctions against Tehran.

‘What’s breathtaking is the complete lack of self-awareness that it was his own maximum deference policy that brought us to this moment, and worse, that his solution is to double down on the failed appeasement strategy,’ Rich Goldberg, senior advisor at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and former Trump administration NSC official, told Fox News Digital.

‘Rather than snapping back the U.N. sanctions and testing maximum pressure, the administration just extended a sanctions waiver and is conducting indirect negotiations via Oman,’ Goldberg lamented. 

Blinken spoke this week at the annual Aspen Security Forum in Colorado, addressing Iran’s march toward a nuclear weapon and admitting that ‘instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, (Iran) is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that.’ 

Blinken blamed the collapse of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal – for Iran’s accelerated development. He stressed that the U.S. has not seen any evidence to suggest Iran already has a nuclear weapon, Barrons reported. 

Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri claimed that his country remained committed to the JCPOA, insisting that ‘America has not yet been able to return’ to the deal and that Iran seeks a return to the 2015 deal.

‘We are not looking for a new agreement,’ Bagheri told CNN earlier this week. ‘Neither I nor anyone else in Iran has not talked and will not talk about a new agreement. We have an agreement (signed) in 2015.’

Iran continues to receive sanctions relief through waivers that the U.S. has issued since the Trump administration in 2018, allowing Iraq to import energy from Iran for 120 days at a stretch. The latest renewal occurred on July 11 as Iraq suffered widespread power outages due to the unbearable heat overloading power grids across the country, MEHR News Agency reported. 

‘’We have renewed this waiver for the 22nd time, and it is about the department permitting Iraq to purchase Iranian electricity while Iraq continues to develop its domestic generation capacity,’’ US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said at a press briefing.

‘’It is a waiver authority that allows the purchase of electricity over a certain period of time, in this case, 120 days, so it’s permission for an activity over a period of time,’’ Patel told Iraqi news outlet Rudaw. 

‘’We have, over the past decade, seen some measurable steps of Iraq weaning off Iranian electricity,’’ Patel added. ‘Currently, we anticipate that they are relying on Iran for about 25% of their electricity. A number of years ago, that number was 40%.’

Blinken reiterated this point, saying that Iraq has doubled its domestic output, but many American politicians remain concerned that Iran benefits from these waivers and have used the funds to help continue developing their nuclear weapons program. 

The Biden administration insists that the funds remain out of reach for the Iranian government, instead funneling through third-party ‘restricted accounts’ that can only purchase food, medicine, medical devices, agricultural product and other non-sanctionable transactions.

Critics, however, argue that it displaces funding requirements for Iran and frees up the country’s spending so that money it would have otherwise put towards those purchase now goes toward funding its proxy groups and developing nuclear weapons. 

‘Let’s be honest with the American people and understand that Hamas knows, and Iran knows they’re moving money around as we speak, because they know $6 billion is going to be released. That’s the reality,’ Nikki Haley said last year when news broke that the State Department had agreed to release funds in exchange for U.S. prisoners in September. 

Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies with a focus on Iranian security and political issues, told Fox News Digital that the Biden administration has remained on ‘auto-pilot’ and pursued ‘short-sighted’ policies when it comes to Iran, at their own peril. 

‘With stories about Iran-backed plots to kill the former president and reports of weaponization related work in Tehran, the last thing Washington should be green-lighting is yet another waiver extension that permits the Islamic Republic to free up revenues to continue to underwrite more global terror and domestic nuclear expansion,’ Taleblu said. ‘It’s one thing to see the need to help wean Baghdad off of Tehran and Iranian electricity and energy, but it’s another to continue to use this as a crutch for a better policy towards both Iraq and Iran.’ 

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The Democrats seeking to remove President Joe Biden from the 2024 White House race promise that this is not a coup attempt by elites to thwart the will of their party’s primary voters, but boy, it sure looks like one.

It would be one thing if Democratic leadership en masse decided that Biden was no longer fit to serve, and with a single voice, called upon him to step down. But that is not what is happening here. The truth is, they are just worried he is going to lose the election to Donald Trump.

To avoid the metaphorical label ‘coup,’ there would have to be near unanimity and a clear and obvious emergency. This looks more like a factional battle for power. And that sounds like a coup.

Biden has a right to be furious at his old boss, Barack Obama, and the sly, Machiavellian former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as they stab him in the back with the help of Hollywood celebrities like George Clooney, and seemingly every major liberal news outlet.

The president rightly insists that he has racked up 18 million votes and won every primary. Even though the people have spoken with a clarion voice, the elites are trying to take him down.

Where is the lie? 

The latest maneuver, if you are keeping track, is for major donors to withhold money not just from Biden’s campaign, but from down-ballot races too, should the old man in the White House refuse to step aside.

Let’s think about what this really means: The powerful Democrats who seem to approve this move are all but admitting that left-wing billionaires can simply buy the Democratic nomination, the will of the people be damned. 

Maybe I missed the memo, but I thought the Democrats were trying to save democracy from Donald Trump. Apparently, one must destroy democracy to save it. Quite a novel concept, indeed.

But not everybody is on board, which is why, at least thus far, the coup is failing, and making the party look utterly disunified and rudderless.

On Friday, current Speaker Hakeem Jeffries threw Biden a lifeline, assuring that he supports the president. So Biden has the head of ‘The Squad,’ Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and the Congressional Black Caucus. Those are powerful, coup-blocking chess pieces.

By ridin’ with Biden, these Democrats are taking the chance that he can still win. And while it may be a longshot, it is far from impossible. An overwhelming ground game in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin could still work, especially if states like Virginia turn out to be fools gold for the GOP.

It’s worth thinking about what would happen then, if a successful Biden owed his entire second term, or as much of it as he can endure, to the most far-left and radical wing of his party. It is not much of a stretch to say that one of our two major parties could wind up flat-out socialist.

The funny thing about coups is that when they fail they often leave the target more powerful than he was to begin with. Should Biden’s candidacy survive, he will be bathed in the light of defiant power.

There is less than a month to go before Democrats virtually, but permanently, are due to nominate Biden ahead of their convention. If he can hang on until then, he is in like Flynn.

It will take more than leaked conversations and a handful of moderate Democrat lawmakers calling on Biden to drop out for a new nominee to be anointed. Frankly, the insurrectionists’s quiver is running on arrows.

Democratic voters, for better or worse, have chosen Joe Biden, and this effort by top party officials and billionaire donors to replace their choice may be running out of steam.

That is good news for Biden, and Republicans hope it is good news for Donald Trump. But if this election has shown us anything, it is that surprising twists and turns are to be expected. So buckle up, this thing is far from over.

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There is an increasing sense of division in the Republican Party when it comes to the U.S. posture abroad, particularly when it comes to countering Russia, as Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, joins Donald Trump as his running mate in the race for the White House.

The calls to stop military aid to Ukraine reflect a fundamental break in the party and a reversal to the long-held GOP neoconservative approach to foreign policy, which previously leaned heavily on an interventionist strategy.

Ronald Reagan famously held a ‘peace through strength’ approach, which relies on military power to preserve global stability, a policy that both the Bush administrations adhered to.

But the policies practiced by Republican Party leaders from the 1980s through the early 2000s have prompted a rise to a different approach in the GOP, a strategy not largely held since before World War II — isolationism. 

‘I do think that is a repudiation,’ Victoria Coates, a former deputy national security adviser to Trump, told Fox News Digital, pointing to the decades-long wars in the Middle East. ‘A rejection of the traditional establishment neoconservative stance, which favors military intervention to promote democracy.

‘I just don’t think that that’s been a winning formula,’ she said, noting many Republicans today agree, including Vance.

In a speech at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft in May, Vance made clear there are stark divisions in the GOP when it comes to foreign policy. 

‘We really have to get past the tired old slogans,’ Vance said. ‘The way that American foreign policy has proceeded for the last 40 years — think about the wreckage and think about the actual results.

‘People are terrified of confronting new arguments, I believe, because they’re terrified of confronting their own failure over the last 40 years.’

In his speech, Vance specifically pointed to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has been an ardent supporter of Ukraine and who became a senator the year Vance was born in 1984. 

‘Nearly every foreign policy position he’s held has actually been wrong,’ Vance claimed. 

The push by some in the Republican Party to back off aid to Ukraine stalled military supplies to the war-torn nation for six months and revealed the true extent to which Kyiv relies on the U.S. in its fight against Russia. 

While many in the GOP see Ukraine’s victory over Moscow as a vital security interest to the U.S., Vance and Trump believe it should also be Europe’s burden to shoulder. 

Unease among NATO allies over the threat of discontinued aid to Ukraine under a Trump presidency has prompted speculation that the security of Europe, and even the alliance, could be in jeopardy. 

Headlines this week reported ‘concern,’ ‘anxiety’ and a ‘nightmare’ scenario for Ukraine as Vance has unequivocally opposed continued aid to Kyiv and has instead pushed for a stronger stance when it comes to countering China. 

‘I think we should stop supporting the Ukrainian conflict,’ Vance said in May. ‘I do not think that it is in America’s interest to continue to fund an effectively never-ending war in Ukraine.

‘The second-biggest criticism I make about the war in Ukraine and our approach to it is that we are subsidizing the Europeans to do nothing.’

Trump first led the push in getting more NATO nations to meet their 2006 defense spending pledges, and the war in Ukraine has ensured that now 23 of the 32 nations are hitting the 2% GDP threshold. 

Some nations have not only hit their goals but have begun contributing well beyond their original pledge, including Poland, which contributes 4.12%. Estonia, the U.S., Latvia and Greece all give more than 3% and Lithuania contributes 2.85%.

Despite advances in international defense efforts, there is a fundamental divide in the GOP when it comes to the U.S. and its relationship with NATO. 

‘They’ve done a great job, and that’s terrific,’ Coates, vice president of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation, said. ‘Unfortunately, their scale is not enough to really move the needle. 

‘We need the big economies,’ she added, pointing to Canada, which still only contributes 1.37% of its GDP to defense spending despite being the world’s 10th largest economy. ‘That just can’t go on.’

Experts agree it is unlikely Trump would fully pull out of the NATO alliance. Though there is concern he could weaken the alliance by cutting aid to Ukraine or by pulling U.S. troops out of Europe.

But while Vance has argued ‘America can’t do everything’ and therefore should focus on the threat China poses, Hal Brands, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative-leaning think tank in Washington, D.C., argued it is not that simple.

‘U.S.-China competition is not simply a regional competition. It’s a global competition,’ he said. ‘It involves things like control of advanced technologies, as well as things like the military balance of power.’

Brand, who is also the Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, argued that the U.S. needs to maintain its European relations to leverage its influence ‘to choke off China’s access to advanced semiconductor manufacturing.’

‘Even if you think that China is the overriding priority in U.S. policy, you won’t be effective in dealing with China unless you have some degree of influence that the transatlantic relationship provides,’ he added.

There is growing concern among Republicans that adhere to a broad U.S. international presence that isolationism is on the rise, and there are security threats that that could pose. 

‘It has become all too easy to just assume that Europe would be fine after a U.S. departure. When history actually provides very little support for that idea,’ Brands said. ‘There’s long been this tendency to try to remain aloof from problems in other regions, and we saw that before World War II.’

It has long been argued that U.S. reluctance to involve itself in European affairs in the lead-up to World War II emboldened Adolf Hitler to execute his ambitions largely unchecked by the U.S. or its British and French allies, ultimately costing the Allies greatly. 

‘President Trump has said that the U.S. should not be involved in Ukraine because there’s an ocean between the U.S. and Europe. And that’s very reminiscent of American involvement you heard from the anti-interventionists in the 1930s.’

Vance has rejected the ‘isolationist’ label and said during his address at the Quincy Institute, ‘The fact that I oppose sending money that we don’t have to another country, or that borrowing money to send it is somehow, to me, that’s not isolationism.

‘That’s just fiscal conservatism.’ 

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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, has died at the age of 74 following a battle with pancreatic cancer, her office announced Friday night.

‘Today, with deep grief for our loss yet deep gratitude for the life she shared with us, we announce the passing of United States Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas,’ her office said in a statement.

Jackson Lee, who has been representing Texas’ 18th congressional district for 30 years, said last month she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

‘A fierce champion of the people, she was affectionately and simply known as ‘Congresswoman’ by her constituents in recognition of her near-ubiquitous presence and service to their daily lives for more than 30 years,’ the statement continued.

She previously battled breast cancer, having been diagnosed in 2011, before announcing the following year she was cancer free.

‘A local, national, and international humanitarian, she was acknowledged worldwide for her courageous fights for racial justice, criminal justice, and human rights, with a special emphasis on women and children,’ her office said.

Prior to her time in Congress, Jackson Lee served as a judge before she was elected to an at-large Houston City Council seat in 1989.

Last year, she ran an unsuccessful campaign for Houston mayor, losing by a wide margin to then-state Sen. John Whitmire, also a Democrat, before announcing she would seek re-election in Congress.

‘Her legislative victories impacted millions, from establishing the Juneteenth Federal Holiday to reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act,’ her office stated.

‘However, she impacted us most as our beloved wife, sister, mother, and Bebe (grandmother),’ the statement continued. ‘She will be dearly missed, but her legacy will continue to inspire all who believe in freedom, justice, and democracy. God bless you Congresswoman and God bless the United States of America.’

Lawmakers mourned the congresswoman’s death after learning of her passing Friday night.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Jackson Lee was an ‘inimitable force for change and a warrior for justice over the course of her historic, trailblazing career.

‘Sheila Jackson Lee was an accomplished legislator, passionate public servant, loving mentor and wonderful friend to so many of us in the Congressional Black Caucus and House Democratic Caucus family,’ Jeffries said in a statement. ‘I am grateful for her fearless advocacy, fierce determination, formidable service and legacy of leadership. Rep. Jackson Lee will be deeply missed by so many in her district and throughout the nation. Our prayers are with her family and loved ones during this difficult time. May she forever rest in power.’

The Congressional Black Caucus said Jackson Lee was a ‘titan’ and ‘stalwart member of Congress.’ The congresswoman was a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

‘Jackson Lee was a patriot and a fighter to the very end,’ the Congressional Black Caucus said in a statement. ‘Words cannot express the sense of loss our Caucus feels for our beloved friend. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her.’

She is survived by her husband, Elwyn Lee, and her two children, Jason and Erica.

The congresswoman’s funeral arrangements are pending.

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Newly minted Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance wrote in an X post Friday that if Democrats believe President Biden doesn’t have the mental acuity to continue to run for re-election, it would be difficult to argue he should remain president until next January.

‘If Joe Biden doesn’t have the cognitive function to run for re-election, then he certainly doesn’t have the cognitive function to remain as Commander-In-Chief,’ Vance posted. ‘How can any Dem pushing him to drop out of the presidential race, argue in good faith that he should stay on as POTUS?’

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., echoed that sentiment to reporters at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Thursday. 

‘The question is, if he’s not going to be their nominee because he’s not up to it, how can he be our president for the next six months?’ Rubio said, according to Politico. ‘If there’s something wrong with you that doesn’t allow you to run for president, how can you still be there as president? If they’re going to remove him as nominee, they’ve got to remove him as president, and that’s really bad for our country.’

Polling guru and FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver earlier this month wrote on X he also believes Biden should ‘transition the presidency to [Vice President Kamala] Harris within 30-60 days, but I’m there now. Something is clearly wrong here.’

Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash., has also called on Biden to step down. 

‘Americans deserve to feel their president is fit enough to do the job,’ she told KGW-TV. ‘The crisis of confidence in the president’s leadership needs to come to an end. The president should do what he knows is right for the country and put the national interest first.’

Increasing numbers of Democrats have called on Biden to exit the White House race after his disastrous debate performance late last month, fearing he would lose to Trump. 

Historian Alexis Coe wrote in a Rolling Stone op-ed Friday that Biden should resign to ‘preserve his legacy.’

Presidential historian Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted nine of the last 10 elections, has also said that if Biden were to drop out of the race, handing over the presidency to Harris as she replaces him on the ticket would be the Democrats’ best chance of keeping the White House in November. 

Biden and his campaign have said the president is ‘in it to win it,’ although reports have said he is reconsidering that amid increasing calls to drop out. 

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Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, joined Democrats calling on President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race on Friday evening. 

‘At this critical time, our full attention must return to these important issues. I think the President should end his campaign,’ he said in a statement on X. 

According to Brown, ‘Over the last few weeks, I’ve heard from Ohioans on important issues, such as how to continue to grow jobs in our state, give law enforcement the resources to crack down on fentanyl, protect Social Security and Medicare from cuts, and prevent the ongoing efforts to impose a national abortion ban.’

‘I agree with the many Ohioans who have reached out to me,’ he added. 

Brown is the fourth Democratic senator to press Biden to step aside and the 34th Congressional Democrat to do so. 

The Ohio Democrat is in a particularly competitive race in November, where he will face Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, who is endorsed by former President Trump. 

Non-partisan political handicapper the Cook Political Report rated the Ohio Senate race as a ‘Toss Up,’ placing it alongside races in Montana, Nevada, and Michigan. 

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President Biden’s top campaign advisors both weighed in on Friday to comment on widespread speculation surrounding the 2024 presidential race.

The first clarification came from Campaign Chair Jen O’Malley Dillon, who left no room for question during an interview with MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe.’

‘The president’s in this race,’ O’Malley Dillon told the hosts. ‘You’ve heard him say that time and time again, and I think we saw on display last night exactly why, because Donald Trump is not going to offer anything new to the American people. He’s the same person he was in 2020. He’s the same person he was at the debate stage.’

O’Malley Dillon made clear there was no question that Biden is ‘more committed than ever to beat Donald Trump’ — pushing back yet again on weeks and weeks of leaks and speculation claiming the president was close to pulling out of the race.

‘We believe in this campaign we are built for the close election that we are in, and we see the path forward,’ O’Malley Dillon continued. ‘The president is the leader of our campaign and of the country, and he is clearly in our impression, and what we’ve built, and in our engagement with voters, he’s the best person to take on Donald Trump and prosecute that case and present his vision versus what we saw last night.’

This rock-solid statement of commitment was slightly complicated just hours later by Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. — co-chair of Biden’s re-elections campaign — who said the president is ‘weighing what he should weigh.’

Coons told the press during a panel at the Aspen Institute’s Aspen Security Forum that Biden is considering ‘who is the best candidate to win in November and to carry forward the Democratic Party’s values and priorities in this campaign.’

He noted that Biden attended the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, D.C., this month after a ‘very bad debate performance’ and that the president ‘Did a press conference. Did campaign events. Did campaign rallies.’

‘And there are folks still saying he is not strong enough or capable enough to be our next president,’ he continued. ‘I disagree.’

According to Coons, ‘There is a lot of concern and anxiety about this because the stakes are so significant. The consequences of this election are profound.’

Coons walked back this somewhat shaky comment just hours later with a post to social media professing total support for Biden’s re-election effort.

‘I fully support the President. He’s told me he’s in it to win it,’ Coons wrote on social media platform X. ‘I’m with him 100% because I know he can beat Trump just like he did last time.’

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The United Nation’s top court has ruled Israel’s settlements in the Palestinian territories are illegal, and they must be removed immediately.

‘The State of Israel is under the obligation to bring an end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible,’ ICJ President Nawaf Salam said when he delivered the court’s findings on Friday, stressing that the ‘continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is illegal.’ 

The opinion is merely advisory and is not legally binding. The court specifically aimed to provide its view on Israel’s policies and practices as well as the legal status of the settlements, the BBC reported. 

The court in May demanded Israel ‘immediately halt its military offensive’ against Hamas in Rafah, the Palestinian terrorist group’s final stronghold in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly rejected the court’s conclusion, arguing in a statement posted on X that ‘Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land, including in our eternal capital Jerusalem nor in Judea and Samaria, our historic homeland.

‘No absurd opinion in The Hague can deny this historical truth or the legal right of Israelis to live in their own communities in our ancestral home.’ 

The Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a longer, more detailed statement through its spokesperson Oren Marmorstein, who posted on social media platform X that ‘Israel rejects the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that was published today regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.’ 

‘Unfortunately, the Court’s opinion is fundamentally wrong,’ Marmorstein wrote. ‘It mixes politics and law. It injects the politics of the corridors of the U.N. in New York into the courtrooms of the ICJ in The Hague.

‘The opinion is completely detached from the reality of the Middle East: While Hamas, Iran and other terrorist elements are attacking Israel from seven fronts … with the aim of obliterating it, and in the aftermath of the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, the opinion ignores the atrocities that took place on October 7, as well as the security imperative of Israel to defend its territory and its citizens,’ Marmostein continued.

‘It should be emphasized that the opinion is blatantly one-sided,’ Marmostein added. ‘It ignores the past: The historical rights of the State of Israel and the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.

‘It is detached from the present: from the reality on the ground and the agreements between the parties,’ he stressed. ‘And it is dangerous for the future: it distances the parties from the only possible solution, which is direct negotiations.’

Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and president at Human Rights Voices, told Fox News Digital the court’s opinion ‘literally throws out the Oslo Accords and U.N. Security Council resolutions.’

‘It is impossible to overstate the legal perversion from this U.N. Court,’ Bayefsky said. ‘It was read out by its president, who is a politician from Lebanon (whose name was on the ballot to be the prime minister of Lebanon in the last two elections), a country that doesn’t even recognize Israel’s right to exist. Incredibly, the court openly states it didn’t need to find any specific facts in violation of international law before reaching its conclusions, including before making the slanderous claim that Israel is guilty of the crime against humanity of apartheid. It took the court all of four mini-paragraphs to reach the apartheid conclusion.

‘The U.N. and its kangaroo court says it knows best — the same U.N. that today is controlled by a vicious antisemitic majority, elects the judges and chooses the poison, in this case, legal farce — which, make no mistake, has one goal: to devastate and destroy the Jewish state.’

Israel already suffered a legal blow from the International Criminal Court, a separate legal governing body in the Netherlands, in which Prosecutor Karim Khan filed applications for arrest warrants against Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in addition to leaders of Hamas.

The State Department did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment by the time of publication.

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Five more House Democrats on Friday joined the growing number of congressional lawmakers who have called on President Biden to drop out of the 2024 election. 

In a joint statement, Reps. Jared Huffman, D-Calif., Marc Veasey, D-Texas, Chuy Garcia, D-Illinois and Marc Pocan, D-Wisc., urged Biden to ‘pass the torch to a new generation of Democratic leaders.’ 

‘Mr. President, with great admiration for you personally, sincere respect for your decades of public service and patriotic leadership, and deep appreciation for everything we have accomplished together during your presidency, it is now time for you to pass the torch to a new generation of Democratic leaders,’ the lawmakers wrote. 

‘We must defeat Donald Trump to save our democracy, protect our alliances and the rules-based international order, and continue building on the strong foundation you have established over the past four years,’ they said.

‘At this point, however, we must face the reality that widespread public concerns about your age and fitness are jeopardizing what should be a winning campaign. These perceptions may not be fair, but they have hardened in the aftermath of last month’s debate and are now unlikely to change. We believe the most responsible and patriotic thing you can do in this moment is to step aside as our nominee while continuing to lead our party from the White House.’

Veasey is the first member of the Congressional Black Caucus, a group that has strongly backed Biden, to call for the president to step aside. 

A fifth House Democrat, Rep. Sean Casten of Illinois, separately urged Biden to drop out in an op-ed for the Chicago Tribune. 

‘It’s time for Joe Biden to pass the torch,’ Casten wrote.

‘[P]olitics, like life, isn’t fair. And as long as this election is instead litigated over which candidate is more likely to be held accountable for public gaffes and ‘senior moments,’ I believe that Biden is not only going to lose but is also uniquely incapable of shifting that conversation.’

Additionally, Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., on Friday called on Biden to suspend his presidential campaign. He is now the third Democratic senator to do so. 

‘While the decision to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is in the best interests of our country for him to step aside,’ Heinrich said in a statement. 

There are now 28 Congressional Democrats who have called on Biden to step aside. That number represents more than 10% of elected Democrats in Congress. 

Behind the scenes, more and more Democratic party officials, top donors and key Biden allies are reportedly urging the president to reconsider his decision to stay in the race. Should Biden drop out ahead of the Democratic National Committee convention in August, Vice President Kamala Harris is acknowledged to be in the best position to receive the party’s nomination — although some Democrats fear she would also lose to Trump, and prefer that a candidate unaffiliated with the current administration be nominated in an open convention.

Biden has made no public indication that he intends to step aside, and his campaign has forcefully denied all suggestions to the contrary. 

‘Absolutely the president is in this race, you’ve heard him say that time and again,’ Biden Campaign Chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said Friday on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe.’ 

‘I’m not here to say this hasn’t been a tough several weeks for the campaign, there’s no doubt that it has been, and we’ve definitely seen some slippage in support. But it has been a small movement.’

Fox News Digital’s Julia Johnson contributed to this report.

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